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Postby Smiley » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:33 pm

We all probably have had someone very close to you fight a battle with cancer.I have lost several friends and family members to it and have a daughter that is permanently altered because of her fight with the disease.
I don`t want to center Edwin out but he is going through a frightening wait to hear the results of his recent biopsy. This would be a wonderful time to keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
With that being said I want to share something with you all:
You don`t have to be afraid of cancer any longer. The cure is known and within reach of just about anybody.I have been part of a group sharing information and support to anyone in need of cancer treatment.
One man,Rick Simpson,is a guy that lived very close to me when I was in Nova Scotia. (google him). Rick has been pioneering treating cancer with cannabis oil.The success rate is phenomenal and without dangerous side effects.
The governments of the world are well aware of the medicinal properties of cannabis and are fighting a losing battle to keep the public in the dark about it.
In 1972 President Nixon commissioned the University Of Virginia to conduct a study to prove that marijuana caused cancer ,This was to fuel his "War On Drugs".In 1974 the study was complete but to the governments dismay it did not establish marijuana caused cancer at all.In fact,in study after study it was observed that cancer cells ,when exposed to cannabis extract,would quickly die with absolutely no damage to non-cancerous cells.
I have a couple friends that have been declared terminal and given only weeks to live totally erase cancer and regain their health.One woman's doctor said that If he had not known her when she had cancer he would be unable to tell today.
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Re: Cancer

Postby Smiley » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:42 pm

If anyone would like more information just ask and I will send you links to appropriate information. I will not post links on this thread without permission of the site administrators.I am not aware of any violation of site policy,I just don`t want to push too hard. For now I will restrict myself to fulfilling any request for information or answering questions as I am able to.
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:07 pm

Yes, Smiley they did the same thing to me a year and a half ago. I got one of these biopsies, and then I had an appointment to see the doctor to be told the news, but a nurse told me over the telephone which she was not supposed to, because she said that she didn't want to make me wait until the doctor got back from his vacation so I could learn the results. I am confident that I don't have cancer this time either, but you never know, and that is why they did the biopsy. A week from yesterday I will hear from the doctor what the results were. I would have heard a week ago, but our winter storm/snow, blizzard, wind, deep drifted snow would not allow us to get the car out of here to go. One doctor's appointment the fuel pump failed, and this time the snow, and you never know. I do know that I have stones on my prostate, and the doctor a year and a half ago told me that it was growing again, but no cancer from that, although that alone can cause your PSA to be elevated. So, a few more days, and I will know. Apart from that everything works, and I feel as good as ever, so hopefully it will be good news! The doctor told me a year ago that I would need another one of those TURP proceedures, and then a few weeks later, he told me no, but they were going to watch me to see how I did. I will be okay the rest of my life as long as I don't have cancer! :D :D
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Re: Cancer

Postby mystic » Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:12 pm

Interesting to know... despite it is very forbidden in my country. However, I heard about many alternative remedies, from baking soda to sound waves.
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:05 am

I think from hear many people go down to Mexico to get other treatments that are not sanctioned here in the USA. People also go up to Canada, but I'm not sure they do that as much as they go to Mexico. I do know that some people go from here to Canada to buy the same perscriptions drugs and they buy them much cheaper in Canada. I have a cousin with diabetes who drives to Canada to get his insulin. We don't make a lot of money, so we qualify to get free insulin. We don't qualify for anything else for free, but I think part of it is that it is health related, and I think it is the company that produces the insulin that gives it to us for free, and otherwise it is really expensive! We fill out an application, send them proof of our social security income, and then we qualify for one year. Within a few days we will need to reapply again, and then we should get the insulin free for another year. Carol also gets here strips and machine to test her blood glucose level on a regular basis, and I think that comes from some part of Medicare. Carol takes a lot of medication, perscription, and we get it from a wholesale, membership, grocery and they sell all kinds of things actually from furniture to tires, and everything you can imagine. We have membership with them, and we get a lot of groceries fairly reasonable from them. Carol also gets her perscriptions drugs from them cheaper than we could get them any place else, including getting them from pharmacies approved by Medicare. We were getting ripped off by Plan D, Medicare approved pharmacies, until we woke up and decided to return to getting her medications from Costco Pharmacy. We get them before Carol turned 65, and taking so many medication we thought Medicare would provide great savings! But, think again! We started getting ripped off with Medicare's help, and like I say we woke up and returned to getting them from Costco Pharmacy at a much more reasonable price! I didn't realize how badly they were over charging us until I did our income tax return, and then I discoved how much more we were paying after using Medicare approved Pharmacies! :D :D
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:57 am

