Smiley, I already thought about that! I think each block weighs 45 pounds, does it not? Maybe ship a lot of them airmail so they will get here quickly! Those would be pretty expensive blocks! My brother told me that he bought a lot of them to do some of his work for $1.00 for each block. I found a limited number of them for $1.00 for each block, and I thought that was a really good price, but my brother-in-law in the Philippines told me that when he built his house there he paid 25 cents for each block! By the time I paid for the gasoline to haul those 50 blocks for $1.00 each, I had more money into them than that. I think I am now paying $1.26 for each block, and I think that is reasonable for brand new blocks. The store where I get mine lets me reject any block that is not perfect! When I built the cellar walls I hired a truck to bring up 450 blocks, 48 eighty pound bags of cement, and 28 eighty pound bags of mortor. It turned out that I took mortor back because I had more than I needed, but I needed more premix than I got, and because I decided to build a wall around the house I didn't get enough concrete blocks, so I hauled 30 and 33 of them each load up the hill with our Chrysler Van which is the same as a 3/4 ton truck! It cost me about $80.00 for the truck to haul the blocks, the mortor, and premix up the hill, and if I had done that myself it would have cost me a lot more than that buying gasoline! When I am down town for any reason, and I need blocks I haul them home, and I figure it costs me very little because I am already making the trip. If I had to make special trips just for that purpose it would be much cheaper for me to just hire the truck!
I like blocks, and I have found a number of good uses for them. I need 22 more for my partition fence in the yard. I need 45 to build some steps Carol wants me to build. I am also thinking about building a small room to store garbage in, 8 feet wide, 8, 10, or 12 feet deep, and I will try to decided. I am not going to mortor the blocks in, but I am just going to tie the corners, put railroad ties on top for a roof, leave probably a 32 inch doorway, and I think it will hold together for what I want it for. Then if I change my mind it will be easy to take it apart and do something else!