Red, you started this Joker's Corner posting, and it has really be a worthwhile one. It is always good to laugh, and you and others have shared some very funny stuff here that make all of us make, chuckle, or belly laugh!
That was really funny what you told your oldest daughter about the police. We had a neighbor who had trouble controling her grandsons, and she used that same tactic, only her's was not that effective. This was in the late 1960s if I remember correctly. She said, "Look, over there at that police officer. If you don't behave he will come over here and get you!" She threatened those kids way too much, and didn't do anything to back up any of her threats, so it was not effective.
We had a little guy at our house a lot while he was growing up. His mother and her friends were forever getting in trouble with the law officers. One time he was in the front seat of the car while I was driving, and he saw lights flashing from a police car. He was just a little, little guy, and he got down on the floor to hide, and said to me, "Hide papa, quick, cops!" He was very serious, and actually I think they told me to hide from cops many times when he was with them! He is, I think 22 years old now, and it hardly seems possible. Seems just like yesterday when he was a baby, and we were changing his diapers!