What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:44 am

Had great weekend spent in cdo. Went to beach and did window shopping. My baby girl is scared of beach when she saw small fishes underneath the water. One thing foreigners can do better here in phils. is beach resort business. Its always a hit here.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:01 am

Fun at the beach, Wow! I can understand a little one being afraid of the fish in the water. We had fish in a tank when our kids were little, and when the youngest one was an infant, she just loved to watch those fish in the tank. They had a calming affect on her, and it was really fun. Eventually we didn't want to clean the tanks and replentish fish anymore, so fish and tanks are a think of the past!

Yesterday was our granddaughter's graduation, so we spent the whole day going down to the graduation, and eating twice at our daughter's house. It was a lot of fun, and we were proud of our granddaughter for working hard to the finish! She is planning to take the required courses for the nursing program, and then get into the nursing program at the college. We had congratulations painted on both our car and our daughter's car, and then someone wrote some more congratulations on our car. We had a good time, and everyone was happy! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:02 pm

Today I took my son to see his sisters dance company production. He is 21 now but is profoundly autistic and has no verbal skills at all.He seemed to enjoy the show a lot. He does not look like a special needs person at all until you see some of his behaviors. I`m a fairly tall guy at 6'3" and he is several inches taller,strong as a horse. After the show his sisters came and chilled with us for a few minutes in costume.That kind of confused him. We even ran into his mother there(my ex).She made a big deal of not talking to me, I viewed that as my daily blessing.
All in all a pretty nice day
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:10 pm

Well congrats again there Edwin. My son,Nathan is having his graduation in 2 weeks. A full cap and gown affair. He was in special ed programs for the last 16 years and has been living in a group home for the last couple years as he needs round the clock attention. Gonna be an emotional night
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:52 pm

Congratulations to you on your son Nathan's graduation in a couple of weeks. That will be an emotional night for you all!

Today we got up, got around, and drove down the hill to town to go to church. We swung by our daughter's house, picked up our daughter and granddaughter, and they went to church with us as they have been doing for quite some time now, and we are thankful they are going to church! I still miss the piano playing, but it is okay. In the church we have a beautiful grand piano, and a number of talented pianists in the congregation, but no one plays it. I think they just want the guitars, drums, once in a while a keyboard, and sometimes a violin, but no piano, even though the piano is there and talented pianist are there. I haven't bothered to ask anyone why, just noticed and wondered.

Our daughter and granddaughter came home with us for dinner, the mid day meal. Then she got more of her things out of a travel trailer. She an her husband lived in it for a while, and she left those things in it, but now she has taken them, so the next step is a good cleaning.

Then I walked the doggies the 6.5 miles, and now I am eating supper! It has been a very good day! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:52 am

Yesterday morning, we went down the hill, picked up our daughter and her daughter, then we drove to Wenatchee, Washington, which is a 2 hour drive from her house. She was abused by a husband, and he broke her bones several times. She has a lack of feeling in her right hand as a result, so she is seeing Neurologist about that. We went to this membership warehouse type store, Costco, and ate Polish hot dogs and pizzas. Then Carol and our granddaughter stayed there, having fun looking all through the place, dreaming of what to buy, while I went with our daughter to her appointment. Then we went back to Costco and bought a few necessary grocery/food items.

After that we drove to a nearby small town and had fun looking through an antique store where many people have individual booths to sell their used and antique items. We have found things in the past that we have gotten for a very reasonable price, and enjoyed them, and we are still enjoying them. I didn't find anything that I wanted/needed. A year ago I almost bought a very nice padded piano bench, but my piano is very old, 1872, and it would not go with the piano, so I didn't buy it. I have an old bench that I have had to work on to keep it from colapsing, but it goes with the piano better. Carol and the kids found a few things, and it was fun just to look at everthing there.

We then stopped by Wenatchee on our way home and ate at Wendy's Restaurant, which is much like Mcdonald's only better. We had salads with berries and nuts. They play Christian music in that place, and we like to eat there just because of that. We then went on home, and went to a store to buy some milk and bananas. Then we put some gasoline in the car and went home. We got home after 10 p.m., ate some peanut butter honey, and drank some milk, and went to bed. I ate a part of a bar of dark chocolate, much like baker's chocolate, and boy was it good! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:33 am

Well, yesterday was an unusual day in a way. Our youngest daughter came up the hill in the morning. We backed my pickup truck up to one of my reefer trailers, and we loaded a few of her things out of it into the truck. About all that belongs to her has been hauled down the hill to her house by now. About all that is left is a wood cook stove that we are going to give her, and parts to a bed that are buried and have to be dug out, and that will take some time, as they are in the front with lots of boxes stacked in front of them. That will be a project one of these days.

We drove to where she used to live to get an old 1959 2 ton Ford truck that belongs to her. She had a police escort arrainged as that can be a very dangerous place if certain people would come around. We arrived about 45 minutes for time for the police to arrive, but it was obvious that none of those people were there, so we got the old truck started. It had a lot of garbage on the back of it that the people threw on it that had been there. The dump was close, so we went there to dump that garbage. It had not been running long, so she killed the engine at the dump. I towed it to the top of the hill, and she coasted it down, getting it started, and so she headed for town.

In town on main street there is beauty shop where they cut and work on lady's hair. She also cuts, trims, and grooms dog's hair. Evidently this dog did not like his hair cut, because he went running out of her shop and right out in front of our daughter's truck. She slammed on the brakes, swerved, and missed the dog, miraculously. I was sure she would run over it, and she was too, but she killed the engine in the process. She was mad at the dog and the woman, but I told her just wait intil the traffic is less, and we will pull it, which we did, and it started, after which we drove the other 2 miles to her house.

I went with our daughter and granddaughter to the school to try to get her high school diploma, as the school forgot to order it, but she was thinking it was Friday, when it was actually Thursday, so the diploma had not arrived yet. We went back to the house and ate some supper, after which I went with our daughter to take her daughter to a friend's house, and then I came home, and it was a good day, as we accomplished what we wanted with very few problems! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:10 am

My day started at 3 a.m. when I woke up for some reason. I laid in bed for an hour thinking I should sleep, and then I got up, shaved, showeredl, and got ready to go. We then drove off the hill to the South and to the boat for Carol to go to Stehekin. I came back home, changed my clothes, then started carrying dirt out of the cellar with 2 five gallon buckets. I came in to eat my mid day meal about 2 p.m. After eating I was tired, so I sat in my chair and slept until 5 p.m. I then want back and carried all the rest of the dirt that I had loosened. I was about 30 minutes late getting started on our 6.5 mile walk that I do with the doggies most every day, but then it is only about one day away from being the longest sunshine day of the year, so still got back before dark! This has been a good day! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:48 am

Busy day cleaning house and drainage and got busy watched the NBA championship. I am for oklahoma but miami won. I like lebron james but not his team lol.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:44 am

That is natural to like a team mate but not care for the team itself. Yesterday I was going to work for 2 hours before going to get Carol off the boat to take her to the train. I got to looking at the boat schedule and its arrival was earlier than I thought, so I just bagged the working, went right down, pickup our daughter and granddaugther, and we were on our way to get Carol. We dropped her off at our daughter's place, the one she is going on the train with, had a nice lunch, brought egg salad sandwich spread that she made and a loaf of bread for me to eat her, and came home. We had a good trip, and got back a little late, which I figured it would be that way. :D :D :D :D
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