Keeping Warm

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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby red » Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:12 pm

My husband sent me a jacket and he said it would make me comfortable enough when i get there esp during winter time. Well, I was laughing at him because when i wore it here during rainy and cold days here well, it made me comfortable just comfortable. I told him that then I asked him to buy me 5 more of that jacket then i will be comfortable there during winter time. :D
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:57 pm

Our weather turned very cold all of a sudden with the wind blowing. It has been a little below 0 degrees celcius. This morning it was snowing and the winding was driving the snow. I swept it off one porch. The wind blew the snow off the other porches. I like to keep the snow off so that it will not pack down, then when it warms a little we have clean walk ways. It was cold enough with the wind blowing so that I didn't walk today, as it would have been too miserable. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Edwin » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:23 pm

Yesterday was cold and windy all day, figured that I wouldn't be walking with the doggies. Late in the afternoon when it would have been time to go walking it started snowing and blowing. Later in the evening it actually warmed up a bit and rained for a while. It got colder during the night, and started freezing the water and the ground again. This morning I walked down to get the mail and figure out whether to walk or not. At the time the ice was frozen pretty solid. Then a little after noon it started warming up, and so I decided that I would walk. I decided that I wanted to wear my summer ball cap, but I couldn't find ear muffs anywhere, but Carol loaned me a pair, so then I could wear my summer ball cap. By the time I started walking the ice had changed into hard slush. It still looked like ice, but just in a couple of hours it went from hard to where when you stepped on it, it was almost shushy, so the doggies and I had a good walk. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:27 pm

Carol suggested that I go get the mail from our mailbox about a quarter of a mile away to see if it was warm enough to walk. By the time I walked to the mailbox I decided that the weather was too miserable to be out in it for the 2 hours that I usually spend walking. It was just a little below freezing, the wind was blowing, and a very wet snow was coming down. It would not be worth getting sick to insist on going for my walk as much as I love to walk, and the doggies love it too! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Smiley » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:39 am

This has been the warmest winter that I can remember. I live on the Canada-US border By Detroit. Temps have been into the 70`s a few times already. I`ve spent a lot of time outside this week and have not needed a jacket. Lots of motorcycles on the road. Hope to have mine ready by next week.This has a lot of people baffled.
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Edwin » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:53 pm

Yes, this winter has been very different for us also. We are just south of Penticton, south of the border, south of Oroville, Washington about maybe 40 miles. The Canadian Okanagan valley has much milder winters than we do. They are like in a banana belt. We can have severe weather, lots of snow, cold temperature, and we can go up there and it will be spring like. Well, we have had reoccuring spells of cold, but not record setting. Early in the winter we had several snows that melted away right up to Christmas. After Christmas we had some snow, some wind, and drifting which is normal, but we didn't actually have enough snow to make deep drifts, and not as much wind. We have had warming spells as well, and had the snow nearly melt off several times. Today it is very warm, a little above 0 degrees Celcius, with fairly strong winds, and the snow is pretty well all disappeared. Last evening we had snow that turned into rain, and today we have had a little rain; not much. With the wind blowing so hard, and everything wet and soggy on the ground I decided not to walk today, and I would have gotten caught out in some downpours, so it is a good thing I didn't walk today. We drove down to town and back, and coming back in the afternoon the road dirt/gravel/clay was slick, and the car went this way and that way. It was worried about driving in from our mail box, but the road still seemed firm enough so that our car tires did not sink enough to be a problem. It can be a problem this year, sinking with the car in the mud, but so far so good! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Smiley » Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:51 pm

It was low 70`s today but we had the threat of rain. Turned out to just be a few sprinkles so far. Some thunder in the distance.I was actually sweating while working outside today.This seems to be the weather they are calling for to continue.I don`t mind.
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Re: Keeping Warm

Postby Edwin » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:40 pm

I heard of one guy, who no matter what the weather was his response always was "you gotta love it!" We didn't get much snow, and last winter while it was threatening to snow the guy from the electric company drove by, stopped and visited with me while I was walking my dogs, and told he how far behind they were in the snow pack and moisture accumulation, and we didn't get the snow that we thought we were, so I imagine they are really behind in accumulated moisture and snow pack in the mountains. It is fine any time it wants to rain, unless someone is trying to cut wheat, or put up alfalfa hay. But then we will get what we will get, and we will be happy with it. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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