Moderator: youngj
cutegen wrote:Contraception goes against this and reduces the sexual act to nothing more than vain pleasure
jadegil6 wrote:I would hazard a guess that cutegen answered that way due to her Catholic faith. Her sister is a Nun in the convent, and her family believes what their church leaders profess.
cutegen wrote:Basically because the sexual act is when the two spouses give themselves to each other completely. And that includes your fertility. There is always the possibility of giving life.
Contraception goes against this and reduces the sexual act to nothing more than vain pleasure. Abortive methods are considered as murder as at the instant of conception there is everything needed to develop the embryo's life and to let it grow into a fully grown human being.
whitepetals2010 wrote:we all know that contraceptive is rampant now a days.because of number of large population of the different country around the world.and some of the other countries are doing legally contraceptive.
we just know that in order to make a country to make it progressive we should make a steps in order for smoth flowing of the nation to over come the crisis,to make it progress we should solve first the numberone problems in the society or country and that was the birth make the control of population.well its not morally wrong because its not yet the fetus inside the womb but its just the blood...
crisipicada wrote:.... Is anyone wants to recommend means of birth control that is morally upright? Thanks for the contribution, in advance.
Chas wrote:crisipicada wrote:.... Is anyone wants to recommend means of birth control that is morally upright? Thanks for the contribution, in advance.
This is a difficult one to answer as what is morally upright for one person may not be acceptable to another.
Personally most if not all forms of contraception are acceptable to me. I guess those that create a barrier preventing sperm and eggs coming into contact with each other would be acceptable to a lot of people. For example condoms.
I recall that Michael gave an exhaustive list of contraceptive methods in a previous post in another thread.
If the Philippines does not address its ever expanding population it will be in deep trouble. Increasing unemployment, starvation and a greater break down in law and order as people get desperate. It will become impossible to govern. When will this point be reached, I think I have seen estimates as recent as 2016 stretching to 2030.
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