What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed May 23, 2012 8:22 am

Great day because i had nap. My daughters were praying before bedtime. My eldest asked God to let the whole world snow esp Phils. I thought pls dont grant that Lord. Then my baby girl thanked God for the tv coz she can watch her Barbie all over again and again. And asked God to take her to the sharks and dolphins and ride airplane to see her daddy. She misses her daddy badly.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 23, 2012 10:05 am

The little guys prayers are so sincere, and so objective. They pray for things that we would not even think of, and they are important to those little guys. God might say no, to the prayer about snow in the Philippines! :lol: :lol: That is sad that your little girl misses her Daddy and can't see him for a while! :(

Yesterday was a good day. I got started working on the cellar digging one hour early as Carol got up a little early, and we had breakfast finished early. I left dirt in the hole that I had knocked loose and pulled down then I didn't have time to shovel it out, but the rain that we got Monday soaked the dirt, so I was shoveling mud, instead of dirt. There was no harm done, except that I couldn't load my buckets as full because they were much heavier to carry with the water mixed with the dirt. It was not as hard work as chipping hardpan and rocks though, and for that reason I didn't even take a break until it was dinner time (mid-day meal). In the afternoon, after dinner and a short nap, I chipped more loose, and shoveled and carried the buckets of dirt out of the hole. I worked until 6 p.m., when it was time to take the doggies for a walk. I found too many ticks on my big dog, and it made me feel badly that I had not seen them before, as they were forming colonies on him which was so sad, but he let me look for them and deal with them. I traumatized my other poor little dog pulling ticks. He doesn't want me to look for them, so I was trying pull scabs as I didn't have time to look. He had one night that he avoided me because he was afraid that I was going to look for and pull ticks. Someone said you could remove them by using cotton swabs and dishwashing soap, so I may try that, because we have to deal with the ticks, even if he doesn't like it, but I have to be more careful with him, and not get tough to get him to sit still, because it hurts his feelings! :( :( :( :(
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 24, 2012 12:10 am

Busy all the time, but I am thankful that God really help me and always there for me. And also He really help me in terms of money matters especially in collection of fire code fees. I am thankful that the comparative report as of 2011 and 2012 up to May, it increase to more than 50%. I am thankful for that. That means, our target is reached. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Although, I met some clients yesterday that are like rude. THen I try to explain them about why there is a need to right the wrong procedure of processing of permits. I told her that before, valencianos just construct building without applying for permit and now , I require them to secure permit from LGU Engineering's Office and also occupancy permit as prerequisite to apply in the Fire department. So sad that she cant process her permit. And also, i explain that only with complete requirements will be processed or be received here. At least she understand that we must be law abiding citizen. :D :D :D :D :D :D It is just a matter of explaining them in a nice way. :D :D :D :D :D Thanks God for the patience.

Oh last night there was no internet connection in the internet, then this afternoon there is no internet now. Why is this like this.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 24, 2012 12:25 am

I am happy, Crisi, that your money matters balance at your work! I am sorry that some people are rude when you deal with them! :( When things are changing some people have a hard time understanding. They think should always be done as it was in the past, and yes we all need to abide by the law! :D :D

We lose our internet connection sometimes for no apparent reason. On the satellite system a number of years ago I was told that sometimes the sun gets between the satellite and the receiver and causes a block in the reception which means no connection for a period of time. When we lose connection, normally it is only for a very short period of time. We lost connection a few days ago because of heavy rain. Our system was clean, I checked it with a towel, but the problem was somewhere else, and who knows where? :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 24, 2012 3:10 am

Edwin wrote:I am happy, Crisi, that your money matters balance at your work! I am sorry that some people are rude when you deal with them! :( When things are changing some people have a hard time understanding. They think should always be done as it was in the past, and yes we all need to abide by the law! :D :D

We lose our internet connection sometimes for no apparent reason. On the satellite system a number of years ago I was told that sometimes the sun gets between the satellite and the receiver and causes a block in the reception which means no connection for a period of time. When we lose connection, normally it is only for a very short period of time. We lost connection a few days ago because of heavy rain. Our system was clean, I checked it with a towel, but the problem was somewhere else, and who knows where? :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, sir. Oh i need to wait for the rain to stop to go back to apartment. It is so heavy still but i hope it wlill be fine to go with umbrella. Okay must keep going now. Have a good day.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri May 25, 2012 12:51 am

My back was not feeling really strong today. I think yesterday I used the bar over my head too much and put a strain on my lower back. It didn't feel like it was out of place, just really sore muscles. I tried to be careful working today, but I did work pretty hard and steadily all day long. I got started about an hour earlier than I do sometimes. I took a kind of long mid-day meal break which I usually do, the idea being that I should be able to work harder with more rest!

While I was out walking the doggies, there was the most beautiful rainbow! It touched the ground on both sides and the top of the bow was high in the sky. Carol got some nice pictures of it.

I got caught out in the rain storm, and was about to get really wet, but Carol came with the car to rescue me and the doggies. The big doggie, Scooby, found a sandwich that our granddaughter left from our last trip to McDonald's and so Carol, let Scooby eat that sandwich, and Scooby was delighted!

