BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!
One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?
How sad for a western man that he can not have baby. How sad that after the western man aged, he has nothing to talk to and no one cares for him because he has no baby. How sad for aged western man that he will be sent to the caring hospital for aged because he has no family. How sad that after he worked so hard and saved money, he will just spend his money in the caring house and hire someone to take care of him. He will die in depression, and the sad thing, when he is in the hospital, no one will be there for him and his money can not talk to him because money has no mouth.