Discipline Determines Your Destiny

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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby Edwin » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:02 pm

Yes, I know it is expensive, but how much I don't know. This fellow grew up in the same town we lived in just down over the hill from where we are now. His great grandmother was my mother's oldest sister. He told kids at school not to pick on our daughter because she was his cousin. He would stop by the house often on his way home from school. He worked as a police officer for a few years. Members of his family are Catholics, but he became a Christian fairly recently. Not that Catholics are not Christians, but he was a Catholic, but not a Christian, but now he is a Christian. We are very happy he has gone that way. I imagine his mother and maybe even his grandmother are helping him with his school expenses. Then he may have grants and loans, I don't know. He is very enthusiastic about his law studies. This University is associated with the late Jerry Falwell, a fairly well know Baptist preacher. We used to watch his Sunday morning services on our television set in the early 1970s, and listen to Doug Oldham sing on those programs. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby crisipicada » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:29 am

I had a hard time when I was studying. I am grateful that my heart and mind was focus on studies and to be determined to finish until the end. If no people had encouraged and motivated me, I believe that I cannot be determined with my studies. I realized that in hardship, you will give greater importance what you had finished or done because you put your heart on it. I can see that some who are capable of sending their children in school did not finish studies because for them, it is not so much needed because their parents are well off. I am thankful for being poor in life and I really appreciate achievements.
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby Smiley » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:27 pm

Just remember this Red....The real differance between who you are and who you would like to be is What you do.

I hope that makes sense to you.
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby red » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:41 pm

Smiley wrote:Just remember this Red....The real differance between who you are and who you would like to be is What you do.

I hope that makes sense to you.

Thanks, that time I was stubborn and don't want anybody being pushy and minding on what I should do. Just wanted to get married. :D
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:29 am

Crisi did some really deep thinking here. I did something while I was going to school that many would not recommed. I kept the television set on all the time I was working on my school work. Some people would have great difficulty concentrating, but it didn't bother me. The background noise was such that the bordom factor was down, and I worked on the school work longer than I would have if I had not had the television set turned on. It worked for me, and I did very well at my studies. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby crisipicada » Sun May 06, 2012 2:27 am

My officemates has their credit cards. I have observed that they are not discipline with their finances. One time I heard my officemates said, "Oh no I have another bill to pay on my credit card." He is stress because of financial problem.

That is why i am not to it. I mean, it is not necessary for me because I might not be able to pay :D :D :D :D :D :D And also, I really discourage my sisters not to get credit card. Do not think that you have collectibles to pay soon your credit card that is why you buy this and that. So, for me, it is not good idea unless you are capable in using it. I do not like to be a burden also to someone - like sister, that she will give me something out of credit and pay later. Not so good.
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby Edwin » Mon May 07, 2012 1:10 am

You are right, Crisi, in that credit card debt can be a huge burden. Credit card debt ruins people's lives. They get one, charge it to the max. Then they get another charge it to the max, and before long they have a collection of credit cards and debts on each one, and then the time comes when they can't pay their debt. We have used credit cards for many years now, and many times we spent more than we should have because we had the card. It was a blessing in a way because we were able to get our teeth worked on, and that is the only way we could have done it. I got a really cheap credit card, and that is the one we got our teeth done on. Then our bank bought out that credit card. I still got really low interest rates for a few years after that. Then all of a sudden they raised the interest rate a whole bunch. So I rejected the rate hike and had the card shut down. I still had to pay the debt, but I didn't have to pay the higher interest rate. I got a debit card to use until I got it paid. Then the bank offered me a low interest rate on a card, and they kind of deceived me, by making me think that all my debt was going to be the cheaper interest rate, when it was only for balance transfers, which I didn't have any. So what I have been doing is not charging more than I can pay at the next billing, and in that way I never have to pay any interest on that charge card. I can't afford to have a credit card debt anymore and pay interest, so I pay it off every month, and that works fine for me. I try to be very careful with it! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 07, 2012 1:34 am

yes, it is not good that is why I do not like really that people will use credit card, unless it is very important. Or let us say, use debit card is much better.
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby Edwin » Mon May 07, 2012 3:29 pm

Yes, using the debit card is safer, because you are using money out of your account, and that money is there that you are spending. Using the credit card is using someone else's money, and it has to be paid back, with interest if the debt goes into the 2nd month. The bad thing about credit card use, is that it feels like it is free money, and it also feels like there is no limit, but we all learn the hard way that there is a limit, and it is not free money! Every time I use the credit card I have to realize that I have to pay it back, and for me I have to do it within a month, because I can't afford to build a debt, and I can't afford the interest, so I have to be disciplined to do only necessary spending, and to make sure I can pay it before it is more than a month old! :D :D :D :D
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Re: Discipline Determines Your Destiny

Postby crisipicada » Tue May 08, 2012 1:25 am

Do you have desires in life that you were not able to achieve? We have so many things would like to accomplish but we are just good at the start! How many times you become a failure and never try again?

This is because discipline was not there. Like many experience that I have had - to do the homework at school on time, to get high grades, etc. but since I was not discipline, i was not able to achieve some of my desires. We must be discipline, without wish, we are just good starter and never done things. What a wonderful and orderly life could have living a discipline life.!!!! :D :D
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