That is brilliant Tom - now from this post and Crispy's post on creative date ideas I know where I have been going wrong.
Step 1 (and 6 & 8) - Kidnap a lady in a park in the evening and walk to the car
Step 2 (and 3) Drive through a new housing development and past a furniture store
Step 4 (and 5,7, 9,10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) Chuck her in a hot tub, give her a bottle of bubble blowing liquid, explore the hot tub, feed the fish (tropical) in the hot tub, show her some old photos of yourself when you were young and handsome, get her to find the treasure in the hot tub giving her a sandwich as a prize, eat some M&Ms, ask her out on a date, climb on a raft and paddle round the hot tub, talk about Golden Acres (?) and play footsie, give her a teach yourself book to read in the dark, buy a take away to eat the next day (still in hot tub), plan your next home with even bigger hot tub, get hold of a sick child to ignore while you have fun in the hot tub, give her a piece of paper (waterproof) and tell her to make a list of six activities she would like to do in the hot tub (or maybe one activity at least six times
Then - if she is not too hysterical - offer her a beer and live happily ever after.
Watch out world - here I come