Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby mystic » Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:30 am

I can throw in just a few observations, since I need more time to think about Crisi's good points.

1. Those are only verses in the New Testament. This confirms that only Christians will have that belief.
2. I think that John uses the correct language. "Lust of the flesh... of the eyes, etc." Indeed, that's a wrong direction that flesh, eyes, etc., can take. If there is lust, it should be made holy and directed only to our other half. It might be something we don't need, but surely will add something that I would not define bad, in a proper relation. So, we must see the context.
3. Romans is the colliding point for me. To understand it better, I need to go to my usual linguistic research. I found a nice page with the interlinear Bible: We have only the original greek, because the Hebrew was lost (it seems it was recently found in the Qumran scrolls, I think, but you cannot find it on websites yet). So, the literal translation should be "If however by the Spirit the deeds of the body you put to death you will live". Note: "deeds" in greek is "praxis", which is also the same English word. To me, it seems like saying: If you annull your daily cores actions (and dedicate yourself to holy actions instead), you will live. It seems like indicating: find time to read the Bible and make holy deeds. It makes more sense to me rather than saying: "Mortify the deeds of the body" - meaning to make afflictions.
4. All the verses seem to promote just the concept of "untying the knots (bonding) of the wordly things and tying the knots of the holy things".
5. I do not exclude the practice of affliction, which I sometimes do with cinder. So, it does have some value. I don't use the cilice or tools like that, however :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just my thoughts :)
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:02 pm

In Romans chapter 8 there are contrasts being spoken about. The carnal mind is at enmity with God. The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God. Those people in the flesh wiht carnal minds can't please God. The contrasts are in the flesh or in the Spirit. If Jesus lives in you, you are dead to sin. In the Spirit you are alive to righteousness. The Holy Spirit makes you alive if you have the Spirit in you. If you don't have the Spirit in you, you are not a Christian, and you do not belong to Jesus. If you live after the flesh, commiting fleshly carnal sins you will die, sooner physically because of it, and you are dead spiritually being eternally separated from God, unless you repent, and hell and the lake of fire is what you have to look forward to. Those places were created for the Devil and his angels, but you will end up there with them unless you repent. The ones lead by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. As Christians if we want to live we will mortify, or put to death the deeds of the flesh. What are the deeds of the flesh?

Colossians chapter 3 lists them: they are: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, or unlawful affection, evil concupiscence, concupiscence means desires which are not wrong, but evil concupiscence are evil desires, and covetousness, whihc is idolatry. The wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience, or the ones who commit the above sins. We, before becoming Christians, were guilty of these sins, and we don't want God angry with us, because if He is we will end up in hell and the lake of fire if we do not repent.

So there is no way around this. These things are works, or deeds of the flesh, and we are to put them to death, get rid of them, allow Jesus to change our lives so we do not have the wrath of God abiding on us with the resultant judgement from Him if we do not repent.
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:45 am

Makes no flaw. Thanks, Ed.

In life, I have learned to lean on God for the troubles that I encounted on the road. However, while I have been able to apply the teachings of the Bible to myself, I have failed to apply them when other dear ones are concerned. In the previous days I have been considering to ask for help/advice in this thread.

To make an example that explains my issue, if somebody hits me, I can pray the Lord and stand again. If somebody hits my son, I cannot endure the evil that is made against him. This completely consumes me physically and emotionally, because I feel I have the direct responsibility to protect him against what is happening to him. I see my failure as if I am sinning and a bad father.

Just a couple of days ago, the Lord sent me a message through a friend that I don't hear often. Just a simple sentence, and it was very relieving. God has His times... so, one should just pray and remit the issue (in this case my son) in His hands, and He will take care of it.
Now, that surprised me very much, because I cannot say that I didn't know this... Just when you are in the middle of something... sometimes you just forget. It's 2 nights I started to sleep again and I am thanking the Lord. Now I pray to become strong enough to be able to save my son.
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:23 pm

I can understand your concern for your son, mystic. Sometimes things are out of our control, and we can't help what other people do when we have no control over them. It doesn't make it any easier, but sometimes all we can do is pray. Self preservation kicks in when someone abuses you, but then it is worse when it is your son or daughter. We can do all in our power to keep them safe, and then we have to commit them to the Lord and pray that He will give safety. Sometimes the best way and the only way is to give it to the Lord, and let Him take care of it, trusting Him that He will. :D :D
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby mystic » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:37 am

I would like to pray for somebody in this forum who is sick.

As friendships develop, and this is an international forum, it's hard to hear that somebody is sick, and because of distance you can be of no help. I always used to have a lot of friends around the globe, but maybe having Christian, or religious friends is something that makes you feel another kind of connection. I think it makes me feel more sympathetic with them and so more worried :lol:
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

You are right mystic, that it is difficult when there is distance, and there is not much one can do except pray. But, prayer is a big help, and the saying goes, that "Prayer moves the hand of God. So, we must be faithful to pray for each other, and especially for the ones who are in need. We all just do the best we can, and inspite of everything we still are subject to getting sick. Some have shared that the weather causes them to get sick, and they are low on immunity, and all these things have an effect. With you, mystic, I too pray for the one/ones on this forum who need our prayers to get well and stay well. :D :D
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:24 pm

mystic wrote:I would like to pray for somebody in this forum who is sick.

As friendships develop, and this is an international forum, it's hard to hear that somebody is sick, and because of distance you can be of no help. I always used to have a lot of friends around the globe, but maybe having Christian, or religious friends is something that makes you feel another kind of connection. I think it makes me feel more sympathetic with them and so more worried :lol:

I really appreciate all your concern to me. To all members of this forum who have prayed for me. Sometimes, I just really need to take things easy and not too much stress in life. I also needed to be there for me and make me encourage in many things. I am just really so thankful that God is always good to me. He always give me safety in my dailylife.
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby Smiley » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:31 pm

Yes Crisi; We all have good times and bad.It is important to always find things to be grateful for even in the darker times of our lives.There are good people here on the forum and we all care about each other.That alone is more than some people have.When all is said and done however,happiness is actually a choice.We are all only as happy or as unhappy as we perceive ourselves to be. ;)
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Re: Prayer Needed For a Dear Member of this Forum!

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:41 pm

Yes, it is comforting to know that someone, someones, love, loves us and is concerned about us. That is part of our Christian walk is to love each other, and bear each other's burdens, and in that way fulfill the law of Christ. What you wrote Smiley stresses the difference between happiness and joy. Joy, the Lord gives us, and yes we chose joy. "The joy of the Lord is our strength!" Happiness depends on circumstance. We are happy if everything goes our way, but the joy of the Lord comes from within, and the Lord gives it to us. This is somewhat like when King David was so low in his hope. He had many enemies, and his own family were trying to do him hard, and then David "encouraged himself in the Lord! " :D :D
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