What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:24 am

The thunder and lightening is going like everything here! I am surprise my big doggie, Scooby, is not complaining about it, but after last night maybe he thinks it is no big deal. He may be in his house sound asleep also. He really complained about it last night. He was quiet, but complaining none the less! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:26 am

he he how did scooby complain to you sir? did he talk? ha ha! joke.
i know dogs complain when lightening or thunder they are restless and are trying to hide. Our dobberman dog Butch died last month. We didnt make him decent funeral. We were out of town when he died. Our help just found him dead on his pen. We suspected snake bite him. We did not investigate further. Joy-joy our german dog wont talk if i will ask him lol
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:51 am

That is funny, Red! :lol: :lol: What he did was that he whined and cried, not loudly though. I think he got used to it, because he didn't complain as much last night although there was more thunder and lightening, and it was closer! I think when we have the windows open because of it being so hot, and he hears and sees us, he wants some attention also! That might be part of it as well.

I am sorry to hear of the passing of your dobberman, Butch! :( :( You do have poisonous snakes that you have to watch out for also, huh? That is a danger to you and your pets, is it not?

So Joy-joy will not tell what happened. The snake must have threatened him not to talk! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby red » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:31 pm

Could be. Snakes here are dangerous too. We arent sure if its snake that killed Butch. Joy joy cant tell though guess he is scared lol
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:13 am

I'll bet he is scared! Poor doggie, and the snake is telling him, "Don't tell!" Anyway when my brother-in-law first went to the Philippines to live about 14 or so years ago, his filipina was still working in Manila, and they were living in an apartment there. They had a flood and they had to wade through waist deep water, and they said there were poisonous snakes floating in the water! Of course my brother-in-law was not a Christian then, and he was cussing, and his filipina was praying! A short time before he died he was praying too, and meaning it, and that was very comforting for us! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:39 pm

Our dogs and our bird, or our daughter's bird do really well. The big dog Scooby has a large yard to be in where he can see everything that happens. They all get fed what they want to eat. You have to ration food to some dogs or they will eat until they get fat, but not our dogs. They will not eat more than they need. The smaller dog lives in and out of the house, and the big dog, Scooby has his own house, that is heated with a light bulb in the winter. He dug a hole so he can be cool in the summer. Scooby is always okay out there as we see that he had plenty of fresh water all the time. We take our other dog, Rand, with us everywhere we go. He is very well behaved, so we never have to worry about him doing something he shouldn't do. He just stays in our daughter's house while we go to church. We are careful never to leave our dogs in a hot car at all, so they do fairly well. The bird lives high on the top of a freezer where he can have a bird's eye view! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:48 pm

Rand, the smaller of the two doggies, is in and out of the house as he wishes, and is a very well behaved doggie. As I was digging in the cellar I dug off the place where he walked down into the cellar and out of it. I wondered what he would do, and I thought if he were stranded I could always lift him out. It was left about 4.5 feet, and I learned that he can jump! He jumps in and out of the cellar. He likes it down there because it is cool. He gets so tired watching me work that he has to lay right down and take a nap! He likes it so well down there that he goes down there sometimes when I am not down there working. He actually loves to be with Carol and I. Both these doggies are just full of love in their hearts. I have some garbage in a uhaul type trailer that I have, and I was going through some garbage looking for something I think I have thrown away by accident, but I never found it. Anyway I found this bottle; I think it was salzar water or something, and I decided I should pour it out, because I didn't need to pay for weight from it. I didn't see Rand laying just beside the trailer, so I poured it right on his head! :lol: :lol: He was probably sleeping before that. He did not like to have that stuff poured on him at all. He pushed himself around in the grass trying to get it all off. I felt badly that I had done that to him, even though it was not on purpose, but at the same time it was kind of funny too! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:45 am

There are a few things that amaze me about dogs. One is how much water they can drink by lapping with their tongues. It is interesting that in the Old Testement God gave orders to have army men lap with their tongues to decrease the number of people going with Gideon on his mission. God wanted credit for the victory, and not have a victory because there were numerous people. Anyway, there were only a small portion of them that could lap water with their tongues. It is a skill that no every has. You should try it some time! Anyway we brought this big doggie, Scooby, the one that in the picture, home with us the end of May. It is amazing that we were able to get him to come without biting us, because he didn't know any of us at all, but I led him and talked to him, and my son-in-law followed behind. We managed to shove him in a kennel that he barely fit in, but he was glad to go. At the time he was not being well taken care of, so he was very happy to go with us. We took a large, 4 gallon capacity black tub with us to give him water in. After we got home and the summer weather got hotter, I could just barely keep ahead of his water. I thought the tub was leaking, so I even looked at some new ones. But I discovered when it is hot, he just plain drinks that much water. Then also the tub being black causes the sun rays to be absorbed and the water evaporates quite quickly also. We water him with that tub in the summer, and we water him with a one gallon capacity heated water dish in the winter, so that it will not freeze over. One gallon is enough in the winter, and easy to keep ahead of, but in the summer I always give him 2 gallons, and if we are going to be gone for the day, I put a third gallon in, just to make sure that he does not run out of water. After we get back from our 2 hour walk in the summer just after the sun has gone down, he drinks an unbelieveable amount of water! He is an amazing dog, and our other dog is also. Our other doggie, Rand, has 3 places he can drink water. I have water in 5 gallon buckets in the bathroom that he can drink out of, then Carol has water for him beside his food, and also I started leaving a gallon container of water for him at the front door, so that he can have water when he is outside! They are both amazing doggies, and members of our family! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:41 pm

My doggie, Rand, misses Carol also when she is not here. He just barked really loud, and then came over and sat right on the corner of my bed about 2 feet from me where I am typing on the computer. Crisi, he gets really close to me on my bed, when Carol is not here and he is afraid! The big doggie outside, Scooby was barking too, and that may be what alerted him. I thought I should look to see what they were barking, and it was a jet airplane. They are afraid of jet airplanes also! Last night he was climbing from the bed onto my lap. He wants to be a lap doggie! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What Would Your Life Be Like If You Were a Dog or a Bird?

Postby Edwin » Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:11 am

Basement, tomatoes,dogs,and moon 2012, Oct_edited-1.jpg

Both these doggies originally belonged to two of our granddaughters. The smaller of the two is actually a large dog, so that tells you how big the larger of the two is. We don't know what breed Rand, the smaller dog is. Scooby is a Great Swiss Mountain Dog, and he is a cousin of the Saint Bernard dog. He has the large size, but he has finer bones, and is not a stocky as the Saint Bernard is. They are both wonderful dogs! I never realized before how much dogs really love you, but these dogs love us very much, and they show it every day. They are very loyal and very loving! :D :D
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