I heard some people in Walmart, grocery, and hardware store, parking lot today talking about the election and the liberals, and they were using language that I hope I would never use. They were really upset and angry. I am thorougly disappointed in the outcome, but we did our part, and it still turned out this way.
I agree with you completely, Smiley, that Barac Obama is a very evil person, and you are right also that the liberal media has countless times covered up the evil that he has been up to. He supports everything that Christians oppose, and yet many so called Christians, including many in my family and relatives have been duped by him. He has been a disgrace to our country in numerous ways. I really thought that people were wiser than to put him in again!
I also whole heartedly agree with Crisi, that God is still in control. Obama is like Satan, and God has both of them on a leash! They can go no further than what God allows them to go. We saw this in Israel's history where the people and the rulers were evil, and God only allowed them to go so far before He punished them by sending other powers in to over take, and captivate them.
Just like with Satan, Barac Obama will have his day in judgement before the Lord. He may think he is getting away with all this evil, but he is not. God will have His way!