red wrote:I tell you what i was a bit stupid in love before. I even fell to a man who was once a drug addict and on parole.
Physical and emotional attraction for me is a big deal. Money was not my first criteria. In fact faith to God was on top. I was very picky when it comes to man. I should be in love and enjoy him physically too.
"emotional attraction for me is a big deal"
Yes, but where does emotion come from? Emotion is a feeling. What creates a feeling? God gives women a feeling, urge, need (emotion) for men who have resources (money) or the ability to create resources (money). Cave-woman was attracted to cave-man who was a good hunter who brought back food to support her and her children. Today modern-man does not hunt for food, he works for money to buy food, clothes, house etc the woman wants for herself and her children. Women feel emotion (love) for men who can provide resources (money).
All studies show most women want to marry a man of equal or greater resources (money) than she has. Asked to list criteria for mate selection about 95% of women will list money or ability to make money in her top 10. Men will almost never list money as a criteria for selecting a mate. Women do not like to ADMIT that money is a very significant selection criteria because admitting they want a man for resources (money) makes them feel dependent and cheap, like they are selling themselves like a prostitute. What people do, not what they say, is reality. Women may say that they don't chose men for money but reality (facts) prove women DO look for men with money.
Red did you not earlier say that you rejected men on JadeRune who did not want children? So you did not allow yourself to have emotion (love) for a man who did not meet your requirements. You only allowed yourself to feel (love) a man who would provide children and agree to provide for you and children. Providing for you and children is providing resources (money). So money was a VERY important criteria you used when selecting your husband.
People who say money is not a key reason for filipina-american marriage are just kidding themselves. All different aspects of a man except skin color and money can be much easier found in the millions of local filipino men than in the relatively few american men available to a filipina.