You are right, Crisi, in that credit card debt can be a huge burden. Credit card debt ruins people's lives. They get one, charge it to the max. Then they get another charge it to the max, and before long they have a collection of credit cards and debts on each one, and then the time comes when they can't pay their debt. We have used credit cards for many years now, and many times we spent more than we should have because we had the card. It was a blessing in a way because we were able to get our teeth worked on, and that is the only way we could have done it. I got a really cheap credit card, and that is the one we got our teeth done on. Then our bank bought out that credit card. I still got really low interest rates for a few years after that. Then all of a sudden they raised the interest rate a whole bunch. So I rejected the rate hike and had the card shut down. I still had to pay the debt, but I didn't have to pay the higher interest rate. I got a debit card to use until I got it paid. Then the bank offered me a low interest rate on a card, and they kind of deceived me, by making me think that all my debt was going to be the cheaper interest rate, when it was only for balance transfers, which I didn't have any. So what I have been doing is not charging more than I can pay at the next billing, and in that way I never have to pay any interest on that charge card. I can't afford to have a credit card debt anymore and pay interest, so I pay it off every month, and that works fine for me. I try to be very careful with it!