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Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:00 pm

Carol is gone today with our kids. They went to celebrate our twins' birthday. I was not invited because they are not too fond of me! :( It is ok; I am living with it, and I just need to keep my heart right, and then what they think, feel, and do is between them and God, and He will reward them accordingly whether it is good or bad. I thought Carol would love to watch a movie about the life of Billy Graham, but she told me that she didn't care to watch it, and I could watch it on my own. I was not going to watch it either because we watch together. She will watch murder stuff, but she will not watch a movie about the life of Billy Graham, so I am watching it while she is gone.

I am sure they embellished the truth to make it more interesting, but I am enjoying watching the movie. Billy Graham's family was part of the Graham Brother's Dairy. That much is truth. The father agree to allow a preacher represented by several others and the church to come hold a tent revival on their dairy farm. Young Billy Graham was not enthused about church. He was into baseball and wanted to play baseball professionally. The father told young Billy Graham to mind his own business and keep quiet because they were going to allow this preacher to hold the tent revival anyway regardless of what young Billy Graham thought. Young Billy Graham said that all the revival preacher were a bunch of fleesers and they were just coming to get money out of people. A black employee of the Billy Graham Brother's Dairy talked young Billy Graham into going to the tent revival with him, and the preacher singled him out and preached to him for a while. Young Billy Graham went forward when the alter call was made. I am at the point in the movie where Billy Graham married Ruth. Billy Graham was an awkward preacher to begin with, and he felt uneasy about preaching. A big time preacher who preached to huge congregations took Billy Graham in, and they went together, and I think Billy Graham ended up outshining this preacher before long. They are interviewing this preacher, and I can't remember his name now, but that is part of the basis of the movie. From what I have seen of it so far I think it is a very good movie, and probably fairly true to the facts; I am guessing. :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:48 pm

I did finish watching the Billy Graham Movie the early years. It was a good movie from the beginning to the end. It was sad that the important minister who held large services well attended in Canada and the USA saw a film on Nazi Germany, and that caused him to start questioning his faith in God, and everything he believed in. He went to Princeton as an instructor, and completely turned his back on his faith and everything he stood for and preached about earlier. As they were talking about the background of the film they said that as he was dying he had an experience that was like he was going to heaven, so they said they thought perhaps he made things right within a couple of day of his death. He was the one who was promising, but Billy Graham made it big and did great things. Billy Graham's wife Ruth died in the year 2007, which was two years after my mother died. I had never heard that she died. As far as I know Billy Graham is still alive, suffering from parkinson's disease, and I think his son Franklin Graham has taken his place in his ministry, but I don't know much about what has happened or is happening other than that. :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:22 am

We watched a couple of fun movies about black and white border collies that look identical to our youngest daughter's doggie. One was "Duke," and the other was "Dog Year," and they are both fun movies that everyone can enjoy watching. We started watching one movie, "Crazy Stupid Love," and the movie was crazy and was stupid. It had some funny moments but it depicted a moral scene that we don't practice as Christians. The son was being baby sat by a 17 year old girl, and he was in love with here, but the girl was in love with the kid's father, and sent him nude pictures of her body. Her dad found the pictures with this guys name on them, and he just went crazy, but in the end everyone was friends, and it was amazing, but not reality! The mother and father were sitting in this restaurant getting ready to order, and the father asked her what she wanted, meaning what do you want to eat, but she said, "I want a divorce," so on the way home he jumped out of the car because she would not stop talking about it. He was not hurt bad, and the whole movie was just stupid and crazy. We watched a movie, "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," who was a young child who showed up at these people's house with green leaves growing on this legs. He gave them away helping people/doing good deeds, and when all the leaves were gone the storm took him, and he was gone. We also watched a movie, "My Live So Far," which was about this family on the verge of losing their house, but a wealthy lady doctor financed the Dad's invention of refrigeration, and saved them financially. The son was a boy that did crazy things that some little boys do, like looking at nude pictures of women, that he found that belonged to his dead grandfather. It was actually a true story, and at the end it told what happened to each one in real life. We also watched one "Monarch of the Glen," and we have it half watched and will finish the second disk probably Monday or Tuesday. It is about the family who owned this large estate, and they were trying to figrure out how to keep it in hard times. They had come down from 100 people employed down to just 4 or 5 as well as the family. It has romantic moments, and so far it is fun to watch! :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:50 pm

"Monarch of the Glen" turned out to be a very good movie, and I would recommend it to anyone. The older son died, so the estate was turned over to Archie who had his hands full trying to turn the estate around so that it would make money, and he turned it into a toursit attraction in an effort to save it. Archie had 3 young ladies who were after him. One moved on, and the second was going to move to Australia. The third was the kitchen cook/maid, a beautiful young lady, and she wanted Archie badly, suggesting that they should get together and have a family soon. The cook/kitchen maid learned that Archie really loved this young lady who was getting ready to move to Australia, and she did a little match making, and I think everybody lived happily ever after! There is much more to the story than that, but I wouldn't want to spoil the movie for you by telling you the whole thing! :D :D
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Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:24 pm

We started watching a movie that our kids loaned us, and it was a cops and bad guys type of movie with this guy that a Chinese gangster tried to hire to kill a detective. The Chinese gangster was threatening this guys family back in China, so I was desperately trying to go to China. Before this he was on a hill with a long ranger rifle sighted in on the detective who was with his child and wife, and he could not pull the trigger, so he was in bad trouble with the Chinese gangster who then was trying to kill him. He was getting this young lady to help him get a visa for him, and so she was a target as well. The plot really got hot, and then in the movie Jesus name was used in vain twice, and Carol said, "Shut it down!" And, I had to agree with her, because there is no reaso to profane the Lord's name, and when that happens we shouldn't be watching the movie, so we didn't!

