We did attend church yesterday/Sunday. It was a good service. There was a young mother there with a little child just over a year old. She had a heart valve replacement this last Wednesday, but her body rejected the valve, so they have to do something again for her, and they were praying for her.
There is a church camp going on right now, so even with 2 services combined the attendance was down. When I was growing up in the church we had an enthusiastic song leader who chose the songs, led them with a strong singing voice, and directed the singing as a choir or orchestra director would. There was always a pianist and most of the time an organist, and sometimes other instruments playing, or an orchestra playing along with the piano and organ. I played my trombone in those orchestras many times. People would jokingly refer to that as the 3 hymns and a sermon service. They always used the church hymn/song books to do their singing. Sometimes the church would have a chorus book, or sing choruses from memory. Then many times there would be a testimony, or sharing time during the service when people would get up and tell what the Lord had done for them. Prayer requests were usually taken before someone leading would pray, while everyone would pray along with that leader.
How have things changed. Now they have a worship team, usually having one person as the leader. The preacher last Sunday referred to the church hymnal/song books as gathering dust because no one uses them, and the reason he made referrence is that he was quoting words from a hymn at the end of his sermon. They use the overhead and transparencies, and usually they are choruses that is being sung, many of which we do not know. The prayer leader usually the pastor or youth pastor verbalizes the requests rather than taking them from the congregation, and prays for them, as well the prayer requests are written in the church bulletin. They did actually have a testimony/sharing time in the church service yesterday/Sunday. The preacher mentioned problems in the church, but didn't elaborate, and he also mentioned the break down of the marriages, and said that in our church we have couples who have been married for 40 plus years who are not making it lately in their marriages. He preached a short sermon, and then told everyone to go to prayer, and dismiss themselves and leave when they were ready. I/we are not happy with all the changes, but change is the nature of life, and things will change. We just have to make the best of the changes even though we do remember the good old days.