I looked forward to my 16th birthday because for me it was time to get my driver's license. I drove the car down our quarter mile lane when I was sitting on my Dad's lap. Then my older brother let me drive an H International tractor, and he had to repair the fense because I took a whole row of fense posts out. I also couldn't push the brakes hard enough to stop so I ran into a heavy cow feeder, threw myself up against the steering wheel, but no major damage. Then it was my job to back the car out of the garage to get ready to go to church, and put it back after we came home from church. After that I changed tires when they were flat on the car. Then I took our 1947 Ford pickup for pleasure runs out to the highway both directions and back which was a distance of a couple of miles or so. After that I drove with us 3 younger kids 5 miles to catch the school bus, but I was still not old enough to drive legally, so after a joy ride with 2 Indian friends that my younger brother took for several hundred miles, we had to walk that 5 miles to catch the school bus, all except for our younger sister, and she went to live with my older brother so that she would not have to walk that 5 miles. At the end of our walking it was getting cold and we were walking through snow, so I my 16th birthday, see I did get to my birthday! On my 16th birthday I went in to take my test for my driver's license, but I ran a stop sign, so we had to walk for another week, then I took it again, and this time I knew where that stop sign was so I passed my test. 12 years ago or so I passed other tests for a commercial driver's license, and I drove commercially for 10 years, giving narrated tours with buses and provided transportation for people wanting to hike in the mountains, which was a lot of fun.
I also was happy about my 18th birthday because that was when I graduated from high school. My 65th birthday will be a big deal also because I will start drawing social security and get on the medicare heath plan without the prescription drug plan, because I do not take any drugs of any kind for any reason.
I didn't particularly care about any of my other birthdays outside of the few milestones I wrote about above. I just pray that the Lord gives me good years ahead until it is my time to go to be with the Lord.