Father's Day for us is this coming Sunday, June 17th. My father was born July 3, 1907, so he would be quite old if he were still living! July 4th is our Independence day, so he was born just one day before that. Not long before he died I asked him if it seemed a long time since he was a little boy, and he told me that it did not seem like any time at all back to when he was a little boy. I am thankful for my Dad because he found the Lord early in his adult life, and he lived the rest of his life to please God, and he set a godly example for us to follow. I still miss my Dad, and he has been gone since 1973. I love him first because he was my Dad, and also because he loved God, and had a love for all of us. He did not live for his own pleasures, but he lived to please God.