Crisi, started the posting on this subject back in September, and these qualities are good to think about and understand. Being clear on them will help guide you in your relationships.
I think they had a television show on some time back about people revealing that they had crushes on certain people. I think sometimes it opened up something beautiful and wonderful, and sometimes it was disasterous, depending on the people and the reactions. If you are the one who has the crush it is important to know how to handle that so that you are not embarrassed, or badly insulted. You have to be wise in how you reveal that you have a crush. Also it is important if you are the one who is the object of the crush to know how to handle that as well, so that the other person is not badly hurt when you possibly let that person down. Of course the thing is that if you are the object of the crush, you may have no idea, so it may come as a surprise or even a shock, good or bad!
If it were legal for me to have a crush on someone, which it is not because I am married, but if it were I would want the other person to be kind to me even if they did not have the same feelings that I did. I would want to be let down easy, and not have someone be careless with my feelings. We can all be kind to each other, no matter what the situation is. If I were the object of the crush, I would try to be understanding and kind. I would have to be honest, but I could also protect the other person's feelings, and not hurt them in the process. So a little kindness goes a long ways. And, everyone is different, and so everyone reacts differently in these situations. But I think the important thing is to put myself/yourself in the other person's shoes and realize how that person would feel in that situation.
I think attraction, infatuation, and fantasy can all be positive things in the right situations, but I think obesession is nearly always negative, unless you are talking about being obsessed with loving and serving God, and then that is a very positive thing. Infatuation is something that happens to all of us at times, and can lead to something good. Being attracted is natural, and God has put it within us, and it is what we do with it that makes it what it is. There is nothing wrong with fantasy as long as you can come back to reality shortly, and you do not live your entire life in a fantasy world.