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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:40 pm

fenmoor wrote:Why no profile? Why not bait the hook? If a person goes fishing and really wants to catch fish they must cast their net and bait their hook.

hehe This made me laugh. I am looking at Crissi's photo and reading her posts... I doubt that she has much of a problem landing fish! :lol:

She probably could start a fish market or restaurant! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Yes Chrisi is attractive, if she wants to be single that is fine, if she wants to be married then she may need to put wings on her prayers. I used to know lots of single women in a large church, some wanted to pray and do nothing thinking God would bring them a husband, they are still sitting there waiting and are older and will probably never marry. Some took action, they put wings on their prayers, many are now married with children. Each person may do as they chose
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby crisipicada » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:44 pm

Yes, because my eldest sister is not married yet. She is now 40.
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby BigBlastGuy » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:53 pm

crisipicada wrote:Yes, because my eldest sister is not married yet. She is now 40.

Is that what you want?
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby Edwin » Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:09 am

My Dad's oldest brother never got married, and he lived into his mid 50s. I asked him one time when I was a little boy why he didn't get married, and he told me that he didn't have time. I think there was more to the story than that. My Dad told me that he didn't think my uncle got along well with the ladies. I also when I was a little boy asked him why he didn't ever get sick, and he told me that he did not have time to get sick. I think he was being funny, because I know he did get sick, and especially before he died. My Dad's youngest brother never got married either. I think he came close a couple of times, but it didn't work out for him. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby crisipicada » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:29 am

fenmoor wrote:Why no profile? Why not bait the hook? If a person goes fishing and really wants to catch fish they must cast their net and bait their hook.

hehe This made me laugh. I am looking at Crissi's photo and reading her posts... I doubt that she has much of a problem landing fish! :lol:

She probably could start a fish market or restaurant! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Can you imagine what people do online? Let us say, you have been communicating or sending message with the same content to 10 women everyday. Then they communicate to you. Let us say, you have sent 200 women for a space of time. Now, let us say, you said to many of them let us say 50% or 100, you say "I love you". Can you imagine that, if you are really honest with your intention and really love the one, then you wont communicate to others. Let us say, you are serious with your intention and landed the one. What about the 99? that is 1% out of 100. Or 99 are get hurt, right? 99 women you disappoint and hurt and sometimes you destroy their lives. I know that there are women also who are communicating to too many men. But i am talking here in generalize to men. I do not want to be bias but this is true as I am woman.

It is discouraging to know that you broke someone's heart. Some people you do not understand what is really their intention. If I said "I love you" I really mean it. The last one I have said that I love him, it is only him.
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby crisipicada » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:33 am

I remember it right, when Red had said, if the man did not visit you yet, then he is not your bf. What if you already said, that you have feeling for someone even you did not meet yet, and then you have said that you are praying for him, then the same way, the guy also claim that you are the one, then you must have told the rests of the guys you are communicating that you already had someone. Also, the same with the men. Still communicate with those girls but be careful that you treated them as friends, then. Not that you have said to many girls that you love her. It is not good idea, really. So much pain for those who are innocent and never thought that what men (also women) doing of collect and select. so sad.
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby Edwin » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:12 am

Yes, Crisi, my friend was a collect and select guy. Carol really chewed him out about it, even though he is our good friend. She told him exactly what she thought about that. He almost lost his future wife, because when she found out he was doing that she tried to pawn him off onto someone else that she knew. They did end up getting together and getting married, and they are both very happy. He told me just last year that he regreted that he had done that, and he told me that one of his ladies that he was trying out was counting on him, and that he was afraid that she was going to commit suicide because of it. So it is very serious business. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby Smiley » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:54 pm

Oh yeah; It`s good to look around and explore your options but at the same time not be a player.Phoney sincerity could have a long effect on somebodies life. Someone that has done nothing to deserve the sadness and misery that can come from being trifled with when they are being serious. No harm to yourself does not really mean no harm done.
When it comes right down to it, integrity is all you have to offer. I have little to no respect for someone thatignores the hurt and harm they have caused.
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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby fenmoor » Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:51 pm

That is actually something that alarms me about the American culture as of late. People are becoming more and more misogynistic every day. Thinking only of themselves. It is a recipe for disaster. The old quote is Ask not what your country can do for you.... Not any longer.

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Re: Please post your profile page and number

Postby Smiley » Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:43 pm

Dude: It`s not just American culture. It`s everywhere. There are no Utopias. There are places that some individuals may function in at a more comfortable level than other places but everything is relative. Don`t be too quick to dismiss the value of what you have close to you already. I`m not an American.I live on the US Canadian border.I get a different perspective.I have traveled extensively.There are good people everywhere you go.Everywhere.There are dirty low down scoundrels everywhere you go.Everywhere.It matters very little where you are,if you seek out the good you will find it,if you look for the bad you will find it,or worse,it will find you.
It is important to be realistic I know of several westerners that after announcing repeatedly that they were in a paradise ended up heading back home after the reality failed to match the dream. Sad but true. Be aware of the pitfalls.
From your posts I suspect that you would likely get along pretty well in the Philippines. I know I prefer it.But it may not be for everyone.
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