Moderator: youngj
Edwin wrote:Crisi, you are very right, and I hear what you are saying, but I am going to go one step further. The Bible says, "Let not the sun go down on your wrath," so get rid of it before you go to sleep, then have a peaceful sleep, and wake up in the morning with love in your heart, and everyone will be very happy to see you coming. You are so right about what anger does to the person, and to everyone else around!![]()
crisipicada wrote:ANGER, the most dangerous emotion, want to have victory over it?!
We live in a world wherein there is full of anger. Many people make mistakes because of anger and someday they regret them. A lot of lives being wasted because of this distressing emotion? How many times you make wrong choices and decisions out of rage and later on you thought you wish you could start all over again?
Anger is a trait that can be passed on to generation to generation. Indeed, anger creates anger. I believe that, because I really have noticed and observed that. Many families that are being separated because of ANGER. I believe that you have witness some of them.
“Anger is a strong feeling of intense displeasure, hostility or indignation as a result of real and imagined threat, insult, frustration or injustice toward you…”
Did you realize that when you are angry, you are hurting yourself? You feel heartache and pain and that you try to suppress your feelings about it? That means, you just telling yourself that you are fine but actually you are not? It is really devastating emotion you never realize you are sick physically.
The Bible is clear about how dangerous anger could be. In Ephesians 4:26-27, reads, Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Never give to the Devil. Don’t go to bed when you have anger in your mind. It drives into your heart. Out of your heart it will come out into your lives. In Matthew 12:34, … Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
Not all anger are bad, there are good ones, too. Anger towards those who are mistreating others out of selfishness is justified anger. In Mark 3:5, there is righteous indignation, anger toward those things that God would be angry about it. Sinful anger are those that directly towards the person. Some people blame someone and really get angry because of what has been done and what their lives become because of that people did. This I believe is common to many person, and I for one experience this. I blame people and that I now knew that it is not good and it is sinful.
When we are anger, we develop unforgiving spirit. A lot of people wont accept that they are angry and what they are doing are the following:
1. Repress it. They deny the fact that they are angry.
2. Suppress it. They would say, “It is not other people’s business. And later on they emotion and physical system are destroyed when it is not being dealt with.
3. Make excuses for it.
Don’t we realized that we fool ourselves because we are angry? And we really become fool! Why? Whether we destroy ourselves or the other. That is not what God wants us. God give us life to be used and we are just stewards of it. So we must take care our hearts, our emotions, our physical body because these are God’. Did you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is not yours? It is God’s?
ANGER has consequences:
1. Our relationship to God is not right. Our spiritual life is not effective and our lives are not Christ-like when we have anger at heart.
2. Our relationship with others will not be right. Of course when you are angry, it affects relationship to the person you are angry at and also to the people around you.
3. Critical spirit. Yes, this is true, You do not want to listen and always blaming someone of what your life has been and now because you are angry.
4. There is no peace. You will always disturb and sad when you are angry.
5. There is loneliness and isolation. This is true I for one experience this. I feel lonely and I wanted to be alone and do not want to mingle with people.
6. There is frustration. Angry will lead to frustration because what you wanted to happen did not realize and you get frustrated and blame people that destroy your life or whatever.
7. There is emptiness. This is true because when we are angry, love is not there and that Christ love cannot be seen in your heart that shows in life. There is always emptiness.
8. There is fear. This is true.
9. It affects your health. When you are angry, you become depress, and when not deal with, it causes heartache and pain. Your body becomes tense and subject to heart attack.
10. You will have devastating, ungodly, un-Christlike and unproductive life. This is true because you are not capable of doing things when you are angry. Your emotion and physical body is affected and your strength is being weaken and you will not be productive in doing things God wants you to do.
How can we have VICTORY over ANGER?
1. We need to identify it. What is the source of anger? Is it because of your parents, because of your past? Because of your husband or wife? Why am I angry about it? Or are we angry with God? Remember, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. And always turn bad things in life for our own good even we do not realize it.
2. Be willing to confess it. I have done this. I confess to the Lord and acknowledge that I am angry and I do not want it in my heart. Why I am angry, ask yourself?
3. Clarify feelings. Am I angry because I do not get what I want or expected? Or because I feel being rejected? Or because my wants and needs are not provided? Or, am I angry because I am still single now and God never answer my prayer that I want to get married? Ask yourself why you are angry?
4. Purposely deal with it. If anger is not being dealt with, it created anxiety, and we must be honest about it.
5. Take an emotional time out. At the highway, Red sign means stop . Just like what people would say to you, maybe not good or totally bad. Stop what people say and think what they said. Is the story true or not? We are not totally need to respond to all people say it. If you know the truth then just relax and what God knows right is what matters in handing criticism, then nothing to worry and just trust the Lord. God hears, and all knowing. B quick to her, slow to speak, SLOW to ANGER, remember we represent Christ being Christian.
6. Put it away. Ephesians 4:26-27, 31, Be angry and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.
Like how we put on our clothes, then we take it away, just like anger, we put on into our hearts and we must take it too. The Bible warns us to protect our thinking, in Ephesians 6:17, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Psalms also says that where we can cleanse our hearts and minds is through the Word of God. We must always saturate our minds with the Word of God because it will protect our thinking. Also in Ephesians 6;14, Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, to have pure minds will always protect our emotions. It is important to guard our hearts because it protects our emotions. The most deceitful thing on earth is our heart. Jeremiah 17:9, says, The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it. Proverbs 4:23, reads, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. How can we guard our heart? We must be careful what we read, whom we interact with, what we listen too, because all these affects your hearts condition. It needs to guard our hearts. Refrain from things that give us impure mind, be careful with the people that you go with, choose those who will help you to be a godly person.
7. Replace it. Do something good. Get rid of anger in your heart and ask the Lord to give you love.
8. Benefit from it. Pray this, “Lord, just help me to realize that I am angry that there is something in my heart. I do not want to live like this because this is not what you want, deliver me from this emotion. I claim your promises that you will give us fruit of the Holy Spirit- love, joy, peace, long suffering….
9. Prevent it from reoccurring. Do not be entangled again that makes you angry. Do not say something that makes people angry too. Our conversation must be for the development and encouragement to others. Be godly that live love, joy, peace.
It takes Jesus Christ to enable to forgive. Anger is not worth it – it destroys life. Surrender to the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Hope that these words that I have learned from will also will be an encouragement for you all who read this.
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