Our New Yard Fence

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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:12 am

YardFence 114reduced.jpg
From the North
YardFence 114reduced.jpg (115.01 KiB) Viewed 9566 times

This picture shows the East side of our house and the yard on that side! You see all the shade? We open the doors and windows on that side of the house as soon as we get shade there, and then cool air comes into the house. :D :D
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:18 am

YardFence 115reduced.jpg
Home Away From Home
YardFence 115reduced.jpg (135.57 KiB) Viewed 9566 times

This is a fairly nice travel trailer. It now needs cleaned up and repaired a bit and it would be really nice for camping. I am not set up to pull it right now, but I could get it set up easily, and then it would be fun! :D :D

I just finished the yard fence this evening, and it is pretty nice to have it finished! :D :D
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Chas » Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:44 pm

Looks good, very neat. Thanks for sharing. I am amazed at the lack of trees in the landscape. Do you get high winds that would blow them over?
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby wayne208 » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:17 pm

Edwin the fence is looking good . Much better then i could have done . Did Smiley ever send You those bricks tat He had ?.lol
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:12 pm

Chas, we do get lots of winds here! Sometimes the speed of the wind is amazing! Mostly on this hill there are wheat fields and cow pasture. There are very few trees here; non at all on this 40 acres, except a few that we have planted that have not gotten more than a few feet tall so far. There are a few trees going down off the hillside towards the towns both West towards Seattle, and to the East towards Spokane. My brother has a few Quaken Aspen trees, and a few that I gave him 30 or 35 years ago. They are tall now! But there are only a few. We get hard winds anytime during the year. In the winter the wind keeps most all the snow blown off the roofs, and it all piles the snow in drifts, and we have to walk over a quarter of a mile where we park our car so that we can drive out. Sometimes the main roads here get drifted over with snow fairly deep, but the County has equipment that can move any amount of snow, and they plow it as long as the wind is not still blowing. If the wind is still blowing the kids don't get to school and the adults don't get to work!

Well, Wayne, Smiley is a little slow about sending those blocks, and I sure could use them. I keep thinking about more things that I could do with blocks! I think I am block mad! I like to have them and use them! :D :D
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:13 pm

Chas, we do get lots of winds here! Sometimes the speed of the wind is amazing! Mostly on this hill there are wheat fields and cow pasture. There are very few trees here; non at all on this 40 acres, except a few that we have planted that have not gotten more than a few feet tall so far. There are a few trees going down off the hillside towards the towns both West towards Seattle, and to the East towards Spokane. My brother has a few Quaken Aspen trees, and a few that I gave him 30 or 35 years ago. They are tall now! But there are only a few. We get hard winds anytime during the year. In the winter the wind keeps most all the snow blown off the roofs, and it all piles the snow in drifts, and we have to walk over a quarter of a mile where we park our car so that we can drive out. Sometimes the main roads here get drifted over with snow fairly deep, but the County has equipment that can move any amount of snow, and they plow it as long as the wind is not still blowing. If the wind is still blowing the kids don't get to school and the adults don't get to work!

Well, Wayne, Smiley is a little slow about sending those blocks, and I sure could use them. I keep thinking about more things that I could do with blocks! I think I am block mad! I like to have them and use them! :D :D
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:14 pm

Chas, we do get lots of winds here! Sometimes the speed of the wind is amazing! Mostly on this hill there are wheat fields and cow pasture. There are very few trees here; non at all on this 40 acres, except a few that we have planted that have not gotten more than a few feet tall so far. There are a few trees going down off the hillside towards the towns both West towards Seattle, and to the East towards Spokane. My brother has a few Quaken Aspen trees, and a few that I gave him 30 or 35 years ago. They are tall now! But there are only a few. We get hard winds anytime during the year. In the winter the wind keeps most all the snow blown off the roofs, and it all piles the snow in drifts, and we have to walk over a quarter of a mile where we park our car so that we can drive out. Sometimes the main roads here get drifted over with snow fairly deep, but the County has equipment that can move any amount of snow, and they plow it as long as the wind is not still blowing. If the wind is still blowing the kids don't get to school and the adults don't get to work!

Well, Wayne, Smiley is a little slow about sending those blocks, and I sure could use them. I keep thinking about more things that I could do with blocks! I think I am block mad! I like to have them and use them! :D :D
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby wayne208 » Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:26 pm

Edwin do Not worry I am sure Your blocks from Smiley are in the Mail :D .. My Brother had a Dog Named Mick He always had 1 ear up and 1 ear down . He was a Good Puppy .
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:16 pm

Yes, I'm sure those blocks are in the mail! Carol wants a partition fence because Scooby will not leave the chickens and turkeys alone! He harrasses them! So now I will need 2 more 16 foot fence panels and 22 more concrete blocks. Actually she also wants me to build steps which I think will take 45 blocks, and I should build a small room off the house for garbage collection. It will be 8 feet wide, 8, 10, or 12 feet deep, and I haven't decided about that yet.

Our two doggies normally get along really well. Rand the smaller dog tries to boss Scooby the larger dog, by almost 2 times the size. He won't let him through the door. Then when we are ready to walk, he bites him as we are starting to walk, and I give Rand treats to distract him, and that works. Today out in the yard they got into a horrible fight, but I was right there, so I pulled Scooby off from Rand, and he was easy to pull off, and it was like, "No hard feelings!" It might have had something to do with the chickens that Scooby is harrassing. I have learned that when I am visiting with someone out on the road, and they pull away after visiting with me, Scooby get so excited that he bites me if I am not alert. He is not mean, he just gets so excited that he doesn't know what to do with himself. As the car is pulling away, I just hang on to his collar and I tell him, "Scooby, don't bite, and he is fine!" I have to be careful who I tell that to, because upon hearing that some people think he is a terrrible dog, and he is not; he is a very loving doggie.

Yes, the one ear up, and the other ear down is very interesting! It makes him look really funny! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Our New Yard Fence

Postby Smiley » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:27 pm

I hope that it is OK for me to send them "postage due"? :shock: Shouldn`t cost more than $18-$25 per block. :o

How many should I send?
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