What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:30 pm

This maybe should be what was your week like, but this day is somewhat the result of my weekend. Saturday I was using my rock bar chipping loose rocks and gravel imbedded in hard pan. I was also shoveling dirt well over my head out of the hole. I did a lot of it last summer, but I didn't finish, and I have already done a quite a bit this summer, still not finished. I came out of the hole to use the bathroom and I discovered I was bleeding inside my body. I had a TURP procedure in 2002 to deal with an enlarged prostrate that basically shut me down so that I could not use the bathroom. Well, I have been doing wonderfully since until Saturday afternoon. I talked with my brother who had that same procedure before I did, and he told me that when he told the nurse what was happening, she told him he had cancer and would not live very long. Well, he went to have it checked out, and he had no problems other than he was bleeding periodically, and he told me that he thought I didn't have problems either, but he didn't want to tell me that I was okay, and have something be wrong with me. So I had an appointment with this surgical doctor who performed this procedure on me to see if everything was okay. I bled Saturday, Sunday (missed church because of it) bled Monday, and since Monday evening at bedtime I have not had any bleeding, for which I am very thankful! I had an appointment to see the doctor today, but on our way to see the doctor the car stopped running after we had driven about 7 miles or so. Carol started walking for home, and I climbed on top of a hill and on some rocks where I managed to call our daughter and she came to get us. Long story short, I had the car towed to a mechanics garage where it is getting fixed. Once it is fixed I will try to see the doctor again. I felt fine, no pain, just bleeding, and I believe that God is taking care of me. I may be okay now, but the concensus of opinion is that I should get it checked out anyway just to make sure I am okay, which I think I am. The nurse and my brother think I strained, and ruptured where I had surgery and started it to bleeding. My brother has had trouble that way off and on for years. I have never had that happen to me before, so when it did happen it traumatized me. I am trusting the Lord and I believe that I am okay. All in all it seemed like a hard day, but I am still alive and the Lord is with me. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:24 pm

If you are responsible for little thing, God will grant you more responsibility. This is very true.

Last month, my chief ask me to be the chief admin at the office. I am quite resist what he said because being collecting officer at the same time assessor, since I receive my order last October 2010 and January this year, respectively, it is hard on my part to have addition designation. Handling money matters is a big temptation, but indeed I never tempted because I always acknowledge God's presence that He always see what we do and even what we think.

Not only that, sometimes, to conduct lecture about fire prevention and suppression is additional responsibility. Sometimes we do that during night time or after 5pm to 7pm. Being in uniformed service is difficult. Always on call wherever you are. I am married to my work since 12 December 2006. I am glad that God entrusted me for that responsibility.

At last I am the Chief Admin. I do not know if I can cope up with the work load. Going to the bank everyday before 3pm to deposit to the bank in the account of bureau of treasury is a hard thing. I am afraid sometimes that something might happen along the way. It takes 10-15 minutes ride by firetruck going to the bank. Sometimes I get stress because while I am in the bank my officemates text me to review building plan and assess how much they will pay, and some business permit process. So hard. Please God help.

I am thankful for all these things. God is so good all the time, and indeed He has been there for me.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:45 pm

crisipicada wrote:If you are responsible for little thing, God will grant you more responsibility. This is very true.

Last month, my chief ask me to be the chief admin at the office. I am quite resist what he said because being collecting officer at the same time assessor, since I receive my order last October 2010 and January this year, respectively, it is hard on my part to have addition designation. Handling money matters is a big temptation, but indeed I never tempted because I always acknowledge God's presence that He always see what we do and even what we think.

Not only that, sometimes, to conduct lecture about fire prevention and suppression is additional responsibility. Sometimes we do that during night time or after 5pm to 7pm. Being in uniformed service is difficult. Always on call wherever you are. I am married to my work since 12 December 2006. I am glad that God entrusted me for that responsibility.

