Time Zones

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Time Zones

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:41 am

Time is an interesting concept. Many people have problems with time. They either have too much time or not enough time. There is a saying where we live amongst many American Indians, and I happen to have the heritage, but not much Indian blood percentage. Anyway the saying is "Indian time is anytime," which typically means an Indian can show up early or late. It is interesting that when I was substitute teaching in the 1990s an Indian school was the only school that I taught at where I had to clock in to work, and that was because they had so much trouble getting the Indian teachers and other school workers to show up on time. When I say they, I mean Indians, because they were running the place, and they had that problem too, but it was so difficult to keep the place functioning that those Indians who had time problems themselves had to enforce the time issue. Another saying is that I will be back in a minute. But a minute for Indians can mean one hour, a few hours, or even a week, and it is still an "Indian minute!" My grandmother was one quarter Indian, so even though we don't have much Indian blood in us, because of our heritage and being around Indians a lot, our daughter is married to one of them, we are affected by their culture which is not bad, just different.

It is interesting that there are four time zones in the U.S.A. which means that the East Coast is three hours ahead of us. When we are getting ready for bed East Coast people have already been in bed for three hours. When we need to call a business that has a closing time, we have to call early in the afternoon, or all the employees are gone. We can get up three hours before our store time, and call a business on the East Coast and they will be working during their business hours already. When I was a little boy we didn't have daylight savings time, but now we do so that is further complicated by that factor. Not all states in the U.S. have daylight savings time, and right off the top of my head I can't remember which one do, and which ones do not.

When you, or my wife's brother in the Philippines are enjoying a shared holiday we have not gotten there yet. I have heard the time difference between us and the Philippines given as 14 hours, but that s further complicated by the different times zones here as well as by daylight savings time. It seems strange sometimes to me that I am the only one on this forum, and that is because when it is in the middle of my day here, it is in the middle of your night there. So about the only time you and I are on at the same time is at the beginning of my day, and at the end of your day. So you see me coming and going, and I see you coming and going, but we don't meet in the middle much unless you or I is sleep deprived, and that can't happen much, or for long periods of time.

I made the mistake of telling our granddaughter that we have free bandwidth from 12 midnight until 6 in the morning, and now we can't get her to go to bed because she wants to download music or movies in the night, which is not a big problem now since she is out of school for the summer, but when school starts that can't happen.

Presently here it is 9:27 a.m., and in the Philippines it is 12:27 a.m. the following day. That is a 13 hour difference affected by the time zone we live in and daylight savings time. This all seems very intriguing. If you are up you are missing your sleep, and I am in the middle of my morning. If I kept my regular sleeping schedule, and arrived in the Philippines now I wouldn't care to sleep,but I would want to sleep while you were up for your day, until I aclimated to the time you are keeping, then we would be in sync. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Time Zones

Postby m&m » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:21 pm

When you want to chat with your penpal abroad, better know the time difference. Maybe better buy two wall clock :roll: :roll: :roll: , one is your time and the other is the time of your penpal. so that you wont miss your chatting on line. But if you have lots of chatmates :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: better buy as much as you can :lol: :lol: :lol: then schedule them after 30 minutes. Hmmmmm why i know these things :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Sorry guys, i sleep early in the evening before 9pm Philippine time so i don't chat much. And in the morning i have my walking exercise as much as i can so i cant stay long. :P :P :P :P
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Re: Time Zones

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:08 am

m&m wrote:When you want to chat with your penpal abroad, better know the time difference. Maybe better buy two wall clock :roll: :roll: :roll: , one is your time and the other is the time of your penpal. so that you wont miss your chatting on line. But if you have lots of chatmates :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: better buy as much as you can :lol: :lol: :lol: then schedule them after 30 minutes. Hmmmmm why i know these things :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Sorry guys, i sleep early in the evening before 9pm Philippine time so i don't chat much. And in the morning i have my walking exercise as much as i can so i cant stay long. :P :P :P :P

Carol did have two clocks on a google page, and one of them was the Philippines for her brother, and the other one was for Australia for our grandson. We don't have that up now, but I have a couple of pages I found using google that all I have to do is click on the page and it tells me the my time, and the time most anywhere in the world. Before we found the time that way, she would try to estimate what time it was to communicate with her brother, or to figure when his birthday or his holidays were.

Our twin daughters have always been early to bed and early to rise. The one that lives here usually goes to bed at 8:30 p.m., and she also gets up like at 5:30 or so a.m. The other daughter, not the twins, is a night person. I worked from early evening until 2:00 a.m. in saw mills for six years during the late 1970s. My natural inclination is to stay up late, and then get up late, and that does not always work the best. I require less sleep than I used to and less sleep than Carol. I am usually up later than she, and I get up earlier than she does as a general rule. The talking bird that our granddaughters brought with them when they moved in with us wakes us up early, exept when we moved him away from the sliding glass door he doesn't make as much noise, and does less squawking in the morning. He usually wants something when he is sqwaking, like his cage door opened, or more feed. He spends most of his time on top of his cage.

