We got up at 6 a.m. this morning to be at our daughter's house as she had an appointment at the same time as she was supposed to take her daughter to a medical appointment, so we took her. After both were finished with their appointments we drove to Wenatchee, Washington, USA, about 2 hours away for Carol's dental appointment. She has her teeth examined once a year, and then she had an exposed nerve that the dentist covered over, and now she will experience less misery. We drove to Costco, a warehouse type wholesale store, and we ate there as we can eat there cheaper than anywhere else. We then drove back to the dentist which took a long time. Then we drove to the shopping mall, because a friend of our daughter's and granddaughter's paid for her to get her hair trimmed and dyed. After that we went back to Costco to buy some groceries, peanut butter, honey, raisins, oatmeal, lettuce, pickles, chicken, and a few other items. We have Costco membership because there bargains with what they sell, and then Carol gets her medication from them much cheaper than she could anywhere else. We then headed out of town, and just on the outshirts of town we stopped and ate at Wendy's, a nice little fast food place. Carol and I got salads, and were they ever good! Berries of various kinds, lettuce, almonds, and it was very nutritious. When we got in there I remembered that my friends and I ate there on our return trip from the Philippines. Then we drove to a filipina and American's home, and I am actually related to some of that family. The filipina's husband is the uncle of my cousin by marriage. I am a blood relative of her children. Anyway we were full of food, but I ate some grilled onions anyway. The filipina has an adult child, young lady that we ate with in Manila where she lives and works. Her mother wants to bring her to the USA, but it will be a few years yet before she will qualify to come. Anyway this restaurant Wendy's plays Positive Life Radio, a Seventh Day Advent Christian radio station. I think it is so neat that a public restaurant will play Christian music to there customers. We stopped on the way home for a bathroom break, and our daughter drove from that place on, as I was pretty tired. We had a lot of fun with our daughter and granddaughter, and got a few things that we needed at the same time.