At last I am the Chief Admin. I do not know if I can cope up with the work load. Going to the bank everyday before 3pm to deposit to the bank in the account of bureau of treasury is a hard thing. I am afraid sometimes that something might happen along the way. It takes 10-15 minutes ride by firetruck going to the bank. Sometimes I get stress because while I am in the bank my officemates text me to review building plan and assess how much they will pay, and some business permit process. So hard. Please God help.

I am thankful for all these things. God is so good all the time, and indeed He has been there for me.

Crisi, I am very happy for you! God has promoted you! God will help you with all your responsibilities! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:50 am

This was the day I was supposed to find out whether I am going to live or die! The doctor said that I will live until I die! I am just kidding actually. The car didn't break down this time, so I actually made it to see the doctor. The doctor did a preliminary examination, and he thinks I am okay. Because of the bleeding there is a concern, as it often times is cancer. My brother had the same thing, and he is okay. They did a PSA test, and didn't tell me the results, but I'm sure they would have if it had been bad news. I have 2 more appointments, and I don't understand all they are going to do, but they drew blood today to have it analyzed, and they will do some x raying, and I heard them say something about a scan that they do for people over 60 years old. The doctor said they will x ray my kidneys and check out my bladder, and then give me a clean bill of health, and that sounded really wonderful, so I am expecting a clean bill of health. I feel so great that it seems rediculous for me to be seeing the doctor, but with what happened to me it is important to make sure I don't have cancer, which I don't think I do.

We went to Costco, ate a Polish hotdog with relish, and then did a little shopping. We bought oatmeal and raisins which is what I eat a lot of. We bought some cheerios for Carol as that is what she prefers to eat. We got some chicken legs and thighs very reasonably. We also got some canned salmon and tunafish. Then we got 3 cantalopes, and when we got home and ate one of them I wish we would have gotten 6, they were so good! We also got a number of frozen cans of concentrate orange juice which I like to drink, especially when it is hot. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:43 pm

Yesterday was a heavy day. Asside from assessing fire code revenues and issuance of order of payment slip and official receipt, then deposit before 3 pm to the account of bureau of treasury, I prepare forms of PES for all 16 personnel. Many clients came over the office submit their respective promisory note to comply regarding their notice to comply issued by our building inspectors.

There are applicants for FO1 and they submitted application for the said position. Many transmittals receipt from different departments, both local and national offices. I write a letter request from the office of the treasurer, in the city for the certification regarding the collection and deposits done by the local treasurer Fiscal Year 2010 for the consolidation of fire code fee revenues in preparation for the 20% share of the local for the improvement and use of the Bureau Of Fire Protection stationed in the city. Until now, there is no reply yet and the provincial fire office keep on follow up about the data. I am pressured, too.

And then in the afternoon, I practice piano lesson and then just stay at home while my sister and nephews attend to a birthday party. I was alone in the house until 8:30pm.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:39 am

Wow, Crisi, that was a heavy day! You probably enjoyed your time alone in the house, and practicing the piano lesson after a day like that!

Today I finished the Baptist Hymn/Song book. Now I am on to "The Singing Church" songbook. It is 1985 by Hope Publishing Company. The Baptist Hymn Book was very good, and I think the "The Singing Church" hymn/song book is a good one also. I have so many hymn/song books it is hard to decide, and yet when I go visit other churches I see more hymn/song books that I wish I had, but maybe sometime in the future I will get some of them.

