There are a few things that amaze me about dogs. One is how much water they can drink by lapping with their tongues. It is interesting that in the Old Testement God gave orders to have army men lap with their tongues to decrease the number of people going with Gideon on his mission. God wanted credit for the victory, and not have a victory because there were numerous people. Anyway, there were only a small portion of them that could lap water with their tongues. It is a skill that no every has. You should try it some time! Anyway we brought this big doggie, Scooby, the one that in the picture, home with us the end of May. It is amazing that we were able to get him to come without biting us, because he didn't know any of us at all, but I led him and talked to him, and my son-in-law followed behind. We managed to shove him in a kennel that he barely fit in, but he was glad to go. At the time he was not being well taken care of, so he was very happy to go with us. We took a large, 4 gallon capacity black tub with us to give him water in. After we got home and the summer weather got hotter, I could just barely keep ahead of his water. I thought the tub was leaking, so I even looked at some new ones. But I discovered when it is hot, he just plain drinks that much water. Then also the tub being black causes the sun rays to be absorbed and the water evaporates quite quickly also. We water him with that tub in the summer, and we water him with a one gallon capacity heated water dish in the winter, so that it will not freeze over. One gallon is enough in the winter, and easy to keep ahead of, but in the summer I always give him 2 gallons, and if we are going to be gone for the day, I put a third gallon in, just to make sure that he does not run out of water. After we get back from our 2 hour walk in the summer just after the sun has gone down, he drinks an unbelieveable amount of water! He is an amazing dog, and our other dog is also. Our other doggie, Rand, has 3 places he can drink water. I have water in 5 gallon buckets in the bathroom that he can drink out of, then Carol has water for him beside his food, and also I started leaving a gallon container of water for him at the front door, so that he can have water when he is outside! They are both amazing doggies, and members of our family!