A quite a few years ago there was a news program that told about something that was going on in a particular high school. There were boys who were luring and seducing girls into having sex with them. They couldn't be charged with a criminal act because they were all underage, and it was considered that both gave equal consent. What was the sad part of all this, besides the fact that they were underage, and having their virginity taken from them? The sad thing was that these boys were doing this to be able to say to the other guys, I did this! It was a game, and the girls were the ones who were losing.
A good woman's price is far above rubies. She is a valuable item. She is not to be bought and sold, but to be won by a deserving person. No one's heart should be trifled with. Care should be taken to protect the feelings of the other person. It helps to follow the teaching, "Do unto others as you would like to have them do unto you." Would you like to have someone deceive you? Would you like to have someone scam you? Would you like to have someone get your hopes up, and then have them purposefully dash those hopes? It is important to have respect, and to guard the feelings of the other person. In your actions ask yourself, "Is this going to leave the other person in good condition, help them to remain happy, and give them hope for the future that will be satisfied?"