by Chas » Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:04 pm
The early morning sun streams in the windows from a cloudless sky. I savour the aroma from my first and last cup of the day of freshly ground and brewed coffee. Occasionally I weaken and have a second cup. It is quiet and peaceful in the backroom, the windows are closed as there is a still a cold wind this early in the year. The only sounds are the occasional creak as the roof expands from the sun's warmth and the muffled sound of birdsong from the garden.
I snuggle back into the warm embrace of the soft leather of the sofa and look out of the picture windows into the garden. Spring has definitely arrived and the Japanese Acer tree has glorious pinky red leaves emerging, later they will turn green until they go yellowy brown and drop in the Autumn. The yellow daffodils sparkle in the sunlight and the array of red and yellow tulips give a broad splash of colour.
The squirrels are already up and foraging for nuts they previously buried. Sniffing the ground as they quarter the lawn trying to find their buried treasure. Later I will put out a fresh supply of monkey nuts for the squirrels. They rarely eat them straightaway, but bury them and let them mature for a while in the damp earth. The Magpies have learnt a new trick, they sidle up to a squirrel as it unearths a nut and try and mug it. This strategy rarely works as they are evenly matched and the squirrel can usually chase the Magpie away.
Two young squirrels sometimes make an appearance and spend time foraging, but then have a mad few minutes playing chase. After racing up and down trees and leaping from branch to branch they sober up and go back to finding their breakfast. Two brightly coloured Jays occasionally appear. They quickly discovered how to access the Monkey Nut feeder.
The smaller birds, the Finches, Tits and Robins will use the seed feeder hanging from the Apple tree. They are selective in the seeds they choose and the ground beneath the feeder is patrolled by the Pigeons hoovering up the dropped seeds. At this time of year you will see two Robins together as they find a mate, but once the deed is done they go back to their solitary existence and are fiercely territorial.
A Pigeon launches itself in ungainly flight to the birdbath. Almost with out fail they will first use the water as a toilet before drinking it. Previously a Starling was having a good wash. I must take a look later and refill the bath or even clean it if the accumulation of Pigeon poo has got too disgusting.
My mind wanders to Jaderune and I consider Lyrehc's request for more photographs. Most of my travel photos worth sharing have been shared. There could be one or two from Tanzania that I will dig out, but perhaps I have already shared them during the 5+ years on the Forum. My memory is not what it was.
The peace is disturbed as a neighbour starts his lawnmower, eager to take advantage of the nice weather to tidy his garden. I realise my mug of coffee is now empty. I contemplate another cup, but with the peace and quiet over I decide to get off my fat backside. Like Cheryz and others I have a list of chores I must complete and they will more than fill my day.