Then we put on a DVD, also that our kids loaned of, of old westerns. I tried to look on the case to see what the name of it is, but I could find it on the case. The movie is about a young couple who settled on a claim in Texas, stayed a while, gaining a herd. Then this young guy came along who talked them into moving further along the Rio Grande, and they built a store there. There was good Mexican guy who was accussed and thought of as being a bad guy. He was fighting for the good people. His name in the movie is Poncho Villa. In real life he is Freddy Fender a popular musician from the past, singing popular ballads. I think I was in high school when I remember listening to him sing, his recording, on the radio, over and over, as he was quite popular back then. He was singing just before Christmas, "Felis Navidad." I still remember how taken I was with his voice, and his happy singing style. Well, Carol got sleepy, so now she is sleeping, and later we will return to watching the movie, and we will see then what will happen? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:51 pm

We get these catalogues from the library periodically of what is available. I used the most recent one, and I ordered in my name and in Carol's name, and that way we get 6 movies instead of 3, so it is 3 for each person with a library card. I used the most recent catalog and ordered everthing listed at first except the science fiction type. These movies were not that good, and most of them we had to shut off after a short time because of bad language, specifically taking the Lord's name in vain. When we hear that 3 times the movie gets shut down. One of them at least might have been a good movie, but we can't listen to that. We are watching another good dog story now, but I couldn't keep from going to sleep, so when that happens we turn the movie off. But I am not sleepy as soon as the movie was shut off, so here I am! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:03 pm

It is really funny, because before we moved into the mountains at the head of the lake in the National park, I was a television addict! When we moved there and were there for 10 years we only watched television when we did dog sitting/house sitting for people there. We did watch some movies while there on DVDs and VHSs. The first several years we were here after we moved back, I hardly watched any movies at all, but spent all my time working on projects, doing this, and most of my time was spent playing the piano, hour after hour literally, until I almost drove Carol crazy because I didn't always hit the right notes!

We finally got enough projects finished, and cold weather set in where we didn't have anything pressing, so we got started watching, NCIS, and then other movies, and now we are watching lots of them. As you read in my other post, we found a bunch of movies that were so bad that we couldn't watch them. But this evening we found a really good movie. It is "Darling Companion," with Mark Duplass, Richard Jenkins, Diane Keaton, to name a few. It was about a hurt dog that was found on the freeway, so when they found the dog, they named him freeway. They didn't want to have a dog, so they were trying to figure out a way to find someone who wanted the dog, but they couldn't so the dog grew on them. Then the dog got lost, and 3 families spent 3 days, and went to fly away on a medium size airplane when they saw the dog from the air. One of the doctors who was involved with the lost dog, faked a kidney stone attack to get the airplane to turn around and land. They found the dog, named "Freeway," because that is where the dog was found, and everyone was very happy! It was a good movie, and I would recommend it to anyone wanting a descent movie with a little humor, good feelings, and good times! :D :D
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Postby red » Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:55 am

I recently watched Oz The Great and Powerful, nice and of course it's Disney so all movies by disney are great. I wish it was Johnny Depp the lead actor coz he performs great on those kind of role. :D
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Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:14 pm

We are now watching an English movie about a man who shot at King George III. He made it look like he was trying to assinate the king, but he is saying that he merely wants to die, and it is a sin to commit suicide, so he thought if the people thought that he was making an assassination attempt they would kill him, but it didn't work, and instead they arrested him and locked him up. They are wanting to prosecute him, but he is not going to pled guilty because he served in the military, and he doesn't want to be found guilty of treason. The lawyer is not wanting to defend someone who is guilty of attempting ot kill the king. But they are looking into insanity resulting from his desire to die. Also the definition of insanity seems to specify the extreem insane, rather than someone who wants to die, and is hoping to incite enough animosity in some people hoping they will kill him. It will be interesting to see where this movie goes from here. Carol wanted me to shut it off, because I was getting sleepy, and she doesn't like it when I want to go back earlier in the movie because I was sleeping! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:04 pm

Then end of that movie resulted in the man who attempted to kill King George being found not guilty. He was ordered to be locked up, for his protection, and the protection of other people, and not to be hanged. He could be a wonderful loving husband and father one minute, and the next minute he was trying to do something horrible with no good reason. The story we are watching now is about a woman trying to gain custody of her child from a cold hearted man. Also two young men are accussed of breaking into a house with 8 others, breaking looms and cutting fabric. The wife of one of the accused is the sister of the other, and she swears the men were with her that night. It appears the man bringing the charges is doing so to get a reward, so he is seeking to have the men charged even though they are probably innocent. This time Carol got sleepy, and had to sleep, so I am doing this. She says that she decided to have the movie stopped while she sleeps, because if she sleeps while the movie is playing I will want to rewind it to the point where she was awake, and she is correct! :lol: :lol:
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