I have been walking the big dog anywhere between 3 and 5 miles each evening. It is good for the dog, and he really looks forward to it, and it is good for me too. The dog's ower's older sister, the 17 year old talked like she is going to walk him earlier in the day. She walked him as far as the cattle guard and couldn't figure out how to get acrossed it with the dog. If she wants to cross that cattle guard I will take a board down there and leave it, so that she and he can walk across on that board.

We are going to town early in the morning as the doctor needs to check Carol's blood for her diabetes, and I will paint a porch floor, and the new steps I just recently built. The insurance company told me to replace the steps or I would lose my insurance on the house. It is very reasonable insurance, so even though I had never built steps before I learned quickly and built them. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Time Zones

Postby mona » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:09 am

different places different time zone. how many hours difference Philippines and U.S.A.?
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Re: Time Zones

Postby Chas » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:57 am

mona wrote:different places different time zone. how many hours difference Philippines and U.S.A.?

You need to give us at least a US State to enable us to answer this question. I am not from the US so others will need to correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are at least 3 time zones for mainland USA. Not sure if Alaska is in the same time zone as the rest of the Pacific coast States and of course Hawaii must have its own time zone.
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Re: Time Zones

Postby cougarkharne » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:22 am

I am from the UK Time Zone Zero ( HeHeHe ) GMT 0. As Far as I Know, The USA has 6 Time zones. Eastern Time Zone EDT ( east coast ), Central Time Zone CDT ( central usa ), Mountain time Zone MDT , Pacific Time Zone PDT ( west coast), Also there is a time zone for Alaska AKDT, and the virgin islands which includes Hawai HST. So to calculate the time differance, Philippines is gmt + 8, UK is gmt 0, EDT gmt - 5, CDT gmt - 6, MDT gmt - 7, PDT gmt - 8, AKDT gmt - 9, HST gmt - 11. below are the time diferrances between the US and the Philippines for each time zone.

(Daylight Saving Time : DST)

EDT is 13 hours in winter 12 hours in summer DST
CDT is 14 hours in winter 13 hours in summer DST
MDT is 15 hours in winter 14 hours in summer DST
PDT is 16 hours in winter 15 hours in summer DST
AKDT is 17 hours in winter 16 hours in summer DST
HST is 19 hours in winter 18 hours in summer DST

When we have DST, we just Add or subtract one hour, move our clocks back or forward depending if it is winter ( add 1 hour ) or summer ( subtract 1 hour ). Remember The Philippines like the rest of ASIA do not follow Daylight saving. ;) ;) ;)
Last edited by cougarkharne on Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Time Zones

Postby tom » Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:16 pm

mona wrote:different places different time zone. how many hours difference Philippines and U.S.A.?

for example, if your chat friend lives in virginia (in the usa) then right now (in the summertime... EDT) when it is 9 a.m in manila... it is 9 p.m. in virginia.... but in the wintertime the clocks in virginia return to EST (this happens on sunday november 7... this year), so that THEN (after nov. 7th) when it is 9 a.m. in manila, it will be 8 p.m. in virginia... until sunday march 13, 2011 when EDT will return and the times in manila and virginia will return to being 12 hours apart... yes, it is a little complicated :shock: :lol: :lol: ..... as chas wrote, we really need to know the exact location (city and state) to answer your question :) :)
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Re: Time Zones

Postby Chas » Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:56 pm

tom wrote:
mona wrote:different places different time zone. how many hours difference Philippines and U.S.A.?

for example, if your chat friend lives in virginia (in the usa) then right now (in the summertime... EDT) when it is 9 a.m in manila... it is 9 p.m. in virginia.... but in the wintertime the clocks in virginia return to EST (this happens on sunday november 7... this year), so that THEN (after nov. 7th) when it is 9 a.m. in manila, it will be 8 p.m. in virginia... until sunday march 13, 2011 when EDT will return and the times in manila and virginia will return to being 12 hours apart... yes, it is a little complicated :shock: :lol: :lol: ..... as chas wrote, we really need to know the exact location (city and state) to answer your question :) :)

So the moral of the story is - pick a boyfriend from the UK not the USA. Life is just so much simpler :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (Sorry Tom, could not resist it. :lol: )

It does not help that I am so bad at Maths :oops:
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Re: Time Zones

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:05 am

iGoogle has I think the possibility of 3 clocks from various parts of the world. I also found by searching a site that has a world map with each time zone listing the current time. :) :) :) :)
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Re: Time Zones

Postby cougarkharne » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:35 am

Chas is right the UK is a lot easier. One time zone making it simple to remember the time of your friend. 8 hours behind you in winter and 7 hours behind you in the summer. The USA has 6 seperate time zones. can be very confusing,and frustrating as the shortest time diferrance is 12 hours the longest is 19 hours. ;) ;) ;)

P.S. Anyone heard of " sleepless in Seattle " :lol: :lol: :lol:
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