Crisi, I hope you found a time that the rain was fine enough that you didn't get wet, having that umbrella. You use the umbrella for the sun and the rain, huh? You have a good day, Crisi, and everyone else as well! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat May 26, 2012 12:49 am

I had a good day digging in the cellar. I got started early enough. I was in the house while our daughter was chatting for a while, and I felt guilty for not being out their digging, but I need breaks sometimes, huh? Then some of my cousins came driving up just as I came up out of the hole with a couple of buckets of dirt to dump! I had to visit with them for a while too. They were looking for places where their parents lived in the 1950s when they were little guys. I took fewer breaks, but those two were long breaks, but it was okay! I must go to bed, so that I can work tomorrow. My sister wants me to go with her over to my brother's place for some visiting, so that will be fun, but I will lose work time, but it will be okay. Carol and our daughter who lives here are going to some type of dying class tomorrow where they will learn new techniques of dying/coloring yarn! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat May 26, 2012 11:19 pm

Carol and our daughter who lives her near us went to a dying class to learn using colors to dy materials, yarn, cloth, and so on. They left fairly early this morning, and so for a change I got to eat breakfast pretty early. I was informed that my sister was going to come over to visit with me after she got through sleeping at the other house. She started another job, so she was really tired and didn't wake up until just afternoon. I worked in my cellar digging until she got here. She told me that she was glad I hadn't eaten yet because she wanted to eat with me! Carol didn't realize that so she barely left enough food for me, but I warmed it up, and divided it between my sister and I. Carol left some homemade beef stew with dried egg plant in it, and boy was it good! She also left 5 mini pigs in a blanket, so I cut one of them in 2, and we each had 2 and a half pigs in the blanket and the stew. My sister said if we didn't get enough to eat we could go over to the other house, and I told her, no I am fine, which I was, as I don't require huge meals. I was really tired after digging, so I went to sleep, and while I was asleep my sister went to the other house and made sandwiches, and they were really good. We had some chips also. Then my sister called my brother and talked to our sister-in-law and asked if we could come to visit them. We did and had a good visit, and a lot of fun laughing and telling stories, which is always fun. We then found out that our other neighbors who are also related to us were having a cookout at their place just a couple of miles from here. We thought it was tomorrow night, and we got a better meal than we had planned to eat here. It was fun eating and visiting with them over there. They are grandchildren of Aida, and identical twin sister of my grandmother Ida, so we are all related, and even close because of the identical twins. It was a fun day, but I didn't get as much digging as I thought I would because of the visiting and eating, but we made a few more precious memories with our relatives. They are Christian people also. There parents weren't Christians that I know of, but, hopefully they repented before they died, and we can always hope for that. We are very happy that they have chosen to live their lives for God and to honor Him. We have a family reunion dinner tomorrow in town, and we will be together with these same people, as well as our other relatives and that will be fun, as well as having our youngest daughter with us and her daughter at the reunion and that has not happened for years! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 31, 2012 1:24 am

We got up at 6 a.m. this morning to be at our daughter's house as she had an appointment at the same time as she was supposed to take her daughter to a medical appointment, so we took her. After both were finished with their appointments we drove to Wenatchee, Washington, USA, about 2 hours away for Carol's dental appointment. She has her teeth examined once a year, and then she had an exposed nerve that the dentist covered over, and now she will experience less misery. We drove to Costco, a warehouse type wholesale store, and we ate there as we can eat there cheaper than anywhere else. We then drove back to the dentist which took a long time. Then we drove to the shopping mall, because a friend of our daughter's and granddaughter's paid for her to get her hair trimmed and dyed. After that we went back to Costco to buy some groceries, peanut butter, honey, raisins, oatmeal, lettuce, pickles, chicken, and a few other items. We have Costco membership because there bargains with what they sell, and then Carol gets her medication from them much cheaper than she could anywhere else. We then headed out of town, and just on the outshirts of town we stopped and ate at Wendy's, a nice little fast food place. Carol and I got salads, and were they ever good! Berries of various kinds, lettuce, almonds, and it was very nutritious. When we got in there I remembered that my friends and I ate there on our return trip from the Philippines. Then we drove to a filipina and American's home, and I am actually related to some of that family. The filipina's husband is the uncle of my cousin by marriage. I am a blood relative of her children. Anyway we were full of food, but I ate some grilled onions anyway. The filipina has an adult child, young lady that we ate with in Manila where she lives and works. Her mother wants to bring her to the USA, but it will be a few years yet before she will qualify to come. Anyway this restaurant Wendy's plays Positive Life Radio, a Seventh Day Advent Christian radio station. I think it is so neat that a public restaurant will play Christian music to there customers. We stopped on the way home for a bathroom break, and our daughter drove from that place on, as I was pretty tired. We had a lot of fun with our daughter and granddaughter, and got a few things that we needed at the same time. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 31, 2012 2:26 am

am so happy that I am done with my fire code fees collection and deposit reports. I am so happy that I already submitted them to the Office of the Provincial FIre Marshal in Malaybalay City. It was this morning that I really need to hurry to make it done since we only have on computer here and I need it for me to print my report. Actually I already started the report yesterday and since we do the budget for 2013, thus my report is left behind. But thanks that it is finished. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

As usual, need to attend clients that visits the office. Just so tired sometimes to talk to people who has no understanding or little understanding that always insist that their permits be processed even requirements are not complete. Sometimes, I really need them to talk to my chief so that they will understand more. :oops: :oops: :oops:

As of this month, the collection goes up compare last year. From 27,079 as last year of May 2011, and this year 2012 of May, 50,457, an increase of 86% compare last year. I am glad that our collection increased. As of last month, the Mayor had announced that Valencia City will be converted into a first class city in the Province of Bukidnon. This is due to increase in income and many establishments being built and many investors coming over. Indeed, Valencia City is a progressive city.

This afternoon, I have been waiting for my brother to bring back my things at home. Since vacation is over and school days is here again, I have decided to commute home in two weeks. I believe that there will be a multicab for hire for the commuters and I just really hope that I can still avail it since there are so many students going back to the barrio. This will also help me cut my monthly expenses especially my rent and bills. I believe that I have gained my health and that I can travel going back home soon. :D :P :D :P
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