What kind of music do you like?

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What kind of music do you like?

Postby Smiley » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:10 am

What I mean is, what is your favorite type(or types) of music? Not just "I like all kinds",as That is a weak non committal response. There are no right or wrong answers here, just personal preference. The type of music you like can say a lot about yourself to another person, don`t you think?
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby Smiley » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:16 am

As for me My greatest preference is the blues. I also like a lot of classic rock,some country,some jazz,and some classical,and some alternative,but I would have to say that my deepest appreciation is for the blues.
OK,thats my start, how `bout you folks?
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:40 pm

Different people enjoy different types of music. My first love of music is for sacred or hymns/church music. I can enjoy most music except for some of the more recent music that lacks harmony, timing, and is mostly just noise. We enjoyed listening to country western music a lot, but our daughter pointed out that the themes of that music are not alway wholesome, and she probably has a point. We love Christmas music, and I think probably most people do. It is seasonal music, such as Easter music. Of course I think we listen to, sing, and play Easter music out of season more than we do Christmas music. Every time I get another chruch hymn/song book to play I come across the Christmas music, and I play it no matter what time of the year it is. As for styles of music, some people like the more mellow soft flowing music than the percussive type music. Carol likes the rich harmony, and the smooth flowing music. She doesn't care for the percussive music, but I enjoy the beat, so I like the percussive music. I have a tendency to enjoy the music loudly as long as it doesn't hurt my ear drums. Of course using the dynamics is effective, to play or sing some sections very quietly, then to play or sing others loudly. Some would think it would be monotonous to play or sing the entire song at the same dynamic level. Some pianos are quite unless you really romp on those keys, and those pianos allow a wider range of dynamics, because you play very quietly for a number of bars, and then you really pound of the keys for emphasis. It is intersting because at times I find myself playing, "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling," and I am playing it very loudly! Dynamics makes any music more enjoyable to listen to. Enjoy listening to the Christmas music this time of the year. Merry Christmas to all! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby chaychay644 » Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:01 am

For me it depends, when its time for me to sleep..I would listen to Love songs because it helps me fall asleep right away..other than that, I prefer listening to Hip Hop music..
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:08 pm

Yes, ChayChay, the love songs are great, soothing and gives you warm feelings. I took a Jazz music class for my teaching certificate a couple of years ago or so, and I enjoyed it very much. I studied about and listened to lots of different kinds of music. I enjoyed the really old roots of the Jazz music, the early Jazz, the swing music, the bebop music, the rock and roll, the black style of gospel music, and other styles and types. I was not too fond of the avant-garde, funk fusion, and some of the later stuff, since all the electronic equipment came into vogue. I like all the old styles with the acoustic instruments. Some musicians I think consentrated on coming up with music that would run against the enjoyment of most people who enjoyed music. For a while some of the musicians thought of themselves as artists, and they didn't care whether people enjoyed their music or not, and for some of them I think the more distasteful their music was for most people the better they liked it. Some of musicians prided themselves on how fast they could play the music, or how many odd sounds they could incorporate into the music. I enjoy the beat very much. I also enjoy melodic flowing music. I also like harmonic or good sounding music that had good sounds that matched with each other and complimented each other. I like our harmonic scale of sharps, flats, and naturals. It is true also that whole steps in sounds, and other scales are used effectively. I think too it is what you get used to hearing, because I enjoy listening and playing Bill and Gloria Gaither's music, and it has some very clashing sounds that I enjoy. The same is true for Andre Crouch, Ralph Carmichael, John Peterson, and others. As soon as I see Don Hustad's name I immediately think I am not going to like this music and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised, as I do like some of his musical pieces. He was a great musician and the editor and compiler for Hope Publishing company for years, but I think don't like most of his music. Fred Bock is another music writer that I don't care for most of his music. I enjoy Stuart Hamlin, Marsha Stevens, C. Austin Miles, Fanny Crosby, Mrs. Joseph Knapp, Philip Bliss, Wendell P. Loveless, Jack Wyrtzen, Robert Lowry, Charles Wesley, Johnny Lange, William Walford, William Bradbury, Manie Ferguson, Helen Lemmel, Daniel Iverson, Doris Akers, and too many others to keep naming them. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:07 am

music is good, I love mellow one. Sometimes, if i cant sleep , i try to play christian music. It is very good for the soul. I love to hear Baptist Favorite Songs Hymnal.
Before, I can study lessons if there is music but then lately, I cannot concentrate what I am doing if there is music. Really, change things as we grow up. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby MikeP92563 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:58 am

