The medical scientific people I think understand cancer to a degree, but there is no cure, or no prevention that I am aware of. For most people when they get cancer it is like a death sentence. When my brother-in-law first found out that his cancer was going to kill him, he was in severe shock, and then he bounced back from that, but still any conversations ended up by him saying there is no cure for what I have. At first the doctors told him he might have a year to live, and then every time he went to see a doctor they told him less time, until the last time he was told 4 to 6 months, and I think the last time it was actually 4 months. Every time he would have a doctor's appointment, he would say, on such and such date I am going to my next death sentencing. He determined not to do Chemo, and I think he was beyond radiation's help. He said that he was not going to take anything that would take away his quality of life. He wanted just to live as well as he could then die. He had some really expensive medications, that didn't cost him anything because of a combination of medicare and military insurance, but he elected not to take them because I think he figured they would make him really sick. You are right Edeline in that it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, its all the same.
It is interesting that some cancers are more deadly than others. My sister-in-law had lymphona a couple of years ago, and she survived that, but she says that it could come back and kill her anytime. They also say that some prostate cancers are so slow growing that people die with them rather than from them. Although that is where Carol's brother's cancer started, then colon, then hip, then lungs, now back and all through his body. My Dad told me, and I don't know where he got his information, but when you have cancer you hair and your finger and toe nails grow faster.
I think what people eat and their environment, what they are exposed to has something to do with them getting cancer. I think some people are genetically predispositioned to get cancer. Sometimes when people get cancer, who knows why they got cancer, and no one has the answer. My mother-in-law had lots of stomach trouble, and she was worried sick a lot of times that she had stomach cancer, but she never did get cancer, but died of a stroke, although it was years after the stroke that she died. She was forever in the wheel chair after that, partially paralyzed, and her mind was affected although not severely. It is sad that we have to be plagued with sickness in this life, but there will be no sickness in heaven. It is part of the curse, and that will be dealt with, thank the Lord.