What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:11 pm

One of my passions is railways and in particular narrow gauge. I went to an exhibition of model narrow gauge live steam locomotives:

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:16 pm

I went for a visit to Scotland and visited Edinburgh

The Castle and St Giles Cathedral:
P4040354.JPG (239.37 KiB) Viewed 9816 times

Then I moved on to Stirling.
Stirling Castle is in a strategic position to defend the South from the Highlanders living in the snow capped hills to the North:
P4050381.JPG (210.15 KiB) Viewed 9816 times

Stirling Catle: Hundreds of years ago this was attacked by brave (foolhardy) souls armed with little more than bows and arrows:
P4050399.JPG (243.76 KiB) Viewed 9816 times
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:47 pm

Very nice Chas. I did a little exploring around the Firth of Forth years ago.I remember coming across the ruins of Rosyth Castle not far from the dockyard. Not a soul around,very relaxing.
We spent most of our time in Scotland in Faslane which is not really that far from Stirling Castle but for whatever reason I never went there. Faslane is located on the upper end of the Firth of Clyde.That was back when Oberon class diesel boats kept things real.
Thanks for sharing
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby lyrehc » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:04 pm

Wow how do I share something without going there? :lol: I also visited ruins in bacolod city but will it was ruind and things there was very hystorical. So how can I chatch up with you guy? Its a nice place to be there Scotland a nice place for hystorical age of war. Can we go to bows and arrows, during that time bows depend the army I think by targeting the object. I was shock by the picture it was nice and chas is really a traveler so does smiley..I hope the next time you travel you gonna bring me. :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:15 am

Hi Smiley. I am glad the photos brought back memories. If everything goes to plan my walking the South West Coast Path will see me reach Plymouth in October. Did you ever dock in Devonport? I will of course share more photos, there is no escape :lol:

Hi Lyrehc, you must be having quite an adventure if you are in Egypt. I have never been there. I doubt you get much free time, but I hope you get to see the Pyramids of Giza just outside Cairo (please post some photos). I understand there is a Museum in Cairo with some stunning ancient Egyptian relics (more photos?). I think it was you who posted a nice photo of the ruined house near Bacolod in the Photo Quiz. I expect you are feeling homesick. :cry: I am sure you are a fun person to travel with. If I ever get so weak I need a photo assistant to carry my camera gear on my travels I will give you a call, I hope you are strong as those lenses weigh a ton :D

Have fun everybody :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:11 am

Never in Devonport, but I was very impressed with Dartmouth and its well preserved History.I had a large scrumpy at an amazing place called the Cherub.It has been a Public House since some time in the 1300's.
Most of our time alongside was in Faslane Scotland and HMS Dolphin across the harbor from Portsmouth England.
We were,I believe, the first submarine to visit Manchester. While transiting the canal we had to remain at harbor stations. I remember it being pretty much an all day affair.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Chas » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:23 pm

Smiley wrote:Never in Devonport, but I was very impressed with Dartmouth and its well preserved History.I had a large scrumpy at an amazing place called the Cherub.It has been a Public House since some time in the 1300's.
Most of our time alongside was in Faslane Scotland and HMS Dolphin across the harbor from Portsmouth England.
We were,I believe, the first submarine to visit Manchester. While transiting the canal we had to remain at harbor stations. I remember it being pretty much an all day affair.

It is a few years since I was last in Dartmouth. The Cherub is still there and waiting to serve you another pint of scrumpy. My coast path walk will reach Dartmouth in late 2016 or early 2017 depending how much time my friends and I can devote to it. We restart at Lizard Point in a couple of weeks for a couple of weeks.

A submarine up the Manchester Ship canal, that must have been quite a trip.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:18 am

Sir Chas, once again a very nice photo :)

Today, i have a tough day since my stomached gone, my laundry its stocked... now i have to overtime, so i can finish all of it..but the interruption is always there my son hehehe :D now, how can i finish all of it! grr.. he dont want to sleep either stay in our room. all he wanted is going outside and play with his playmate in our neighbors house.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby lyrehc » Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:01 am

Yesterday was a very busy day and today was a tough one.... Today we work and rest a little then I drop by this site just to post..a very nice thing that we are also posting picture here but chas ill send photo next time ok.. And regarding to that matter about holding your cam ill be very handy to it..I hope to have a plenty of rest oneday. Have a blessed day everyone here on jaderune.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:43 am

Today the weather here is super hot. all i wanted is to drink water every 10 minutes im always thirsty. trice to take shower today... after church we went to Panaad sa Negros Festival here, last day celebrating of different town and cities here in negros festival .They sell whatever unique foods, crafts and plants the cities have, and also they promote the beautiful places what the city have. every year we try to go there but only in the morning because in evening its crowded many people go there. even were spend a little time my son enjoy it. :)
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