We have watched several movies by PBS where they had experimental scenes where real people moved back in time, and lived like people had lived in those times and places. One was of an early 1900s situation where a castle, or very large house was supported by servants, so there were some masters, some servants, and some who were even below the servant status. The ones who were on the lower end of the social spectrum tended to be over worked, under paid, and they had a very hard time with their attitude, some of them even walking off their job. This was in England.
We watched another one of these types where people were taken back to 1900, and lived like they did back then. They had a lot of trouble making the coal cooking stove work correctly. They considered dressing like the people of that day to be a heavy burden as well as having to work so hard to do things that we now have modern conviniences to help us with. It was difficult for them to keep as clean as they wanted to. They hired a maid, as middle class people in England often did, but they fired her again because they were not comfortable having her in their house all the time.
We watched another of life in England during the war when people had to cover their windows to try not to be seen by the German bombers. They had to use rations as they did during the war, and they couldn't have as much as they needed for eating and keeping things clean.
We watched another of homesteading days in Montana, where people had to come in and in most cases build a house, take care of animals, and get ready for winter, which was not easy, and the ones in the experiment would not have survived the winter.
We watched one also of when the pilgrims came, built houses to live in, and get ready to try to survive the winter on the East Coast USA. One person usually the governor, or the minister, sometimes the govenor was the minister, and he was the boss of everyone. They had pretty strict rules and punished people for missing church attendance. All of these movies were interesting to watch, and almost universally people had trouble moving from modern living to living tghe way people did back in those times.