Carol is gone today with our kids. They went to celebrate our twins' birthday. I was not invited because they are not too fond of me! It is ok; I am living with it, and I just need to keep my heart right, and then what they think, feel, and do is between them and God, and He will reward them accordingly whether it is good or bad. I thought Carol would love to watch a movie about the life of Billy Graham, but she told me that she didn't care to watch it, and I could watch it on my own. I was not going to watch it either because we watch together. She will watch murder stuff, but she will not watch a movie about the life of Billy Graham, so I am watching it while she is gone.
I am sure they embellished the truth to make it more interesting, but I am enjoying watching the movie. Billy Graham's family was part of the Graham Brother's Dairy. That much is truth. The father agree to allow a preacher represented by several others and the church to come hold a tent revival on their dairy farm. Young Billy Graham was not enthused about church. He was into baseball and wanted to play baseball professionally. The father told young Billy Graham to mind his own business and keep quiet because they were going to allow this preacher to hold the tent revival anyway regardless of what young Billy Graham thought. Young Billy Graham said that all the revival preacher were a bunch of fleesers and they were just coming to get money out of people. A black employee of the Billy Graham Brother's Dairy talked young Billy Graham into going to the tent revival with him, and the preacher singled him out and preached to him for a while. Young Billy Graham went forward when the alter call was made. I am at the point in the movie where Billy Graham married Ruth. Billy Graham was an awkward preacher to begin with, and he felt uneasy about preaching. A big time preacher who preached to huge congregations took Billy Graham in, and they went together, and I think Billy Graham ended up outshining this preacher before long. They are interviewing this preacher, and I can't remember his name now, but that is part of the basis of the movie. From what I have seen of it so far I think it is a very good movie, and probably fairly true to the facts; I am guessing.