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Postby Edwin » Mon May 13, 2013 8:45 pm

We all have our own ideas, and sometimes they are so set that conflicts and fights evolve with other people. When we have strong ideas, and someone contradicts those ideas it is difficult not to be defensive! I like to be right, and when I know that I am right I like no one to contest my ideas. Of course I am not always right. To save getting into fights sometimes I have to say to myself, I know I am right, but I also have to say nothing to save a fight. Some people think they know everything, and when they are wrong I like to set them straight, but I am learning that for peace to happen I have to allow some people to think they are right, even when I know they are not! Well, that isn't what I intended to say, but it came out! Now for what I intended to say.

I was really intending to write about dog fights! Dogs are funny! We take our doggie Rand down to our youngest daughter's house any time we go to town because she and our granddaughter love doggies, and they don't mind at all. Our granddaughter has a little long bodied, short legged doggie, a Korgy type, and he loves to play with Rand, but Rand doesn't want to be played with. Henry bites Rand in the mouth, and Rand screws up his face, rolls his eyes, and growls! No harm, just an evil look and bad sounds. Ringo decides that he needs to protect Henry, so he goes to growling and barking. If someone doesn't stop Ringo he will attack Rand. Ringo also sits by the dog food sack and growls if Rand comes close to it! If someone doesn't watch closely there will be a fight, dog fight. Our daughter has a doggie, which I think is a pit bull boxer mix. That doggie, Spike, cannot be left alone at all with Ringo, because they attack each other, and the last time they were accidentally allowed together for one minute, they tore each other's legs up, until the blood was running, and open wounds were there. Our daughter got bitten trying to seperate them. That is the reason I have Ringo here with me these two weeks that our daughter is gone to California, because of that, and Carol nor our granddaugther either one are strong enough to pull the apart. I have had Ringo here with me one week, and I have gotten into trouble with my neighbors, our daughter here, once because Ringo was barking! Our daughter her cannot stand to listen to a dark bark. I kind of enjoy liestening to them barking, as long as there is a reason that they are barking, and it does not go on and on! I told Carol about the barking problem, and she told me to close the windows and let them bark, and that seemed to work. :D :D
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Mon May 13, 2013 9:00 pm

Scooby and Ringo normally get along really well, so I didn't expect any fighting from them, but the unexpected happened. I was using the water in the back that is being pumped out of the cellar to water a tree, a rose bush, and a rasberry bush. I was holding the hose, and Ringo loves water, so he was jumping, biting the water coming out of the hose, almost choking himself, and having a wonderful time. I would move the water hose around and Ringo would chase it drinking the water out of the hose. I don't know why, but that made Scooby feel aggressive, and he got Ringo down, and against the fence and acted like he was going to kill him! Then Rand joined in and was biting Ringo through the fence! I reached down, grabbed Scooby's neck collar, and pulled him off from Ringo, and everything was fine then.

Rand is jealous of Ringo, so one night he would not let Ringo come through the door, and I had to do some yelling at them to get them apart! The other fight was when Ring was guarding the food, and Rand came too close to it. I now feed them at different times, so there are no conflicts. When Rand got close to the food, Ringo attacked him, and the fight started so visciously that I was afraid to use my hands. I felt badly to do it, but I started kicking them, not hard enough to hurt them, but it separated them right away.

While I am walking with Rand and Scooby I put Ringo in the dog kennel, because I don't want him in the house with me not here, and I don't want to take the chance that he might get out of the yard. The first time I put him in the kennel he spread his front paws and wouldn't let me put him in, so I put him on his back backwards, and shoved him in the kennel tale in first! Then I started offering treats to make him feel better about it. Then after a few times, he got up, went right in the kennel on his own, so he is learning! I love the dogs even if they have some problems, and even make some problems! Carol and I both are doggie lovers! :D :D
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Mon May 13, 2013 9:31 pm

I was just in the back yard with all three of the doggies, our two, and Ringo. They all wanted attention except that Ringo just wanted to play with the water! Scooby doesn't understand Ringo getting so excited about water, so I have to be careful playing with him with the water, so that Scooby will keep calm! Doggies are funny! :D :D
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Re: Fighting

Postby red » Tue May 14, 2013 2:37 am

I miss my dog in the Philippines his name is Joyjoy. I just teary eyed when I read the posts above. I like dogs especially puppies. They are fun and they understand you a lot. When you are stress they can cheer you up coz they can sense when you are sad. Cats don't care they need attention from you and I don't like them. For me they sound like they have asthma lol. Dogs will give you care and attention. Anyways, good for you Sir Ed, you got dogs to play with. Wish you got pics on them and post it here.
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 8:56 am

