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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby mystic » Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:44 am

That's the funniest thing I heard today :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great observation, lyrehc.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Smiley » Sat Oct 27, 2012 10:49 am

One day last winter I was at home because the weather was just too crappy to work. There was a daytime talk show on,some guy named Maury and all of his guests were young black girls from the ghetto that had 5 or more kids.These 'mothers' were all under 25,and all on welfare,none of them were married and all of them thought that society owed them.
The bible gives permission to go forth and multiply.It does not require us to breed in an irresponsible manner to the point where we cannot provide for our children,or to overpopulate the world to an extreme where the sustainability of the planets resources come into question.
We often hear the Liberals claim that we should all follow the African proverb"It takes a village to raise a child",what a load of crap! It takes a family to raise a child. If more 'fathers' would be held responsible for their actions we wouldn`t need the involvement of the village( I guess village is some kind of code for taxpayer).
The days of needing 6-10 kids to help with the farm are largely gone now and the idea of raising children to provide cannon fodder for Obamas army does not sit well with me at all.
Kids are wonderful,but there is a huge responsibility attached to having them that goes far beyond financial.I would not suggest to anyone that the joys of parenthood are not a wonderful thing.I do however believe that a little self control is needed to keep society from collapsing over the social costs of indiscriminate breeding.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:36 pm

lyrehc wrote:
BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!

One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?

willl Mr...i think not all Filipinas are obsessed with misjudge everyfilipina....and not all doesnt want your money!!!!!! Maybe girls out here are obsessed with sex but not with babies! That i think is the most worst thing i ever read!!!MAybe i think you need a true love mister or maybe your out of love that's why you say those things.....anyway not all filipinas wants babies but other wants to have one because they love the person.. If you want a woman to love you don't ever tell her she just want a babies from you, in reality woman now a day's want's sex than to have babies.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I would bet money ( and would win the bet) that if honestly asked and answered almost all of the filipinas on jaderune who are under the age of 40 and do not already have children would definitely want children. Of course young women want babies, that is the way God made them so denying most women are interested in babies is just not realistic. So babies ARE a big focus for filipinas looking for a western husband and the guy should be aware of that. And if " in reality woman now a day's want's sex" I am fine with that but truth is they want sex AND babies. So the guy better be careful / responsible.
Last edited by BigBlastGuy on Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:46 pm

Smiley wrote:One day last winter I was at home because the weather was just too crappy to work. There was a daytime talk show on,some guy named Maury and all of his guests were young black girls from the ghetto that had 5 or more kids.These 'mothers' were all under 25,and all on welfare,none of them were married and all of them thought that society owed them.
The bible gives permission to go forth and multiply.It does not require us to breed in an irresponsible manner to the point where we cannot provide for our children,or to overpopulate the world to an extreme where the sustainability of the planets resources come into question.
We often hear the Liberals claim that we should all follow the African proverb"It takes a village to raise a child",what a load of crap! It takes a family to raise a child. If more 'fathers' would be held responsible for their actions we wouldn`t need the involvement of the village( I guess village is some kind of code for taxpayer).
The days of needing 6-10 kids to help with the farm are largely gone now and the idea of raising children to provide cannon fodder for Obamas army does not sit well with me at all.
Kids are wonderful,but there is a huge responsibility attached to having them that goes far beyond financial.I would not suggest to anyone that the joys of parenthood are not a wonderful thing.I do however believe that a little self control is needed to keep society from collapsing over the social costs of indiscriminate breeding.

Well said. Nothing wrong with babies, of course young women want babies, that is a god given desire but people who bring children into this world need to be responsible to see the child properly cared for and educated to become a successful adult.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby wayne208 » Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:36 pm

I agree with Bid Blast guy .. My favorite place to eat had about 9 kids in it .. Guess who watched the Kids No One ?? The parents thought it was the server who should be watching them .. I informed them that it was the servers job to bring People their food and drink including them .. Not to babysit .. They asked for a ruling from my friend the Manager .He told them that if all his servers did was babysit ..No One would get any food or drink .. One table of 8 with a bill of over 60 dollars left a dollar tip ?? I made up the difference myself . The parents did not realize the girl is going to school and lived off her tips . Nor do I think do they care..My Parents would have spanked me and left Me in the car for behaving like those kids did .. Spare the rod and spoil the child ? I do not know .. But I was thankful I was their to make up their tip difference and give a nice tip to the other server .
What ever happened to good manners ?? may God Watch over Us All
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Edwin » Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:23 pm

crisipicada wrote:
BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!

One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?

