Our youngest daughter gave me some movies, DVDs for Christmas and birthday! Then Carol started borrowing these NCIS movies from our granddaughter, and since last winter we have been watching lots of movies. It is something that Carol and I can do together, enjoy together, and laugh together. She admitted that if was not nearly so much fun to watch movies alone without me. It is fun to see the other people having fun while watching the movies. Carol enjoys knitting, spinning, crocheting, reading, and watching movies.
Carol is gone for 2 weeks, and here I am watching movies by myself which is very out of character for me! I got my fence posts up, set for our new yard fence. I have the heavy wire panels, actually they are cow panels, 16 feet long, 50 inches tall, and I am going to set them on top of concrete blocks which will give them another 8 inches, making the fence 58 inches which is plenty tall for the doggies, and that is what the fence is for! I don't want to hire a truck to bring them because that costs too much money for the number blocks I need. What I do is when I am in town for any reason I will bring 30 concrete blocks home in the back of our Van, which is rated three-quarters ton, so it doesn't hurt the van to haul them, and I am very careful with my driving and I drive slow over the roads, so that I can dodge any sharp rocks. I figure it will take about 5 loads, and every other Sunday I can bring blocks home, so it will take me a while, but I will get it finished. I still need to finish my bathroom, but I think I will wait until Carol returns home to work on that, so now I am walking my doggies the 6.5 miles each day, leaving at 8 a.m. to avoid the heat of the day because my doggie, Scooby doesn't deal well with the heat. I am watching movies, playing the piano, and doing this!
I am now watching "28 Days with Sandra Bullock," for the second time. I have it borrowed from the library, actually Carol borrowed it for me. I don't agree with a lot of what is in the movie as I don't drink alcohol, nor do I use drugs, not aspirin or anything, but I find that movie quite entertaining. I know a lot of what she does in the movie is not good, and In real life the consequences would be more severe! But I am enjoying the humor anyway!