I like music from the the 70's (minus the disco) and the early 80's. Those were great times for sure :) Growing up with Aerosmith, Led Zepplin and Santana....Priceless
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:56 am

Yes, Crisi, the Favorite Songs Hymnal is a good one. I have and enjoy a number of Baptist song books. I have several by the Broadman Press, Hope Publishing Company, and Tabernacle which was purchased by the Hope Publishing Company, as well as others purchased by that company. I have the hymnals of many denominations, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, and others. I have Songs of Victory by the Southern Baptist Convention. I also have Songs you Love No. 2, Favorite Gospel Songs Used on the Back to the Bible Broadcast. I have Great Songs of the Gospel by the Moody Press. I have 3 Singspiration Song books also.

There is dinner music and elevator music, and I'm not sure what that means even. Good music has a calming effect. Good music is great and peaceful. Sometimes a person can consentrate with music, and other times it is difficult. But Good music is always good. :D :D :D :D

I just finished playing out of the Selected Gospel Songs, Number two, and it had some very nice all church hymns/songs. I have just started playing out of The American Hymnal which I purchased somewhere for $1.00. To me it is worth $30.00 at least. In its day it belonged to the Frist Baptist Chruch in Sedro Woolley, Washington, which is north of Seattle, Washington a few miles South of the Canadian Border. In the inside covers are "The Doxology," and "Gloria Patri." It has two scriptures on those pages: Psalm 149:1; "Praise ye the Lord, Sing unto the Lords a new song, and his praise in the congregation of Saints." The second page had Psalm 148:1; Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely." This church hymn/song book says that it is for English Speaking People Everywhere. It is containing the best loved and most commonaly used old standard chruch hyms, the most popular Gospel songs and a wealth of New Songs, but are they new? The book was copyrighted in 1933, so they would be songs that my parents and grandparents sang, and my grandparents probablly did sing them as they were Baptist people. The book was compiled and edited by Robert H. Coleman. The Broadman Press, successor to Robert H. Coleman from Dallas, Texas did the book publishing. In the foreward it says, "People sing out their feelings just as really as they talk them out. We love the Grand Old Hymns and find joy in encourageing their use more and more." It does not matter to me that this hymn/song book was produced in 1933, I love it very much anyway, and it ministers to my soul! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby red » Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:49 pm

When i was younger i like those in the mainstream. But now rarely i can like those that are in the mainstream with exception to Adele i like her songs. She won lots of Grammy Awards this year. I like gospel music and classical for my daughters. But my eldest likes Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. I am amazed at her young age she likes them already.
I also like classic rock and blues and jazz. My all time favorites Led Zeppelin, Nazareth, America etc. But I don't listen classic rock always depends on the mood. I once like Aerosmith during my college days i cant believe i liked them once ha ha! wow, Steven Tyler what a mouth there! Those girl solo like Alanis Morissette oh well college days, but still like her til these days.
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Re: What kind of music do you like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:14 pm

We have always liked church music as we listened to more of that than anything else. We listened to a lot of Country Western music, but someone pointed out that the lyrics are often not that uplifting. We used to like to listen to and watch Johny Cash on the television. We liked Hee Haw, with all their musicians. We like gospel and sacred music the best actually. There are some beautiful songs out there too. Oh, yes, and then there is easy listening music, whatever that means also. It is fun to listen to the Negro Spiritual music as well. Some of the old jazz and blues music is fun to listen to also. :D :D :D :D
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