Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

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Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:31 am

Okay, I am not married, but want to talk about these things. About how will you be like as a husband and a wife to your future respective mates. Okay, married couples are invited to share their thoughts about this matter since they are full of wisdom about this.

Okay, this is what I believe. Marriage is not for kids, it is for mature person - emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It takes guts and maturity. While you are married, it is not like eating rice or food and if it taste bitter, you will spew out of your mouth. Now, I am not married, but I take my singleness as an opportunity to be a better wife or husband. i enjoy things as single and practice things married couple are doing like taking care of kids, doing household chores, treating your elders with respect and be good in communication with them.

Now, what are the roles of a wife or the husband in the family? how will you treat your partner in the future? how about your children? what plan do you have in the future? Like, how many kids you will have? How will you provide the family for the husband? Many things to consider and talk to.

For me here are the things I would like to do as a wife in the future and how will I treat my husband and children.

> I will be faithful to my future husband and submissive to him. While dating, I see to it that I will be faithful to him. That means that I will not fool him or give him frustration at heart.

> I will be a good wife by taking care of my husband, how? I will cook him food, I will prepare his needs at work, I will be sweet to him and willing to sacrifice for him for the glory of God.

> It is my prayer to be a devoted wife. I will be loyal to my future husband no matter what people would say. He is my husband that I should protect him.

> I would be willing to help him make a living and willing to work to share the expenses. I believe that it is also best to work together because life could be easier. I would be glad if my husband will say to me to just take care of him and our future kids and be a house wife. That would be fine to me.

> It is my prayer to be of comfort, encouragement, and be a good listener to my husband. This is what I have difficulty when misunderstanding about the matter, I can hardly be a listener but I pray that God will change my heart.

>I believe there is no perfect wife or husband, but one thing i promise to be at most perfect.

> I will support my husband's concern and willing to be what he knows is right thing to do. I will not cheat him or take advantage of him. I pray that God will give me a pure heart to love him forever without reservation. I love him not because of what he has, but because of who he is.

> I will be a loving mother to our future kids if God will bless us with children. I would nurture my children in the word of God and be of a good encouragement to them.

I have so much thing to write, and I believe that all that desires can only be achieved by the grace of God.

Now, it is your turn everyone to share your thoughts and ideas about this matter. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby fenmoor » Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:58 am


Nice post Crissi... Remember your other thread when you ask why a Filipina? I thin if you wil read the post right above mine, you will find out why! :D :D :D :D

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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby Edwin » Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:09 pm

The husband is to be the spiritual leader of the family. I have not always done the best at that while the kids were growing up because of work responsibilities. I was accused of favoring the youngest child, but I thought she needed protected from her sisters. She told me that they used to have fist fights with each other, and I was right in protecting her, but they still resent that. It is important for the husband/father to love his wife and the children, give them comfort and support. I think it is best for the husband and wife and the children to all work together to support each other, to make life happier and easier. Crisi, you have some really wonderful ideas about this! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby red » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:31 am

Me and my husband are partners always a team. Be role model to kids. When couples are sweet and loving to each other the kids will learn to value relationship and they follow and always proud that they love mom and dad and so to her/his sibling/s. House management is should be for the wife. BUdgeting too. Husband is major contributor of finances and wife is always welcome if she can. For kids we prepared their future like education plan. Won't control what would they want when they grow up but can guide. Enhance their skills where they are good at. And mostly guide them spiritually. God is the center of the family. Discipline is a must. Face on the wall or time out always works well to our girls my husband applies that. I am more on talking, warning then when it's time for spanking we go. pak pak. :lol:
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby Edwin » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:44 pm

It is the husband's place to be the leader, so the wife is to walk at least 6 feet behind her husband! No, I am kidding! Actually Carol gets really mad at me because I follow her, and she tells me walk beside me. I tell her if I am walking beside you and I don't know which way you will turn, you might run over me! I do like to stay behind, just barely in the store, because I don't always know which way Carol is going to turn, but she doesn't like that anyway, but wants me right beside her. My Dad always said, don't keep threatening kids, but tell them, then if they don't listen discipline them, but don't keep nagging at them. Tell them and expect them to do it, and if they don't give them the consequences. Make sure they understand though so that they will be treated fairly. Some people don't understand money. They spend everything they have on things they don't need, then they wonder why they don't have enough money for what they need. Working together for the greater good is important! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby red » Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:17 am

Edwin wrote:It is the husband's place to be the leader, so the wife is to walk at least 6 feet behind her husband! No, I am kidding! Actually Carol gets really mad at me because I follow her, and she tells me walk beside me. I tell her if I am walking beside you and I don't know which way you will turn, you might run over me! I do like to stay behind, just barely in the store, because I don't always know which way Carol is going to turn, but she doesn't like that anyway, but wants me right beside her. My Dad always said, don't keep threatening kids, but tell them, then if they don't listen discipline them, but don't keep nagging at them. Tell them and expect them to do it, and if they don't give them the consequences. Make sure they understand though so that they will be treated fairly. Some people don't understand money. They spend everything they have on things they don't need, then they wonder why they don't have enough money for what they need. Working together for the greater good is important! :D :D :D :D

That means you follow your wife and that is good. You are just like my husband Sir Ed, when we are at grocery store he is always behind like a body guard and driver of cart. It's okay but yes I agree with your wife we want our husband be beside us all the time...he he...
There is this saying when times of trouble said: dont worry im always behind you. I disagree on that what if the attacker is in front of me then you can't defend me. It should be: I am always here beside you. I like that way.
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby Edwin » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:40 am

I tell Carol that I never know which way she is going to turn, but she doesn't buy that idea, as she wants me beside her anyway. When Carol, our daughter, our granddaughter, and I are in the store together, it is a different situation. I have to keep up with the kids so I will know which way they are going, but Carol can't walk as fast as they can, so she is behind, but she doesn't like that either. We have compromised, and we keep closer together now. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:03 am

Most of marriages here in the Philippines, the man will be the provider, the wife is to do the domestic work and take care of the children and also the husband.

But I have seen some married couple here that the husband is so much caring for the wife. He also do the laundry when the wife is not able to do so, he cook also and clean the house. What a wonderful heart of the husband who also thinking about the wife.

Some of married couple also work together for the family. They work hard to provide the family. But I do no believe that it is important to nurture the children to grow in the Lord. Personal time together with family is very important though. :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:21 pm

Here in the USA it used to be much like it is now in the Philippines with the husband working to earn the living while the wife does the domestic work, takes care of the children and the husband. Probably since WWII more wives started working. Then they hire baby sitters, or lately they send their children to a day care center. My older sister's kids were raised by baby sitters. We were there for our childen instead of having someone else raise them. I have done all those household chores at one time or another, and yes, it is very nice for the husband to help the wife with some of those things. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Husband and Wife - What Are Your Roles in the Family?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:47 pm

I still remember a nursery rhyme that we read in the 1st grade in school. It had a picture of a skinny, skinny man, and an over weight woman. The rhyme went, "Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean, so you see, betwixt them they licked the platter clean!" Do you like that one? There are quite a few other rhymes that were interesting, and I still remember many of them. :D :D :D :D
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