How sad for a western man that he can not have baby. How sad that after the western man aged, he has nothing to talk to and no one cares for him because he has no baby. How sad for aged western man that he will be sent to the caring hospital for aged because he has no family. How sad that after he worked so hard and saved money, he will just spend his money in the caring house and hire someone to take care of him. He will die in depression, and the sad thing, when he is in the hospital, no one will be there for him and his money can not talk to him because money has no mouth. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: How proud western men that they have education, money, resources but their life is so empty. How sad his life that even he has money but it wont give him peace and love wandering and worrying who will take charge of his money after death. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is so true, Crisi, that people's attitudes have changed so much in the last few years. Many people now are self centered. They place value on things that don't even matter. They delay having their families to build careers, and often times they end up living artificial lives. As you pointed out after they become old they reap the results of living self centered lives by ending up all alone and unhappy. :cry: :cry:
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:29 am

Edwin wrote:
crisipicada wrote:
BigBlastGuy wrote:Seems that filipnas are obsessed with babies. Seems all the single filipinas want (truth be told) is to find a western husband so they can have the money for babies. Of course I understand that women have a biological urge for children but maybe filipinas need to be realistic. I have lived in several different countries and of all the women in those countries only the filipinas seemed obsessed with having babies. I tell a filipna I may not want children she says she is ok with that but after a few conversations I ask some questions about what she really wants in life and the answer is babies! So she tells me what I want to hear but she is not being honest, because what she really wants is not me but a man who will provide money so she can have babies!

One reason I might find it difficult to live in the Philippines is it breaks my heart to see all those poor children. But filipinas keep on wanting babies! Maybe it's time for filipinas to stop wanting babies and start adopting and caring for the millions of poor Filipino children already there?

How sad for a western man that he can not have baby. How sad that after the western man aged, he has nothing to talk to and no one cares for him because he has no baby. How sad for aged western man that he will be sent to the caring hospital for aged because he has no family. How sad that after he worked so hard and saved money, he will just spend his money in the caring house and hire someone to take care of him. He will die in depression, and the sad thing, when he is in the hospital, no one will be there for him and his money can not talk to him because money has no mouth. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: How proud western men that they have education, money, resources but their life is so empty. How sad his life that even he has money but it wont give him peace and love wandering and worrying who will take charge of his money after death. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is so true, Crisi, that people's attitudes have changed so much in the last few years. Many people now are self centered. They place value on things that don't even matter. They delay having their families to build careers, and often times they end up living artificial lives. As you pointed out after they become old they reap the results of living self centered lives by ending up all alone and unhappy. :cry: :cry:

I don't think most older single men are unhappy. I see most enjoying their lives, freedom to live as they chose, they go hunting, fishing, eat, drink whenever they want, go where they want, watch sports whenever they want without having to worry about anyone's opinion. And an older guy who has worked hard and is somewhat successful is single by choice so why would he be unhappy being single because that is what he chose to do? If he didn't want to be single he can go to the Philippines and find literally millions of beautiful young women who want him. He could marry one and start a family if he chose to or he could marry a single filipina mother if he wanted to or he could just date or live with them without marrying if he chose to. No I do not think a single older man is likely unhappy because he has many options--if he is not happy with one option he can chose another way to live. older single woman does not have many options, she is not likely to finds a handsome young man to marry her and she can not start a family so maybe the older single woman is more likely to be unhappy than the older single man. This concept of the unhappy single older man is likely just a myth perpetuated by societal values which says all men are supposed to be married. Society wants men married because (a) men are easier to control when they are married and (b) society needs men to work and provide resources to women and children.
Last edited by BigBlastGuy on Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby mystic » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:27 am

You start from the wrong point of view. Being a single old man does not necessarily mean that they are successful or have money. Most already had their bad experience. Probably they even got married, lost their house, send most of their monthly income to the ex wife(s) and children that they are not allowed to see. Then, old age brings health problems. Unless you live in a country with free medical security, if you get even a mild illness that needs care you easily end up dying on a road, after they took everything from you.

Nothing substitutes a family. And yes, they fire a single person first. We have even the law. The single is less controllable, wants to do what he/she wants and does not respond to anybody. Also, it is easier for him/her to find a provider. If you have a family and are fired, it becomes a social problem.
Society has its obligations, but it also protects you. If you don't want it, you can even live in a cave.
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby Edwin » Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:40 am

"willl Mr...i think not all Filipinas are obsessed with misjudge everyfilipina....and not all doesnt want your money!!!!!! Maybe girls out here are obsessed with sex but not with babies! That i think is the most worst thing i ever read!!!MAybe i think you need a true love mister or maybe your out of love that's why you say those things.....anyway not all filipinas wants babies but other wants to have one because they love the person.. If you want a woman to love you don't ever tell her she just want a babies from you, in reality woman now a day's want's sex than to have babies...." Quote by lyrehc

Babies are so sweet! I love babies! I will admit that I have a soft spot for babies! No matter how they got here, whether is was because of sex, or whatever, they are so sweet anyway, and babies are gifts from the Lord! They have eternal souls and Jesus loves them. God has a plan for everyone's life, so we need to trust in Him and make the most of it for God's will and purpose. God does all things well! :D :D
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Re: Babies Babies Babies

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:35 am

I was looking back at my original post and my word choice was not optimal. I said all filipinas are obsessed with babies when I should have said most filipinas are obsessed with babies.
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