I got a call from the doctor's office, and I now have an appointment for a cat scan, never had one before, and to see the doctor again after that. They have done a PSA, but I didn't hear the results. They drew two viles of blood for testing. They are going to check my kidneys and bladder, and then give me a clean bill of health! That is what the doctor told me, and that is what I am hoping for and they are hoping for that also. I think I am fine, and they are going to do that testing, and they will and I will know that I am okay. This will take place in about 2 weeks. It has been 3 weeks since this happened to me, and then in 2 more weeks I will know that I am okay, so that will be nice. My brother had the same thing, and he is okay, so there is no good reason why I shouldn't be okay also. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:28 pm

This morning when our daughter came bringing our gallon of milk she invited us to go to town with them. She was going to try to have the beautician take the false color out of our granddaughter's hair for a early graduation present for her. She graduates next year. She first had her hair bleached a light blond color. Then she had it colored a bright raggedy ann red color, which she has worn a quite a while. Then she had a darker red brown color put on it. Now it has been growing out so the roots are coming out another color. So our daughter, her aunt paid to get both the colors removed to take it back to it's natural color. It almost came back, but she has some red highlites in it yet. Our daughter who paid for it is not extremely happy as she wanted it darker. Is any woman happy when she comes out of the beauty shop?

I was going to stay home and play the piano, but I got a call from the doctor's office telling me that my PSA number is elevated, so they are concerned. As a result they want to do a biopsy. Because of that they wanted me to get two antibiotic pills. One the is taken 3 hours before the procedure, and one take 12 hours after the procedure. Now I have had a urine sample from which the PSA has been determined. My brother told me that 7 is the highest that is acceptable, and his was 9, but he did not have cancer, just a high PSA score. He told me that he thinks they have changed their rating scale because they told me that 0 to 4 is acceptable, and mine is 4.6, so there is a concern, but the nurse told me not to worry about it because I just may have a PSA that is higher than normal, but may not mean anything bad. The biopsy, the cat scan, and a check into my kidneys and bladder, and the results should help me to know that every thing is fine!

Since it is a long ways from here to town I elected to go with them so that I could get those 2 antibiotic pills, and an enema which they want me to take before the biopsy procedure. When this is all over with I am going to feel like I have been thoroughly checked over, and it will be worth it to find out that everything is okay. The last time I saw a doctor was in 2004 when I had this TURP procedure on my vastly enlarged prostate gland. My brother tells me that he thinks everything is okay with me, and he thinks that my PSA runs high also.The nurse told me not to worry, so I guess I won't! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:12 am

About 8 years ago, I had a PSA score of 4.6, and I had a biopsy, and the results were negative. Then In January of this year, my PSA was 11.5, and they gave me antibiotics for 6 days and retested it, and it was 8. Two weeks ago, it was at 9.3, and I am scheduled for another biopsy later this month.
Three things can cause high scores on a PSA test. An infection, an enlarged prostate (BPH), and cancer. To my dismay, the doctors I have seen have never even used the term BPH....only cancer. The prostate has become the most over-diagnosed male problem of the modern world.
So I will pray for you, Sir Edwin, and you keep a positive attitude.

The truth is that in most cases even if you were found to have it, that prostate cancer is an extremely slow growing cancer, and more men die with it than from it. But your score of 4.6 is relatively low compared to some. There are stories of a man who had a PSA score of over 1000, and he was still working. Apparantly, when someone has prostate cancer, the PSA numbers start to double, and that is an indicator of the speed of the tumor growth, and a good way to monitor your personal case.

New research has shown that eating 1/2 cup of sweet potatoes (camotes) a day will shrink a prostate tumor. Other dietary measures have also proven effective in slowing the growth, and making living with the disease easier than any of the current treatments.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:50 am

Thank you so much, for the encouragement and enlightenment, Michael! Thanks so much for the prayers, and I will pray for you also, and I will keep a positive attitude which is important. Every thing will be fine! Thank you very much! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:57 am

Today, I attended class at San Isidro, one of the barangays in this our city. Thanks God our class did not start at exactly 8am. Today, I took an assessment tests in Math and English. This is one way to know how far we as students have learned and gone through. I hope that I will be exempted attending class in Math and English.

I arrive pass 4pm and i rested and take a nap. I just woke up and drink milk and a piece of bread for dinner. I watch Pilipinas got Talent and I really had fun with my sister and nephew. I had a very nice day today. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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