Moderator: youngj
Edwin wrote:Yes, M&M, this is a daily thing, that we are sensitive before God about our sin, and that we confess our sins, and repent of our sins, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness. You are very right that if we intentionally live in sin we become hardened to the things of God, and our conscience become damaged (seared with a hot iron), and then we will get so that we will not even be conscious of our sin. God wants us to be sensitive to Him and the moving of His Holy Spirit. Every time we pray we should ask God to forgive us, cleanse us, and renew us. Jesus will bear our heavy burdens as we bring them to Him!
m&m wrote:To give our heart to the Lord will lighten our hearts. As He said, come unto me those who heavy laden and I will give you rest.
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