This has been a strange weather summer for us! Early in the summer we had very cold weather and lots of rain periodically. The weather turned very hot for us in August, and was that way for a long time. It has been a long time now since it has rained, and everything is very dry here! We wish we had rain! Now that it is fall, and winter should be coming it is still very hot on some days during the middle of the day. Just a few days ago it was over 100 degrees in the valley, which is very strange this late in the season. We had one night that there was actually ice, frozen water in the water hoses! It got cold enough here to frost a little during a night or two, and it actually feels cold tonight!
Earlier in the summer, August, I learned the hard way that it is too hot to walk the doggies even before noon, which I thought would be cool enough! I had to come back to the house one mile short of the normal walks. My big doggie, Scooby, was not only hot and tire, but he was sick, and I felt really badly about that, but he did recover quickly. I went walking almost as late in the morning just a few mornings ago, and the same thing happened, only he didn't get sick. He just laid down in the shade of the tall weeds, and I knew what that meant. He was hot and tired, so we went right home, skipping the last mile of our walk. I went a little over an hour earlier the next day, and we made it fine that day. When we walk in the evening, the first half of the walk or so is slow, because if he thinks it is hot, he will not walk fast. Towards the end of the walk, it is almost like someone flips a switch. Before the walk is very slow, then with the cooling tempterature he wants to walk faster than I can keep up. He is a Swiss Alps Doggie, and snow, cold, and wind are nothing for him, although I try to keep him warm and safe anyway, but he does not do well in the heat. He dug him a cellar, and if he thinks it is hot he will run down into that cellar! Our doggies are almost human!