This is somewhat like the walk of a Christian. We are all emotional being with feelings, sometimes good, and sometimes bad. When a person becomes a Christain there is great rejoicing in heaven and on earth. It is an emotional high for everyone. Everyone feel elated by what is happening. We might say those are the mountain top experiences when we think everything is wonderful. The feelings and the emotional high will not remain forever, and remain all the time. We will go through the valleys also. There is the valley of the shadow of death, but God is with us in that. We live by faith, and we realize that God has made His promises, and He is there whether we feel Him or not. We become committed Christains, meaning we are not going to quit if we don't have the good feeling. God is there whether we feel Him or not. He allows us the good feelings to help us, but them we stay with God even in the absense of good feeling. God's word tells us He is there, and so by faith we serve Him, whether we feel His presence or not. The same is true with a marriage. We love the wonderful feelings we get from each other, but if we don't have those good feelings all the time we are still marred, we are still committed, and we are still faithful. If you come to realize what I am really like, and I am not like what you thought I was you still love me, and you are still committed to me because you and I made that decision, and we are going to stay with it no matter how we feel, or no matter what comes.