I did finally get all my digging finished in my cellar. I was aiming for August 1st, but I finished on August 7th. The work was too hard, and I just did that best I could, and that will work anyway. Earlier in the summer it was actually cold here, but I was pleanty warm while I was working. I kept thinking, "What am I going to do when it really does get hot, and how can I work at this. It actually was not too bad even when it was really hot, because it was cool in the cellar until late in the afternoon when the sun shown in with no shade. I was okay. I just took lots of very short breaks to wipe the sweat off my face, get drinks, and use the bathroom, and the only effect was that I was so tired that I couldn't stay awake while I was driving. I fell asleep once right on main street in town, and I ended up in the turn lane, but our youngest daughter knew that I was not turning, so she woke me up! Then she got so she would drive for me if she thought I was sleepy!