What it is, mystic, is a double wide home, that they manufacture, and then put on axels and wheels, and tow it to your place, setting it up there. I bought it about four years ago, and it was a dump that I paid very little for, but it cost me a lot to have it moved and set up. It was a terrible place when we got it, broken windows, trashed doors, damaged floors from frozen and broken water pipes that cause the floors to swell and break apart. We did a lot of work on it early on. Then we had troubles with our kids who live here close to us, and nothing got done to it because we were too demoralized from all the trouble. I think it was their fault, and they think it was my fault, and really it was the devil's fault and people yielding to him.
Anyway it is mostly wood with with metal and wood floor joices. We have done a lot of work, and it is getting to be a very nice place to live. Feelings are much better with most of the kids, except for one daughter, and there is still some coldness and unfriendliness there, but Carol tells me to leave it to God, and she will answer to God for how she is, and I have to be careful to keep myself right because I am going to answer to God also. They are helping us, and I am working hard as well, and our daughter is nice to me from a distance now, so that is an improvement, and if she is not going to be nice, it is better that she stays away from here anyway. Terrible to feel that way about one of your own kids that you loved and raised, but she has become a very ugly, hateful, and bitter person, but I pray God will help her to change. Like I say she is nice from a distance, and the only communication we have is writing messages on facebook, if something needs to be said. Carol goes over there when necessary also, as they have not projected as much hate towards her as they have me.