Dying from cancer

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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:27 am

Well, Carol's brother did die this morning our time at 8:40 a.m., Saturday morning. But, since he was in the Philippines he actually died 11:40 p.m. just before midnight on Saturday evening. His daughter flew over to the Philippines to be with him for a few days, and we were afraid that he might not make it long enough to see her as he was getting pretty low. His mind was good right up until the last, and that was very happy for everyone. Some thought that his mind might be affected in the later stages, but it wasn't, which was very nice. It was almost as if he was waiting to see her as not long after she left he slipped into a coma and never woke up after that. He is now in heaven with Jesus and other loved ones who have gone on before. Carol said that she and her brother would go into the prayer room at church when they were little kids and pray for their Mother. Then he was sent to live with his Dad, and he got kind of bitter after than. He never went to church for many years until about a year ago, and he told his daughter that, in that service he started coming back to the Lord. She told Carol that her Dad, started his praying with "Our dear heavenly father," and she said that she had never heard her Dad pray before, so it was a real treat for her to hear her Dad pray. Carol was really upset hearing of his death even though it was expected. There was only she and her brother. She was raised by her aunt, and her brother stayed with his Dad most of his growing up years. They remained very close all through the years, and now she feels like she is all alone without him. Even though he was in the Philippines for the last 12 years she would see him usually once a year when he and his filipina wife would come to the US. Well, we are very happy that he made the decision to give his life over to the Lord, and now he is with the Lord. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Smiley » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:44 am

I`m sorry for the loss that you and Carol must feel. Her brother has been released. I wish his wife and kids well. I wish you and your wife well.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Smiley » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:45 am

You are in my thoughts tonight
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:51 pm

Thank you, very much, Smilely! He has a couple of bouts with cancer and seemed to win them, but then a year or so later more came back elsewhere. After 2 or 3 surgeries/procedures, then last October he was told that he just had a few months to live. It was a big shock for him, and all of us, but then he settled things with the Lord, and we all felt so much better although he was on a rapid down hill spiril sp? He was happy as well as all of us with his newfound peace in God. Even when you expect it, it is still a shock, and Carol was very distraught last evening over knowing that she lost from this life her only brother. But we have hope in the Lord, and knowing that he is with the Lord, and we will be with him again one day gives great hope and peace. Thanks so much Smiley!
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Smiley » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:10 am

A few years back my sister was the age I am now. Anyway, she was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent a very intensive treatment program. In June of that year,right at the same time as my fathers funeral she was declared to be cancer free. Well she wasn`t and we buried her that Sept. The next week my daughter was diagnosed With Hodgkins Lymphoma,13 clusters,including heart and brain stem.She was not responding to treatment.We were told to prepare for the end.In a matter of weeks she was cancer free and working full time as well as teaching dance and choreography.
You just never know.
That was 6 years ago Still cancer free,still tough,just had her 30th birthday. She will never have kids due to radiation burns on her ovaries but she is dealing quite well with that.
I credit marijuana for a good part of her recovery. It helped her when she was too sick to eat or focus or relax. She was unable to eat or keep food down without it. Also using a juicer helped get some real nutrition into her.
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Re: Dying from cancer

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:30 pm

Smiley, I am sorry for all of your losses, continued battles, and damage from disease. Just like with your daughter being a survivor, my mother was also. She had breast cancer, I think, in her late 40s, and had one breast completely removed. She lived to be I think 89 years old if I remember correctly, and all those years we ever kind of forgot that she ever had cancer, except that she was missing a breast. I have seen more people die from it, than people survive, and what the difference is I don't know. Just like with your sister, Carol's brother was declared cancer free, but with him also, he wasn't, and we are convinced that cancer was taking over his body even while he and all of us thought he was cancer free. He even talked about how healthy he was, less weight, better reading all around, blood pressure, trigliserides, everything, but he was not healthy, just had a false opinion with all of us, then all of a sudden there it was, and progressed to the point that they told him he would die in about 4 months, which happened, and he felt so good at that time, that he told us that he could not believe that he had cancer. Well, he returned to the Philippines just after that the last of October 2011, and by November he was starting to have real symptoms, and by December it was obvious that his health was quickly spiriling downward, and it was a fast decline to the end. We are very happy that he found peace in God, which he had early in his life, like as a little boy, and then he returned to it. His daughter visited him during the last few days of his life in the Philippines, and she said that she could not believe that her Dad was praying, because she said that she had never heard him pray in all her life. We are thankful that he remained alive until she came and visited with him, and he went into a coma right after she left, and never regained consciousness, just as if he was waiting to see her before he died! It is all good now, and he is out of pain, and we will all see him again in heaven. Of course the ones closest to him are still grieving. :D :D :D :D
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