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Postby red » Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:01 pm

I seen few movies lately Skyfall, Mirror Mirror on the Wall, LOL, and some horror movies. I miss some comedies. :(
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Postby Edwin » Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:59 pm

We watched Laurel and Hardy, "Jitterbugs." It was really funny with a lot of really good humor. It was about these entertainers or played instruments, and some of them got involved with people swindling other people out of money, and it was hilariously funny! :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:33 pm

We have been watching old seasons of NCIS for a while now, and we are almost addicted to them, but that is okay because we are just barely finished with our winter time, and that is a time that we just try to stay warm, rest, and entertain ourselves! We stopped by our local Library, in the town down over the hill, actually each town has the same network of libraries, North Central Regional Library. Anyway we have been picking out movies from there to borrow, which are completely free. The limit is 3 movies, and Carol and I both have cards, so we can get 6 movies! If you are selective you can get some pretty neat movies there for free! Tonight we watched "Ladies in Lavender," film by Charles Dance, with Judi Dench and Maggie Smith and Daniel Bruhl. A young man is washed ashore, almost drowning, with a broken ankle. He is nursed to health by two older ladies. He is from Poland, and when one of the ladies realized that they were able to communicate with him. It turns out that he is a talented violinist, who is found by a visiting artist whose brother is a famous violinist. She brings him to London, England where he is the guest performer, and the two older ladies go attend his concert. All the neighbors at home gather to listen to him on the radio. It is a fun movie!

We also watch one episode of the Waltons in one of their later shows where several of the young Walton men are over seas fighting for their country. I like watching the Waltons!
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Postby red » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:43 pm

Latest movie i watched is Madea's Big Family. It is a comedy movie I recommend for you all to watch. Laugh out loud guaranteed. :D
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Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:29 am

We are still watching NCIS. We watched Jane Eyre. Then we watched "Bell and the Beast," which was a very good Christian romance movie. We have also watched some the the later "Waltons" episodes which are very good! :D :D
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Postby wayne208 » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:00 pm

I just saw Scary Movie 5 .. It was not very Good at All . I almost always watch Bruce Willis Movies and Jackie Chan . On The Ladies Side I Love Selma Hayek and Hallie Berry and Lucy Liu . I hope I spelled the Names Right .
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Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:58 pm

We, and especially I used to watch lots of television before we move to the mountains in the National Part. While living there television was not possible unless you subscribed to expensive dish, and we never felt that rich, so we got weaned away from television. After a few years we started house/dog sitting for people, and we would watch their televisions, and we were astounded at how many commercials you had to watch to watch a television program, so we decided we didn't care about watching television any more. After that we watched movies on DVDs or VHSs, and we are still doing that. I didn't even watch any movies for several years, and now I am back into movie watching with Carol. We have gotten hooked on the NCIS episodes, and we watch other movies periodically as well. We enjoy the sarcastic humor in the shows as they banter with each other, with the fun fights! :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri May 10, 2013 5:34 pm

Our youngest daughter gave me some movies, DVDs for Christmas and birthday! Then Carol started borrowing these NCIS movies from our granddaughter, and since last winter we have been watching lots of movies. It is something that Carol and I can do together, enjoy together, and laugh together. She admitted that if was not nearly so much fun to watch movies alone without me. It is fun to see the other people having fun while watching the movies. Carol enjoys knitting, spinning, crocheting, reading, and watching movies.

Carol is gone for 2 weeks, and here I am watching movies by myself which is very out of character for me! I got my fence posts up, set for our new yard fence. I have the heavy wire panels, actually they are cow panels, 16 feet long, 50 inches tall, and I am going to set them on top of concrete blocks which will give them another 8 inches, making the fence 58 inches which is plenty tall for the doggies, and that is what the fence is for! I don't want to hire a truck to bring them because that costs too much money for the number blocks I need. What I do is when I am in town for any reason I will bring 30 concrete blocks home in the back of our Van, which is rated three-quarters ton, so it doesn't hurt the van to haul them, and I am very careful with my driving and I drive slow over the roads, so that I can dodge any sharp rocks. I figure it will take about 5 loads, and every other Sunday I can bring blocks home, so it will take me a while, but I will get it finished. I still need to finish my bathroom, but I think I will wait until Carol returns home to work on that, so now I am walking my doggies the 6.5 miles each day, leaving at 8 a.m. to avoid the heat of the day because my doggie, Scooby doesn't deal well with the heat. I am watching movies, playing the piano, and doing this!

I am now watching "28 Days with Sandra Bullock," for the second time. I have it borrowed from the library, actually Carol borrowed it for me. I don't agree with a lot of what is in the movie as I don't drink alcohol, nor do I use drugs, not aspirin or anything, but I find that movie quite entertaining. I know a lot of what she does in the movie is not good, and In real life the consequences would be more severe! But I am enjoying the humor anyway! :D :D
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Postby red » Sun May 12, 2013 5:56 am

I am glad Food City got me a movie i like Nacho Libre, been dying to buy one and can't find one. Now i have one finally thanks food city. :D
I want to watch Killing me Softly and Twilight can't believe still have not watch them. If i were in PI i could have watch them already (lots of pirated dvd's there lol)
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Postby Edwin » Sun May 12, 2013 7:36 pm

Yes, Red, I became aware of pirated movies in the Philippines in year 2010 when I visited there. Here they threaten you with thousand of dollars in fines and 5 year in prison for pirating movies. I don't think they will target people who make copies for their own viewing, although technically speaking that is illegal as well, but I think there concern is about some of make multiple copies so that they can sell them and make money, thus cheating the people out of money who produce the movies. When you buy movies on eBay you will often see advertizement stating this movie is not pirated!

Carol and I started watching movies during the dead of winter. She picked up a bunch of movies while she was down for spinning/knitting guild, and brought them home so I would have them to watch in her absense. We get all our movies from the library, which is a great source of movies. You just give them your address, and they give you a library card, and then the movies are free! I have been watching some of the "Chuck" series, and the first one was so crazy starting out that we were not even going to watch any of them at all, but they have turned out to have some pretty good humor. I watched "Angel" which was very dramatic, but it was kind of a downer with the things that happened in the movie. I watched "28 Days" twice, which has some pretty good humor in it. Because of our youngest daughter's addictions and troubles she was ordered to attend Behavioral Health, and also to attend meeting like alcohol anonymous, and drug anonymous, rehab type meetings, that she attended for year, then graduated, and now she is the person in charge at some of them. Anyway "28 Days," shows a lot of what she went through in the meeting, and also some of what got her there. After watching it two times, I thought that was enough, so I sent it back. In our library system we can order movies using email, online, or the telephone, and then they mail them to us in a canvas bag. We return the movies in that bag, postage paid by the library, so it is a pretty good deal! :D :D
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