Thank you so much to all of you who have been concerned and for all of you who have prayed for me! The biopsy results show that I am cancer free! My brother told me that they would be testing me for the rest of my life, and he is a prophet because what he said is coming true! October or 2005 I had a TURP, surgically cutting away part of my prostate. They didn't ruin me, in fact the doctor made it so my urination has worked well ever since! Sex has not been damaged either, as it still works! June 18, 2011 one morning while digging and pounding with a rock bar, I had the urge to urinate. When I did, for the first time since my TURP to my horror I was bleeding internally and it was mixing with my urine! I tried to go see the doctor, but the fuel pump failed just 8 miles down the road on the way to see the doctor, so I didn't get there until a couple of weeks or so later. The doctor told me that they were going to examine my kidneys and bladder with a CT Scan, give me a clean bill of health, and send me home! After that examination, and him looking me over inside and out, behind and front, including digital mearsurements and examination with the scope inserted inside me, I was told that I had stones growing on the prostate, and that because it was growing again I would need another TURP. Well, the doctor changed his mind about that for which I am thankful. A few days later I got a call telling me that my PSA was elevated, it was 4.2, and because I had been bleeding as well I would need to have a prostate biopsy! Well, that was a horrible experience for me, but I survived it. My PSA went to 4.6, then to 5.6, and then to 6.4, or somethink like that, so another biopsy was done. Because the pronounced increase in the PSA numbers they had me worrying as well. I tried to get them to tell me the results on the telephone like they did before, but they refused, so I had to wait for the doctor's appointment. They sat me in a small room all by myself, and I waited for what seemed to be an eternity thinking, "Now what is going to be my reaction if the doctor comes in here and tells me I have cancer!" Then what will the treatment be? How long will I live? How much will I suffer? But the doctor came in, shook my hand, and said, "I have good news! You don't have cancer!" I told him to keep bringing me news like that! So, the doctor told me that in six more months we will have another PSA, and then we will go from there. So, I expect good news from now on and forever! My brother told me, "No testing for me!" He is 76 years old, and he does not want any tests to tell him whether or not he has cancer! I am going to follow the doctor's ideas and let him test me, because I want to know, but I want good news!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cancer

Postby Chas » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:53 am

Really pleased to hear your good news Edwin. Let us hope 2013 keeps getting better and better :)

Have you started scanning the internet for good value plane tickets to the Philippines?
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Re: Cancer

Postby crisipicada » Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:03 am

Edwin wrote:Thank you so much to all of you who have been concerned and for all of you who have prayed for me! The biopsy results show that I am cancer free! My brother told me that they would be testing me for the rest of my life, and he is a prophet because what he said is coming true! October or 2005 I had a TURP, surgically cutting away part of my prostate. They didn't ruin me, in fact the doctor made it so my urination has worked well ever since! Sex has not been damaged either, as it still works! June 18, 2011 one morning while digging and pounding with a rock bar, I had the urge to urinate. When I did, for the first time since my TURP to my horror I was bleeding internally and it was mixing with my urine! I tried to go see the doctor, but the fuel pump failed just 8 miles down the road on the way to see the doctor, so I didn't get there until a couple of weeks or so later. The doctor told me that they were going to examine my kidneys and bladder with a CT Scan, give me a clean bill of health, and send me home! After that examination, and him looking me over inside and out, behind and front, including digital mearsurements and examination with the scope inserted inside me, I was told that I had stones growing on the prostate, and that because it was growing again I would need another TURP. Well, the doctor changed his mind about that for which I am thankful. A few days later I got a call telling me that my PSA was elevated, it was 4.2, and because I had been bleeding as well I would need to have a prostate biopsy! Well, that was a horrible experience for me, but I survived it. My PSA went to 4.6, then to 5.6, and then to 6.4, or somethink like that, so another biopsy was done. Because the pronounced increase in the PSA numbers they had me worrying as well. I tried to get them to tell me the results on the telephone like they did before, but they refused, so I had to wait for the doctor's appointment. They sat me in a small room all by myself, and I waited for what seemed to be an eternity thinking, "Now what is going to be my reaction if the doctor comes in here and tells me I have cancer!" Then what will the treatment be? How long will I live? How much will I suffer? But the doctor came in, shook my hand, and said, "I have good news! You don't have cancer!" I told him to keep bringing me news like that! So, the doctor told me that in six more months we will have another PSA, and then we will go from there. So, I expect good news from now on and forever! My brother told me, "No testing for me!" He is 76 years old, and he does not want any tests to tell him whether or not he has cancer! I am going to follow the doctor's ideas and let him test me, because I want to know, but I want good news!!!! :lol: :lol:

That is a good news to all of us! Hope that all is well with you, Sir Edwin!
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Re: Cancer

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:32 pm

Thanks, Crisi and Chas for rejoicing with me, and for the well wishes also! I wish the the same for you and all others here too! Yes, this is a New Year with new hopes and dreams! May all your dreams come true!

Chas, I do that periodically along with my dreaming! It is fun to dream, but it will be so much more fun to actually do it, and the day will come that I will, the Lord willing, and I'm sure He is!

Just this morning I got a Friends Forever thing on facebook from a sister-in-law, one of whom I was with in the Philippines, and a wrote and told her again how much fun it was to be with all of them in 2010! It feels really good after you make friends to know that they don't forget you as well! Good friends add something very valuable to life!

Blessings! :D :D
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Re: Cancer

Postby Smiley » Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:18 pm

Finally,,,some good news.Enjoy life with that weight off of your shoulders. ;)
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