It is not fun to be sick. Weather often plays a part in that, and in this country we think of winter as the time to be sick, but often people here are sick right in the heat of the summer! Exposure to the elements might have something to do with this, and often people here think flu bugs are contageous. When one of two people are sick, then many people get sick. They say there is an incubation stage where disease germs are spread, and other people get sick. Then after you are sick a while it is thought not to be contageous any more. People around here, and especially elderly people get flu shots that are supposed to provide some immunity for the people against those sicknesses. Having a good immune system is very important, then it is possible to more easily fight off a sickness. This summer there was a time that people in our daughter's house were sick, but we were able to stay healthy, and that I don't understand. When you are sick, it seems like you will be sick forever, and you feel like you are recovering and it comes right back to plague you some more. I will pray, Crisi, that you will quickly get over that flu and that it will not hang on any longer!