Yes, Crisi, long hair is more difficult to manage. With shoulding length cut, it will grow out quickly when you want longer hair. My mother had long black hair, part American Indian, until my Dad died, then she had it cut fairly short and wore it that way the rest of her life. I like long hair, and tried to encourage Carol to have long hair, but it doesn't work for her because her hair is so thin. She has retained her natural hair color much longer than most people. She is now past 70 years old, and her hair just recently started turning gray, but it still mostly has her natural hair color. Carol has her hair cut very short every so often. When the heat of the summer came she had it cut to get it off the back of her neck. I don't argue with her about that, and she has it cut however she wants. Our kids cut hair for both Carol and I, and that works great!