What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:07 am

Birds do have long life? I thought birds live short just like their size lol :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:32 pm

red wrote:Birds do have long life? I thought birds live short just like their size lol :lol:

I think you are correct in that small birds I think have short lives, but these particular birds, the Yellow Crown Amazons have very long lives. I often thought it is very sad that dogs, cats, cows, horses, and other domestic animals have such short lives. Some amimals have problems that shorten their lives even more. We get so attached to them, and they are our good friends. Then they do not live as long as we want them to! :( :( :( :(
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:41 pm

My dogs, 2 of them, think I am the greatest! One dog which is large by some standards, but not when you compare him to a Great Swiss Mountain Dog, which is our other dog, is a very fine dog. He was too small to be weaned from his mother when a nice man gave him to our granddaughter. The man told our granddaughter that he was a Chawowow, Sp? Anyway he is not a Chawowow. She and her mother started out training him, and they did a very good job. He is just a nice dog anyway. When we have to be gone we leave him in the house for hours, and he behaves himself perfectly. He is crazy excited to see us when we get back. This reminds me of the song, "I wish you loved me like my dog does, baby!" Anyway the reason I am writing about him now is that he won't let me play the piano! I am a push over for dogs and kids. He says, "Papa, don't play the piano, play with me!" He wants me to thow him tennis balls to catch in his mouth, or play soccor with him with the tennis balls. He puts his foot on the tennis ball, and then I am not allowed to kick it. He makes up the rules. He keeps both balls between his front legs and puts his chin on them, then I am not allowed to kick them either. He loves it when I do kick them, and he runs to control them as fast as he can. He also sleeps with me, and lets me know if he thinks danger is near. The big dog Scooby is not so well trained, but he is very loving, and he loves to go for walks with me and the other dog. They both think I am the best guy in the world. I have a light bulb, 75 watts in his dog house to keep him warm. I didn't have that for him last winter, but I felt sorry for him when it was so cold and the wind was blowing. Our daughter had one for him a few years ago when she had him, and she helped me set up his light on a very cold windy night. The only problem is that he reads his books all night long because of his light being on! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:48 pm

Hey Sir Ed, i like that dog on your avatar. I have two dogs here Doberman and German Shepperd but I am scared of my Doberman so I always put him in the dog pen. It always cause me problems when he is out from pen because he eats the chickens that come on our yard then our neighbors come to me ask me to pay the chickens.
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:19 pm

Yes, Red, he is a very nice dog, so gentle, so loving, but you know, don't tell anybody, but he has bitten me twice! This was about a year ago, and he gets really excited when a car stops and the people talk with me. As they are pulling away, I think he wants to go with, and I am holding him back, so in his excitement he bites. The first time he grabbed my arm, but didn't sink his teeth. The second time he grabbed my leg, and he put a pretty good bruise on my leg. After that I just watched him really close at those times, and maybe it was a fase, because he has not offered to do that since. It was weird, because as the car was pulling away after I had talked to the people then he got really excited. Usually on our 2 hour walk at least one time he jumps up, putting his front feet on my chest, and he wants me to pet him, play with him, and talk to him. He wants me to do that for a minute or 2 then he is ready to go. The picture that you see is the one and only time he ever got up in my lap. He sat on my granddaughter's lap years before, and I think it was a throw back to that time, and he just jumped in my lap. I don't have him in the house very often or he might do that more. He is not as well trained as the German Pincher dog, but he is a very good do, and I love him, as well as the German Pincher dog. I never realized before that dogs actually do love humans, but both these dogs love Carol and I. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:38 pm

That dog is huge. I like dogs they are man's best friend and they are security guards too. There was one time I talked to my husband on the phone then our German Shepperd barked my husband heard him so I switched the phone to loud speaker so our dog can hear him. He said hello and talked to him and he responded by barking. Wish I can take them with us to US, I bet it would be a pain in the butt. Do they need passport and visa too? :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:18 am

Red, I don't know the rules, but people do have pets flown, and I'm not sure what the cost would be either. When our daughter was here for about a month, she had her girls talk to both her dog and our dog on the telephone, and they really perk up when they hear the voices. Yes, that is one huge dog, and our daughter told me that it was a tiny dog when she got it, but it had such large feet, that she said that she knew it would be large. I have had him sitting at my feet for a time in the house, but mainly he is an outdoor guy. I am different that many people, in that I love to hear the dogs bark. It makes some people angry, but I think it is cute. Our dogs don't just jap on and on, but when they bark it means something. It might scare you to death if you are near, but I like it. Our dogs bark if a car goes by. They also bark if someone knocks at the door, or starts to come in the house. They also bark a lot at coyotes. The barking bothers our daughter who lives near us, so if the dog is barking outside we have to tell the dog to stop the barking, and the big dog does. When our other daughter was here for a month, she had her border collie, and that dog was out with the big dog a lot, and we had 2 dogs to try to keep from barking. We would bring the collie in when he would first start barking, and then we would just tell the big dog to stop barking, although I would have liked to have let him keep barking, because it brings out their personalities. The big dog and collie had lots of fun playing together while our daughter was here. We don't have the German Pincher in with the big dog much because, the German Pincher climbs the fence, and we don't want him to teach that to the big dog! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:03 pm

One time i was inside the house coughing, i heard the dogs barking. I thought there was somebody outside so i looked out. There was none. So i came back in and coughed, dogs barked so i went outside told the dogs to shut up it was just me coughing no dog inside the house. :)
Yes we been thinking what possibility we can do to take the dogs with us. I am sure there would be a lot to go through.
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:39 pm

Our bird coughs because he has heard people coughing and me mimics them. He acts like he is talking on the telephone, and says all kinds of things, only nice. Our daughter told me that she would never allow anyone to cuss around him, because she did not want to hear him cussing. When our dogs bark at cars going by it lasts only for a short time, but when they bark at the coyotes, they keep barking, and I would love to allow them to bark, but it bothers our daughter who lives near us, so I have to tell them to stop barking.

You could google about bring dogs and see if you could get information that way. You could also search visajourney, and you might find some information there because I am sure some people have brought their dogs. You could also join the sight, get on and ask the question, and you would have some people who would give you some answers, so that is just a couple of ideas about a way to learn about bringing dogs. You might have to have them tested to get a clean bill of health also, and I'm not sure what all the requirements would be, but I'm sure someone who knows will be glad to tell you. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:07 pm

He he he will see how the money looks like. How much does a dog cost there? Or a puppy?
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