Yes, Crisi, I have prayed at times also when I could not sleep. We had our granddaughter living with us last year, now this year we are having her mother, our daughter live with us. We love her, and are glad to help her anytime and in any way that we can. Before she came to live with us I could be on the piano or the internet, one or the other any time I wanted. She started a facebook account, so now she is on the computer part of the time, as well as Carol being on it part of the time. Now I have to be more selective when I play the piano, because if she is in the same room the piano music hurts her bones near hear ears because of the facial damage that she got, but I think that will heal and get better, so I try not to play the piano unless she is in another room, and then I play it as softly as possible. We had her birthday party this weekend, and we had her 2 kids here, cousins, aunts, an uncle, another friend, and Carol and I. They watched a steady string of movies; in fact too many movies to suit us, or their mother, but it was so good for all of us to be together, that it was okay that they were watching lots of movies. With that many around and watching movies I didn't get to play the piano much, but that is okay as I will make up for it later. The thought just occured to me, has anyone changed their hours around before going to the Philippines? It would be really easy for me to do that as I turn my hours around very easily, and I have to work not to turn my hours around; it just happens naturally with me.
I have heard that people figure the Lord woke them up in the middle of the night because He wanted them to pray. When you can't sleep praying is a great thing to do, whether you are praying for sleep, or praying for someone else. When Jesus took his disciples with him to pray with him, they slept instead of praying, so I guess praying put them to sleep. Jesus understood them, but He wanted them to pray with Him!