Wow, Wayne friends: Carpenter, mechanic, and electrician; you have it made! Wayne you have some back problems, so you are thinking about that, and I have a good back, but I have to be careful all the time, or I end up not being able to do anything, and in extreme pain! I was a little concerned about today, because our lovely, lovable doggie Scooby loves to stir the chickens and turkey up. He sees them huddled in a corner, and he takes a run at them, and actually hits the fence with his head, and barks at the same time, scaring the chickens to death, and he loves it! I think it is kind of funny, but I do feel sorry for the chickens! I was thinking that the outside perimeter for a yard fence was all I had to be concerned about, but Carol said, "We have to have a partition fence to separate Scooby from the chickens and the turkeys," so I said, "yes we will put in a partition!" I was wishing that I had gotten 2 more wire fence panels, and 2 more railroad ties when I was down with my pickup truck getting the supplies for the entire fence, but such is life.
I do have a carrier rack on top of our Chrysler Van, and I have hauled loads on it before, once, so I knew it could be done. I found 2 2 by 4s that just fit across the top of the van. I put them up there for extra support, and to keep the top of our van safe. I put a railroad tie on each side, and then I put the 16 foot wire panels on top of that, and our youngest daughter tied them down! When I got the wire panels, they had two more that had wires badly bent from fork lift misuse, and he just gave them to us, about $50.00 worth of panels. Our youngest daughter needed some like that for her horse, so it was a really nice gift to get them! She then followed us home, helped me unload the railroad ties and the wire panels! We then put an air conditioner in the window, and had a really delicious supper, and a lot of fun visiting. Our granddaughter had homework to do from the college classes she is taking, so that cut our visit short, but I appreciated the help, and we had a lot of fun!