I heard that older people don't require as much sleep. My great aunt told me that, and I thought she was ancient! Well, at that time she was not nearly as old as I am now!!!! When I was young I craved sleep. Carol used to get so mad at me because I slept so long and she couldn't wake me up. Well, now the rolls have reversed and Carol sleeps a lot, and I am the one that doesn't sleep as much! I think it is some health related problem that she has, and we don't understand it. It really upsets Carol, but if she needs to sleep and she can afford to, she might as well sleep. She claims she has to in order to survive, and if she doesn't sleep she doesn't feel well. There are many days that she goes to bed early, sleeps all night, and then sleeps most of the next day! I feel badly for her, but I go along with her on it. I wait to eat breakfast until she is up and going. It delays what I do, but after my cellar is dug, it will not even matter. I get on here post and look at facebook, e-mail, and so on until she is awake, and then I go to playing the piano. Of course lately I am playing the piano very little as I am devoting all my energies to that cellar digging. What has been happening to me, is that I wake up in the early morning before it is time to get up, and then I spend a couple of hours up, afterwhich I crawl back into bed, and sleep more. I remember my grandfather complaining about not being able to sleep at night, and they said it was because he sat in a chair and slept much of the day!