Yes, the doggies are fun. I have a bunch of pictures, and I will need to see if I can locate them and put them on here. Yes, doggies are useful for many purposes as work dogs as well as being affectionate! Our family has used them as cow working doggies in the past. We mostly fed them table scraps and with 7 people in our family including Mom and Dad we always had lots of table scraps. Now that Carol and I are the only ones in the house we don't have many table scraps and what ever we do have are treats for the doggies, and they love them. Carol's cousin says that it is not good to feed doggies table scraps, but our doggies ate lots of them. Some use doggies as guard dogs. They use the breed that Scooby is for a rescue dog in the Swiss Alps! He has a tremendous sense of smell, and it seems to give him pleasure to use it. He is also very strong! The doggie that I am keeping for our youngest daughter, until she returns from California, is a Border Collie, which they use for herding, driving, cutting cattle. My brother years ago tried using a Great Pyrenes with his goats to keep the coyotes away, and I don't know how that turned out, because we didn't see much of him back then. Rand will run coyotes away, but I am kind of worred for him, because I don't want him to get hurt. Our daughter made him a collar, and I have it here when we need to put it on him, like with a collar and a leash there are a couple of stores that allow doggies in the store on a leash. I took it off from him here, because he doesn't really need it, other than going in the stores, and I was afraid that might give a coyote a way to get hold of him. Yes, the doggies are very loyal and very loving, and yes they do care about you! :D :D
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 3:17 pm

I grew up with us having lots of cats as everyone loved cats. They were all barn cats, never came near the house. When I was little and doing barn chores I saw one that looked like a monster cat. I think it was probably a large wild cat variety. I did not have enough sense to be afraid, and I think that cat could have hurt me, but it didn't. I was afraid of everything in the barn after dark! We had lots of lights in the barn, and I would run to turn them all on. As someone said I was not afraid of the dark, but what might be in the dark! My uncle fed his cats biscuits! He made them for his cats! When Carol and I were first married we had a cat with a liter box in the house, which was a new concept for me, because there were no cats even close to the house when I was growing up. Carol and I had cats part of the time. When we went to live in the mountains, in the National Park we kept a lot of cats, like about 12 of them, because we lived where the mice came down off the hill into our house, and the cats kept them thinned out! We lived near the school house, and our cats went over and cleaned up on the mice at the school as well. The big cats, cougars, linx, bobcats, we are not sure which because we had them all, cleaned up on our cats, and we did not have a single cat left after the big cats got finished with them. We really missed our cats, and we had mice in our house, and they had mice at the school after we lost our cats. We gave away a few of our cats to people in the valley, so some of our cats, or the children of our cats may be still living on in the valley. :D :D
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 3:51 pm

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Ringo In the Corner
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This is Ringo, our youngest daughter's doggie. He is a border collie, a cow dog variety. He is a very good, loving doggie, but he doesn't get along with very many doggies. He picks fights, poor doggie. He is a wonderful doggie! He doesn't like to have his picture taken, and he knows what a camera is, and he is trying desperately to get away from me and my camera! :lol:
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 3:59 pm

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Ringo Stalking the Chickens!
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Ringo just loves chickens. In this picture you can't see, but there are 3 banti chickens, 2 hens, and one rooster. I'll try to get a picture of them on here when I get a chance. He does this with our youngest daughter's Yellow Crown Amazon bird, but the bird is on top a tall freezer, so if he just stays there he is safe, and usually he does, but once in a while he flighs down to the floor! When Ringo is at home and outside he spends all his time doing this with one rooster and one hen. I think we have about 30 or a few more chickens being raised from babies. It is a partnership. Our daughter bought most of them, and I am buying the feed! We will eat most of them, but there are a variety of hens and roosters that our daughter will keep. Then Ringo will have a more interesting flock to stalk! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 4:47 pm

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Rand and Scooby
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These are my two doggies that I walk with 6.5 miles every day! The larger dark brown and while, Scooby is a Great Swiss Mountain Dog. They use his breed in the Swiss Alps to rescue people. Because of that he is a cold weather doggie, loves cold temperatures and snow! He has a tremendous and keen sense of smell, used for tracking people who are lost. He is also super strong, and he could pull a sled with a 500 pound person on it, if someone being rescued were that large! Scooby does have a wonderful disposition and is very loving, but Ringo playing with the water made him angry, and I am glad that I was right there, because I had to take hold of his red collar, and pull him up and off from Ringo, because he acted like he wanted to kill Ringo. Normally without playing the water coming out of the hose they are the best of friends.

We don't know what the breeds are that make up the smaller doggie, Rand. Some have said they think he has pit bull, but his disposition is very loving also, and my brother-in-law, from the Philippines, now dead, said that he is no pit bull because of his loving disposition. Don't let his size fool you, because he is also an extreemly strong doggie! The only time they get into it with each other is when I come out of the house with Scooby, and Rand attacks hlm. Rand wants to be the top doggie! What I do is that I hand Rand a treat, he eats it, and forgets that he is trying to show Scooby who is boss! If I don't intervene with a treat for Rand, Rand keeps pestering Scooby until he makes him really angry, and then Scooby tries to go after Rand with visicious thoughts in his mind! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Fighting

Postby Edwin » Tue May 14, 2013 4:57 pm

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Scooby and Rand Visiting With Eachother
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Rand and Scooby really do love each other. The only time they are aggressive with each other is when we are beginning our walk, and Rand does not want Scooby to think he is the smaller doggie, so he tries to teach him a lesson! Scooby is very patience, and take his growling, and biting for a while, and then he attenpts to go after him to teach him a lesson! I intervene with a treat for Rand, and Rand forgets that he wants to be boss! :lol: :lol:
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