"I love you"

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Re: "I love you"

Postby Smiley » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:31 pm

To dream is good.But a dream without any action can never amount to much. In school,you can dream about getting good grades and a good future . . . or. . . .you can work towards the goals.Which do you think will be more likely to lead to your success?
Same with most areas of life. Hoping and wishing are not enough by themselves.Success takes a certain amount of effort and a certain amount of risk.
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Re: "I love you"

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:01 am

I agree with you, Smiley, the dream is good, but you are also correct about that dream needing to have action. Words are not enough, but they need actions to prove their worth. It can start with a dream, or start with a plan, and then feet need to be put to that plan. Hoping and wishing are good, but effort and risk must be taken. There is a certain amount of risk in anything we do, and we must be willing to take that risk, and then effort is necessary as well. I wanted dreamed of playing the piano off and on most of my adult life, but it seemed too overwhelming, and I didn't want to start with "Mary Had a Little Lamb!" I want to start with "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," and others like that, so I got discouraged many times trying to play, but I decided at one point to do it. I thought within a few weeks I would be playing everything, but now after, I have even lost track of how many years it has been, I am still not playing everything, but I am doing really well, for me, because I decided to play the piano, and I have stayed with it, and now I can play most everything; not everthing, and not everything well, but it is coming nicely. If I were still dreaming I would not be playing, but I have worked very hard, and put many hours into playing the piano. That is what it takes, dreams, risks, and work! :D :D
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Re: "I love you"

Postby mystic » Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:10 am

Action is the horse; dream is the rider. You go nowhere with only action (or better, you go random, without destination). But you also go nowhere with only dream.

But certainly, a dream without action hurts nobody. But an action without driver... that can hurt a lot along the way.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: "I love you"

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:22 am

Yes, get the dream and the action together. They go hand in hand. This is somewhat like faith and works. Works alone doesn't do much good, and having faith, but not putting that faith into action with the works doesn't do much either, so faith is important, but so is works, and both are needed. :D :D
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Re: "I love you"

Postby Denis » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:26 pm

Loving is a good feeling but it is serious word. Do not tell someone if you do not mean to. It needs true and pure intention in telling the woman.
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Re: "I love you"

Postby Denis » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:50 pm

DavidM wrote:Seriously? Not saying "I love you" until you want to commit to be married forever? From a distance this seems like the result of holding out too long waiting for Mr Perfect to come along. At best it could be wanting a pre-sin relationship, but that will never be found here on earth. There is only one who is forever true to those words. Everyone else says them for different reasons and the feelings can wax and wane.

It is also a huge red flag indicating Cluster C personality.

Avoidant personality disorder:[/b] pervasive feelings of social inhibition and social inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation and avoidance of social interaction.
Dependent personality disorder:[/b] pervasive psychological dependence on other people.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder[/b] (not the same as obsessive-compulsive disorder): characterized by rigid conformity to rules, moral codes and excessive orderliness.

I'm not diagnosing anyone, but the reader should search their heart for truth. Also known as princess syndrome.

To me, "I love you" is what you say to someone when you love them. It is far far from saying "I am committed to you forever and will never leave you or forsake you." The answer is yes that everyone will let you down at some point and no there isn't one human who can make a perfect covenant, but Jesus calls us to love those imperfect and adulterous people.

They are words spoken from the overflow of the heart. Are they spoken to deceive or genuine? You can only tell by the fruit.

Hopefully I didn't offend.

Davidm qoute "They are words spoken from the overflow of the heart. Are they spoken to deceive or genuine? You can only tell by the fruit"

Saying those words "I love you" is to deceive or genuine? That is men should be careful with because women are driven by their feelings and as long as they have feelings for men, they say those words. Men, also try to use this to get the heart of women but in truth, they do not mean it. It is both applicable to men and women that they deceive each other.

Are you deceptive or genuien?
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