vin wrote:Hello there,
First time on the Forums, joining in on this subject and writting to you from Central America. What turns me on? Well I guess the question itself is very broad to me. It can range from My Culture to the inner beauty of a girl/woman! It is a facinating subject to talk about, in this case I will share my "Turn-Ons" within the Exterior Look of a woman. In my Country as well in your Country, we have a variety Woman who are Skinny, Fat, Tall, Short. But no matter what they look like, when ever I go to work on the Bus, "I cannot help noticing"(of course without them noticing
), that they have taken the time to put on a beautifull colored dress or comb their hair in a particular style or wairing make-up in a particular fashion, with Matching finger and Toe nails, does it for me! Just the fact that I am complete stranger and a woman took the time to get on the Bus and look different in her way and have me "Endulge" in her Detail Pleasures, "Just Tuns me ON"!
The funny this is that you don't have to talk to her, you can give her your seat on the Bus or smyle at her if she for somewhat glorious reason glances at you, without her knowing how greatfully you are that she took the time to look beautifull, as you make your "Journey" to a long day at work....
That is good to know about what turns you on. That is good for us to know.
Me, too, really, it really attracts me if the person is caring or loving, that is really turns me on.
Of course, as what Sir Edwin said, cleanliness is godliness, and that is really what turns me on.
Attraction on physical appearance really turn me on for some reason. yes, i do i must admit it. While we focus on the physical aspect of person, we become blind of what is really in the inside of the person. At this point, knowing the person's inner beauty focuses on the true nature of person, and the attraction physically fades, but the inner beauty becomes the focus. This is what is important. True beauty of the person not only the physical one. I am always thinking ahead "What this handsome person look like 80 years from now?
Also I am asking myself, will this person love me when i have a lot of wrinkles?
Love must develop as times past, so look inside not the outside only.