The Benefits of Walking

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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:09 am

Yes, walking does help you to sleep. It is nice to be able to work walking, so that you are not walking during the hottest times of the day. When it is very hot every day, then you get so you want cooler weather for a while. Not having rain makes a problem for keeping things watered so they will keep growing. :D :D :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:49 am

Now it is getting dark earlier, so I started my doggie walking a full 30 minutes earlier than I have been. I was starting at 7:00 p.m., and I waited that late because any earlier it was too hot for the doggies to be walking. It has cooled down allowing me to start earlier without hurting the doggies. I don't hurt them anyway, but they will not walk fast when it is hot, and if it is very hot the smaller doggie, Rand will lay in the shade and wait for me. The bigger doggie, Scooby, the one in the picture here, will sit down, and stay there until he feels that he is no longer tired and hot. The one morning I walked too late in the morning, and it was too hot, I managed to walk most of the distance, but he got too hot and too tired, and he just laid down in the shade, and looked at me as if to say, I am not going any further. I let him rest a long time, and then finally I encouraged him to get up, and we were close to home, so we went directly there! Tonight I started our walk at 6:30 p.m., and the doggies walked right along, so we got back pretty early, well, two hours later, but that is pretty fast for 6.5 miles. Carol went in the hot tub, which now has cool water in it, with our daughter instead of walking, and that is okay. She is old enough that she can decide what she wants to do. We did walk faster without her, but I am happy to have her walking even if it makes us walk slower while she is with us. She is only able to walk half the distance that she was able to last year, but any walking is better than no walking! I guess she has gone down hill physically that much since last year. It happens when we get older, and she is past 70 years old! She works hard to take care of herself, and whatever she can do to be comfortable and happy is great! :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:49 pm

Well, the daylight hours are getting shorter. I have had to start walking at 6 p.m. so that I can still see when I am finishing my walk and coming home. I was walking starting a 6:30 p.m. for a while, but it was too dark on my return trip home, so I decided to start at 6. That means that winter is on its way, and that is hard to believe. I spent my summer digging in my cellar and that made the summer go quickly. I think in the dead of winter, last winter I was leaving the house for our walk just after eating lunch so that I could walk in the light. There are not many daylight hours that time of the year! :roll: :roll:
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:56 am

No one can tell me that the doggies don't know what time it is, because they do. They have their alarms set for walk time! Most of the time through the summer I was walking at 7:00 p.m. because so that I could get back before dark. On the days that we had the most hours of day light sometimes I left with them a little later than that. I stepped it back to 6:30 p.m. as we were having fewer day light hours. Then I have gone to 6:00 p.m., and lately that has proven to be too late. If I am slow getting out of the house with them, then it is dark enough on my return trip that I can't see the ground, and that is dangerous for turning/spraining my foot or ankle by stepping on a rock wrong that I did not see. I decided 5:30 p.m. is the new walk time, but I have had trouble getting out and getting to walking that early, but as long as I am no later than 6 p.m., even though it is dark on the return, I can still see details on the ground. If I could leave at 5:30 p.m. that would be perfect. When the doggies know that it is time to start the walk, they start crying, audibly, loudly, and they want their walk! When my big doggie, Scooby sees me coming with his harness he also starts barking. He can just barely stand it until we are out walking. Today I am going the throw them off. It is cool enough now that I can walk them in the late morning, while before they would get too hot! I can't walk them this evening because of needing to work with my son-in-law on the cellar, so it is almost 9:00 a.m., and now since fall is here it is not that hot, so I will be walking them in a few minutes. This early evening the doggies will be bewildered wondering why we are not walking, and I will tell them, "remember, we walked this morning!" Do you think they will understand? :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby crisipicada » Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:22 pm

I weigh 41kilos now and thanks that I did not drop a lot of kilos since I always vomit when I eat. I think I am bulimic, somebody said. What will I do, now?
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:58 pm

Crisi, you are not bulimic, unless you vomit on purpose. You have something wrong with you that causes you to vomit, but it is something that you maybe don't know the cause, but you are not bulimic. People who are bulimic are obsessed with desire for weight loss, and they force or induce their vomiting so their food will not cause them to gain weight. It is a mental sickness in which the person vomiting thinks they are overweight/fat, and they think that even as they are dying from malnutrition. I hope an pray that you can understand what is causing you to vomit, so that won't happen to you, and you can feel better. It might be stress related, or because you are traumatized for some reason, or have too many troubles. I pray you can find a solution to that problem for you! :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:04 am

We were gone for several days last week, and when we got back the big doggie, Scooby was so happy to see us. He is a people dog, and he loves people. I brought him in the house so that he could get aquainted with everyone. He checked the house out for a little while afterwhich he went back outside. I was able to walk the doggies Sunday evening, and today we finished working early enough so that I could have walked, but it rained a little, and looked like it would rain more, which it did, so I didn't want to get wet, so I skipped walking tonight. I won't walk if it is already raining. I do walk every chance I get though as it is good for me, and the doggies love it! :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:44 am

crisipicada wrote:I weigh 41kilos now and thanks that I did not drop a lot of kilos since I always vomit when I eat. I think I am bulimic, somebody said. What will I do, now?

Does it help if before eating you take an anti-acid? (Try with bicarbonate) If so, it might be a little ulcer.

Could it be porfyrias? It's rare, but doctor needed to assess it.

Stomach or intestine inflammation? You need to quickly determine it, because if it gets chronic... it might be very dangerous.

Hiatal hernia?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Intolerance to lactose or gluten? Try to avoid completely for a week lactose (milk, etc.). See if it helps. Then, try another week to avoid completely gluten (pasta, rice, etc.) and see if it helps.

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS)? (
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:14 pm

You are right mystic that there are a number of possible problems causing Crisi to vomit after she eats. It is definately not normal, and she can't help what is happening until she gains an understanding of what the problem is. It may be something really simple, or more difficult to figure out and find a solution for. I am really sorry, Crisi, that this is happening to you. The few times that I have vomited I hate it, and it is really a horrible experience I think. Sometimes you feel better after you do, if you have something in your stomach that should be expelled. I think stress and traumatic situations could be causing this. Crisi it is like you have to be careful what you eat and how much you eat or you will vomit, huh? Most people don't have to be that careful about eating. All of us should eat wisely and exercise, but you shouldn't have to deal with the problem you are having. :D :D
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Re: The Benefits of Walking

Postby Chas » Tue May 21, 2013 10:28 am

In the UK there are various long distance footpaths where you can usually walk away from traffic in the clean country air. I am slowly attempting to complete one of them. It is the South West Coast Path and stretches for 630 miles. Over the past three years I have managed to complete just over 25% of it. I usually manage to devote a fortnight a year to it and this past week I have been walking one of the toughest sections. Those a lot younger and fitter than me will typically complete the path in one go in six to eight weeks. The record for people running it in one go is just over 14 days, that is amazing and mad.

Here are a few photos from my past week:
The coastline is stunning.
DSC08793.JPG (129.88 KiB) Viewed 6975 times

A Kestrel looking for lunch:
DSC08811.JPG (88.02 KiB) Viewed 6975 times

A typical climb, the toughest day was eight of these each between 200 and 300 foot high:
DSC08827.JPG (243.22 KiB) Viewed 6975 times
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