Hi - unless I have missed something, (very possible

Moderator: youngj
jadegil6 wrote:It is OK if people want to put an avatar in the text portion of a message instead of with their name. The avatars can go either place. Some folks don't want to have just one, and they may wish to use a different avatar for different topics. It isn't that important where it is put as long as people can have a little fun with it. To each his own. Or they can have one with their name, and put a different one with the text. It all works!
Mr.Magoo wrote:Thank you for the useful information, Chas. I will try to put it to use, and if I run into any problems that I can't solve on my own, then I might take you up on your offer to help.
Mr.Magoo wrote:Wow, you are an army. Glad to see your photo, Mr. Magoo. I hope that you keep on posting
An army of one! Do you like a man in uniform? "tenhut!!" (that is "attention" for all who don't understand military jargon, coz soldiers need to talk like they have their mouths full when they bark commands."
The Marines say, "A good man is hard to find." But many girls change those words around to make a sentence with a different meaning. Give it a try crispicada! It could be a lot of fun!
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