Relationship Problems

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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Edwin » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:05 pm

Yes, if people believe the same it makes for a much more peaceful house! It does help when a couple follows the Biblical teaching for what a family should be. The wife is supposed to submit, and the husband is to love his wife. When the husband is not responsible that makes problems too. Abandonment does not help. Two people pulling together helps get the job done! :D :D
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby m&m » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:07 pm

Financial problem is one of the problem in any relationship even in marriage. It is Biblical that if the husband cannot provide the wife, he is more than an infidel.

Another is, misunderstanding. Misunderstanding in the sense that, there is no good communication to both of the husband and wife. Sometimes, being demanding and controlling is not good. Respect and understanding is very important. For instance, pulse buying is not good. It needs wisdom to spend money. It is important to consider the priorities.

Another problem is, while in dating, the man try to impress the woman to gain her love and later on when they get married, that is not shown or treated to the wife.

Some people says, when they get married, the husband will date his wife even when they got married. That means, how you treated your wife when you are still dating or courting time, is the same way you treated her while married.

This applies to both man and woman. Being honest and true is very important.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:51 pm

Yes, those who do not provide for their own are worse than infidels, or unbelievers. Sometimes things are tough, but God will make a way if we look to Him for help. What is really bad is when the husband drinks and gambles instead of providing for his family. The other thing that is bad is when the husband abandons his family, and leaves them in a hard place to try to survive financially without enough money to buy food, and pay the bills.

Misunderstandings, and being demanding and controlling all make for difficult relationships. None of us wants to have unreasonable demands placed on us, and we don't want to be controlled either. It is better if we are giving from our freewill rather than being demanded of things and controlled. Good commumication is very important!

Often times people do change after they marry, and that is so sad. They are so sweet and loving while they are courting, and then as soon as they are married the real person comes out, which is not a nice person! We need to be true to ourselves and others always, and be loving, forgiving, and kind! :D :D
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby red » Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:50 pm

I think both should work together unless one earn more and no need to work but stay home watch over the kids.
I prefer we rather be living in states coz i will have lots of opportunities vs here. Philippines has high standards for employment with lil salary. So...goodbye phils will go to land of milk and honey. :lol:
Just work hard finances would be resolved.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Edwin » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:55 pm

You are right Red. It is good for two people to work together. If both can work to earn and save that is great. If one needs to stay with the kids, and the other can bring enough money in to take care of things that is great. Both can work to help hold down spending and make the money count. There are things you can do to make the money go further also. We get a lot of our clothing at the Goodwill, which is a place where people bring things they don't want, then Goodwill sells those things very reasonably. They usually hire mostly handicapped type people, and that helps them to have something to live on. Yes, from what I have heard there are more opportunities in the USA. People in the Philippines have to have higher education just to do lower end jobs, and hardly get paid enough to make it pay. That will be nice for you when you get to the USA! :D :D
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:22 am

Yes, it must be worked by the two of you. It is hard if someone do not agree with each other or the one wanted to do the other and the other is doing the opposite one.

When this happens, relationship will be worst and end up broken.
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Re: Relationship Problems

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:12 pm

Yes, working together is what it is all about. There is something about morale boosting from working together. It makes for really good feeling knowing that you and your marriage partner are both working at it. If both people want to work and can that helps out a whole lot. My friend's filipina wife works just so she can send money and things to her family and relatives in the Philippines. Whenever they get there with the things they bring it is like Christmas. I even got in on it, because I brought too much baggage/luggage, and I gave a lot of it away to them to lighten my load. Beyond working at jobs there are little things each marriage partner can do to make life happier. It might be helping cook, cleaning the house, doing the dishes, or any number of things that will make life easier and more fun for both of them! :D :D
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